Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Principles of Visual Communication Messages Essay - 1

Principles of Visual Communication Messages - Essay Example This paper highlights that the scene where the art was created is some distance away from where community members reside. They were trying to raise some money by converting the parking lot into a modern park with a good playground. It is one of the strongest examples of my artistic work that has been nicely decorated to capture almost all aspects of the modern artistic work. This is because of the color used, outward appearance and the shape of the art. Its outward image also gives more than one representation of what the artist was trying to explain unlike his first artistic work that showed only one meaning. There was no mixing of information and the features presented within the art are proportional to one another. This work is of high quality though seen by most people as cheap and low in quality. For this reason, most people consider his work as deceitful. In fact, this type of work is not devious since an experienced and knowledgeable individual does it. â€Å"Davis argues tha t he normally does his work in this manner in order to save time and avoid arrest by law enforcers†. Ethical perspective â€Å"The image produced has some ethics in it, for instance the car parking being changed to a park implies that there are some reasons for that; may be the surrounding has attractive environmental features where people may relax their minds by looking at them rather than being a parking lot.† The presence of a person within the work shows that it is meant for people and the way it is presented shows ethics since there is no disorderliness. It is also clear and of three-dimensional appearances and; therefore, the whole piece can be easily analyzed. It can also be photocopied easily and produce other similar pieces within a very short time unlike other art works which are in sketchy form .

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