Monday, August 12, 2019

Prepare a brief summary report on 3 key employment relations issues Essay - 1

Prepare a brief summary report on 3 key employment relations issues for an Australian company about to expand its operations into a country in Europe or Asia - Essay Example Such expansion is usually a resultant of continuous profit making and can either be within or without the business host country. When looking to expand a business into another country, it is vital to take into contemplation numerous factors. The employment relation issue is one key factor including others such as the costs of operations in that business and the trade market exchange prevailing in the country. All these factors are taken into account prior to such ventures in preparation for all and any situations that might arise (Dascalova, 2008: p.82). In an instance like this where an enterprise is venturing all the way into another continent, it is of upmost importance that research and such preparations conducted. This highly attributes to the fact that such places depict remarkably different environments and operational responsibilities, laws and regulations. Employment relations issues mainly deal with the pertinent issues between a business or employer and its employees. The management of employee relations is paramount in ensuring that the business ideals and goals are upheld while also catering for the rights of employees. It advocates for a win-win position on both sides of the business and employees. The business may, for example, may manage this relation by establishing of regulations regarding discipline, performance, conflict of interests and conduct. Employees, on the other hand, are safeguarded labor laws and regulations, employee unions and rights groups among others (Walters, 2011:42). India, a country in Asia is well known for its large involvement in commercial and technological development. It is also highly densely populated and developed thus making it a significant target market for most companies. Due to this, the country has stipulated substantial labor laws that are as a hindrance for the current slow pace in developmental growth (McNair, 2009: p.2). There are various employment relation issues in the country that would have

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