Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why Npv Is the Best Method for Project Appraisal

A rational capital budgeting functionality should answer two major questions. First is that, whether one particular project is a good one? Second, if we get more than one available project opportunities, but we should choose only one of them, which one should be that â€Å"one†? In real life we very frequently come across with question like whether to pick up a lump some payment of retirement account accumulated during years or receiving monthly retirement pensions until the rest of our life. In this case, NPV is the most appropriate answer out of two or three most widely used techniques in capital decision making.While doing so we also should keep in mind two major features of NPV: 1) in monetary terms, NPV is the difference between today’s market value of the investment and its original cost. 2) a financial manager should always act on behalf of the interests of shareholders through distinguishing and picking up projects with positive NPV, since it’s very clear that the ultimate target of any investment is the maximization of owners’ wealth. Another major characteristic of NPV is that they cannot be straightforwardly originated in the market, so they need to be estimated.Since there’s always the possibility of a poor estimation, financial managers need to use a number of other criterions for project evaluation for additional information regarding whether or not an investment has a positive NPV indeed. (fundamentals corporate finance) Internal rate of return and payback period are the major evaluation tools used by supervisors as an alternative to NPV. It might be feasible to use mentioned methods during evaluation process as well, however each of these methods has very significant shortcomings.For example: Major drawback of IRR is that it states the result in terms of percentage rather than through monetary amounts (variances in scale). Comparison through only percentage results while considering the overall purpose of maxim ization of shareholders’ wealth can be a misleading approach during evaluating investments. (Atrill/McLnaey) Then when assessing mutually exclusive projects IRR rule can lead to an incorrect decision making, due to its reinvestment assumptions. The assumption of reinvestment of proceeds derived from the project supports the consideration of superiority of NPV over IRR.According to the assumption if NPV is accepted then the cash flows derived from the project could be reinvested maximum as the cost of capital. But IRR assumes that all cash flows from the investment can be reinvested with the same IRR of the original project. Theory states that, a firm should take all projects which a return that exceeds the cost of capital but any other available funds could only be reinvested at the cost of capital and this assumption is consistent with NPV approach mentioned. drury) Major shortcomings of payback period can be concluded as 1) ignorance of cash flows beyond the payback period, 2) its failure to contribute to the owners’ wealth while it underlines taking projects that recover original costs most quickly and 3) its ignorance of time factor. For instance: If one borrows a student loan which has a payback period of 13 years, the full amount of the loan is due 13 years after the first payment, which occurs on an agreed-upon date. Over the course of the payback period, a borrower must either pay back the loan with his own finance take out a different loan to pay off the first.As a conclusion I would like to stress that, during project evaluation two essential facts should be considered thorugh a well-grounded method of assessment. The first one is the rule â€Å"cash is the king† (cash can be invested anyway or another when it’s available) and the second one is the time value of money. This suports the fact that the money is to be invested immediately where it could result in capital gain and. Then since purchasing power diminishes year by year due, the most correct method of the capital budgeting is the one that combines both the risk,inflation and time factors such as NPV. (management acc for business decisions)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography

Choledocholithiasis (which called bile duct stones or gall bladder stones in the bile duct) is the presence of stones from gall bladder in the common bile duct. Stones usually form in gall bladder but they sometimes pass through the cystic duct into common bile duct. There are many symptoms of gallstone in common bile duct. For example; abdominal pain (in the right upper or middle upper abdomen), fever, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting and clay-colored stools. So, this condition diagnosed and treated by ERCP. ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is a procedure that enables doctor to examine the pancreatic and bile ducts by insert lighted tube which called endoscope (like the thickness of your index finger) is placed through the mouth and into stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum) exactly in (ampulla) and passed of cannula (which a small plastic tube) through the endoscope and into this opening with injected contrast material and X-rays are taken to study the common bile duct. Fluoroscopy is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic image of the inside of the body frequently after the administration of the contrast media with the use of persistent x-ray beam that passes through the area of interest and later the attenuated beam that come out of the patient is received by a video monitor to view the body part motion in details. The fluoroscopic studies can efficiently detect variety of abnormalities of different body systems such as the skeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and urinary system. (University of Rochester Medical Center,2018). In this assignment I will discuss about equipment used in ERCP, role of radiographer in ERCP, technical and exposure consideration of ERCP and case study. ? ERCP Equipment ERCP contain endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Fluoroscopy consists of C-arm and monitor. Endoscopy consist of flexible tube which called endoscope with at the end it contain a tiny video camera and light. There is a canal inside components of the scope through which thin instruments are passed and can be poked out the tube's end. These instruments include a catheter, balloon, basket, sphincterotome, biopsy forceps and cytology brush and stents. So, for injecting contrast media into the ducts by used of catheter. Used of balloon is to stretch tight areas of the bile duct or pancreatic duct. Also, for removing and manipulating stones used of basket, and to incise tissue and make the bile duct or pancreatic duct opening larger used of a sphincterotome. Biopsy forceps and cytology brush use to obtain microscopic exam, and use stent to bridge blockages. Other openings allow the doctor to suck out water or air inside digestive system as well as clean the camera lens. Control the movement of the tube by gently pushing and pulling on its outside end is done by the doctor while also steering the inside end with control knobs that the doctor holds in his hand. Video television screen in the procedure room is received images from the endoscope. Also, obtain an x-ray image of the bile duct and pancreatic duct by the fluoroscopy. Role of Radiographer in ERCP:Before examination:First, asked to remove any clothing or jewelry that may get in the way of the body area to be examined and wear gown. Then, check name and an identification number of the patient. Third, prepare the C-arm machine and the monitor. Fourth, positioned on the x-ray table depending on what the doctor want. Fifth, make sure everyone who stays in ERCP room wear lead apron. During examination: Regarding on department's equipment, radiographer may have to stay out in the control panel or may be able to stand in the room to x-ray. stand in the room to x-ray In the latter, it is important to pay close attention so as not to miss cue to x-ray. The doctor will ask the radiographer to x-ray when it is required if screen or spot. Also, the radiographer be attention for doctor and patient condition.After examination:The radiographer save the image and sent it. Make sure the machine is clean. Technical of ERCP:Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technique that to diagnose and treat diseases regarding to the pancreatobiliary system by used of endoscopy and fluoroscopic imaging. The endoscopic portion of the examination uses endoscope that is passed through the esophagus and stomach and into the second portion of the duodenum. For obtaining high-quality radiographic images and for the prevention of pulmonary aspiration and considered optimal for cannulation of the papilla, so ERCP is performed with the patient in the prone position. But, patients who can not able for prone position for ERCP are often placed in the left lateral decubitus or supine positions.Radiation exposure consideration of ERCP:In ERCP the fluoroscopy time is shorter when ERCP is performed by doctor who has many years experience of done ERCP and carried out a large number of ERCPs in the past year. In general, radiation exposure is higher during therapeutic ERCP than during diagnostic ERCP. Radiation dose to patients during ERCP depends on many factors, and the doctor unable to control some variables which are patient size, procedure type, or fluoroscopic equipment used. In a recent prospective study where ERCP instruments used for example, stent insertion, lithotripsy, needle-knife, biopsies, the use of a guide wire or additional wires other than the standard, a balloon and catheter, that will significantly increase fluoroscopy duration.Patient preparation and care:Before the examination, the stomach should be empty. The patient who does the ERCP must not eat anything after midnight on the evening before the exam. Regarding for examination time, if the procedure is done early in the morning, no drinks must be taken, but if examination is done at noon time, a cup of tea, juice, milk, or coffee can be taken four hours earlier. medications of heart and blood pressure must always be taken with a little amount of water in the early morning. The patient needs to have a companion drive them home after the procedure, since the procedure will require intravenous sedation.To cause relaxation and sleepiness, the patient will be given medications through a vein. Local anesthetic is given to the patient to decrease the gag reflex. Some doctors prefer to give the patients more intravenous medications for sedation, so do not use local anesthetic. This also applies to those patients who cannot tolerate the bitter taste of the local anesthetic or who have a history of allergy to xylocaine and the numbness sensation in the throat. The intravenous medication is given, while the patient is lying on the left side on the X-ray table, and then the instrument is inserted gently through the mouth into the duodenum. The instrument advances through the food passage and not the air passage. It does not interfere with the breathing and gagging is usually prevented or decreased by the medication. After the examination, patients must be observed in the recovery place until most of the effects from the medications have worn off. This sometimes takes one to two hours. Case study:Â   This case study is about 77 years old female patient with H/O common bile duct stones. The condition start 8 months ago by right upper abdominal pain and clay colored stools. The patient came to Royal Hospital and the doctor decided to take x-ray first. So, they found 3 large stones in common bile duct. Then the doctor decided to do ERCP. The ERCP was done in 7/5/2018. The doctor saw a perimapullary diverticulum and with injected contrast through common bile duct, the cholangiogram showed 3 large stones proximally back to back, the balloon was used to remove the stones. However, this patient was uncooperative, so stenting done in long time with use 9cm plastic biliary stent with good bile drainage.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advertising and promotion of Galaxy chocolate Essay

Advertising and promotion of Galaxy chocolate - Essay Example mers. Marketing further involves selling, advertising as well as bring products to the people. PROCESS FOR THE FORMULATION OF A BUDGET FOR AN INTEGRATED PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY The first process in formulation of an integrated promotion budget entails objectives setting.Whereby, decision makers should determine the current and future of an organisation and integrate those goals in budget formulation.The second process entails determination of organization resources.This means that financial resources,assets and liabilities of a business should be taken into account when formulating a budget for promotion of galaxy Chocolate.The third process entails projection of company future needs.This can be done by looking on the company’s future data and projecting on the company’s future needs.Under this stage, the company may consider the four marketing mix namely 4p’s,meaning; product,price,promotion and place.The fourth process involves seeking approval of the formulated b udget from the budgeting committee. While the fifth process of formulating a budget for an integrated promotion entails distribution of the approved funds. Finally the last process may entail evaluation and monitoring of whether the approved budget is being utilized appropriate in promotion of galaxy chocolate (Richard, paras.2-8). DEVELOPMENT OF A PROMOTIONAL PLAN FOR GALAXY CHOCOLATE The plan shall include tools and techniques that will be utilized in promotion of galaxy chocolate. In addition, this plan will incorporate a promotion budget as well as adjustments that will be made in order to cope with product cycle adjustments. Some of the tools and techniques that will be utilized include; Advertisement tools such T.V shows, bill boards, news papers and magazines. On the other hand, promotion tools such as free gift will be given as well as use of personal selling. The estimated budget for promotion and advertisement is estimated to be $12000 per month. The adjustment that will b e put at the decline stage of the product will include phase withdrawal as well finding a niche market to exploit the available opportunities (Pride, William and Ferrell, p.78). INTEGRATION OF PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQUES INTO THE PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY FOR GALAXY CHOCOLATE There are various forms of promotion/advertisement techniques that may be utilized in promotion of galaxy chocolate produc

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Secondhand Smoke in Asthmatic Children Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Secondhand Smoke in Asthmatic Children - Article Example Results of the study conducted by Dr. Robert McMillen and others (2003), show that 70% of US adult smokers do not prohibit or do not have smoking prohibitions at home which puts their spouses', children's and other inhabitants' health at risk. The same study confirmed that parent's cigarette consumption influence their children's exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) (McMillen, 2003). According to Randall (2006), secondhand smoke, also known as passive smoke, is the involuntary breathing of other people's smoke. In his study, he found out that more than 40% of British children live in a house with at least one person smoking. And secondhand smoke being worse than firsthand smoke, these children is even more in danger of acquiring illnesses such as asthma. Asthma is said to be the most common chronic illness in children (Hansen, 2002). And because studies show that a large number of US homes do not prohibit smoking inside the house, there is a great possibility that the children acquire or inhale some of the secondhand smoke from cigarette and tobacco.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Principles of Visual Communication Messages Essay - 1

Principles of Visual Communication Messages - Essay Example This paper highlights that the scene where the art was created is some distance away from where community members reside. They were trying to raise some money by converting the parking lot into a modern park with a good playground. It is one of the strongest examples of my artistic work that has been nicely decorated to capture almost all aspects of the modern artistic work. This is because of the color used, outward appearance and the shape of the art. Its outward image also gives more than one representation of what the artist was trying to explain unlike his first artistic work that showed only one meaning. There was no mixing of information and the features presented within the art are proportional to one another. This work is of high quality though seen by most people as cheap and low in quality. For this reason, most people consider his work as deceitful. In fact, this type of work is not devious since an experienced and knowledgeable individual does it. â€Å"Davis argues tha t he normally does his work in this manner in order to save time and avoid arrest by law enforcers†. Ethical perspective â€Å"The image produced has some ethics in it, for instance the car parking being changed to a park implies that there are some reasons for that; may be the surrounding has attractive environmental features where people may relax their minds by looking at them rather than being a parking lot.† The presence of a person within the work shows that it is meant for people and the way it is presented shows ethics since there is no disorderliness. It is also clear and of three-dimensional appearances and; therefore, the whole piece can be easily analyzed. It can also be photocopied easily and produce other similar pieces within a very short time unlike other art works which are in sketchy form .

Monday, August 26, 2019

Correlation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Correlation - Assignment Example Correlation helps so much and the complex correlational designs that are there recently are of so much help since they allow very little causal inferences (Riccardo, 2005). Some of the variables such as those which are related to malnutrition and other cases like age and birth order since they correlational in nature. They require correlational evidence in order to be proven scientifically. Correlation is also very important in statistics since it helps us so much to make predictions since when one is able to understand the score of something one is able to predict more accurately the next score having basis on correlation. Under controlled experimental conditions the evidence that has been gotten from studies that have used correlation one can be able to test the evidence. Correlation is a very good method and by the use of its designs appropriately causal inferences are limited. It is cheaper when using some of the correlation. Most of the methods used in correlation are not expensive. It is very fast and cheap and also easy to apply. It helps the researchers to collect data in a very short time. Correlation is very effective (Thomas,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Describe a place, environment or setting where you feel completely Essay

Describe a place, environment or setting where you feel completely content. What are your experiences there and why is it significant to you - Essay Example The bright colored paint on the wall sends everyone a feeling of liveliness and vibrancy. It also brings a dynamic atmosphere to the room which allows us to showcase our talents and be true to ourselves. They have people who are from different countries, different casts, different religion but we all live like a family. We respect each other, our ideologies and learn from each other. We all don’t care who we are and where we come from. All we care is, we share the same passion and that is why we all are here enjoying at the fullest. Then in the same room, there’s this beautiful and dramatic cityscape wall mural of New York City and Paris which helped me to come up with many interesting ideas such as backpacking and planning to visit New York and explore around Europe. All of these feelings and aura coinciding and balancing each other out creates a perfect harmony flowing throughout the room. Personally, BPP is more significant to me more than anywhere else. Not only it helps me escape from the noisy world but also gives me the courage to grow up and the motivation to bring out the talent which was hiding inside me. It has given me a new life by helping me coming out of my shell. I have been associated with them for more than four years now and have taken part in dancing, modeling and choreographing and still want to do more, learn more and share my talent to others. I had modeled for Dillard’s prom dresses, Halloween costumes, summer clothing and business attire. I also modeled for W by Azwell Clothing Store. I even went to Dallas for Model and Talent Expo. I joined the model competition, one-person monologue, and two-person monologue. I surprisingly won 2nd Place in two-person monologue! I was so impressed by myself. I also performed at the Mrs. Arkansas America Pageant in Hot Springs, Arkansas in 2011, 2012 and 2013. BPP has completely changed my personality; I am no more hesitant neither I escape from people or gatherings. I love to hang out with

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Developing Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Developing Manager - Essay Example The theory had the following principles; the managers should come up with a process for every type of component of an employee’s job, encourage specialization, choose and coach employees scientifically, plan and programme the jobs, develop patterns for time and ways for each job and use wage as a motivation. A French engineer Henri Fayol came up with a clear difference between the operating and management departments of an organization, known as the â€Å"administrative theory†. He classified five key roles for managers; developing, organizing, coordinating, directing and commanding. Max Weber and Chester Barnard also contributed to the administrative theory. Max Weber made a â€Å"bureaucracy concept†, the main objective of this concept was to plan a system and methods to certify that all workers were being treated justly. Mary Parker Follett contributed to the administrative theory by highlighting the importance of the employees’ contribution, resolving differences and mutual objectives. Companies like McDonald’s still use the classical management theories. Large firms that are economizing by letting employees go and turning more efficient also use classical theories of management. (Lussier, 2008) This theory emphasized on the fact that human skills are more important as compared to technical skills. In a study conducted by Joan Woodward he showed how technology has an effect on the structure of the firm. She stated that the structure of the firm changes when technology changes. This study also demonstrated that the classical theory was effective when the firm adopted mass production technologies, and the behavioural theory was effective when the production was on a small scale. (Lussier, 2008) There are many types of management style that a firm can use, which style it chooses has a great influence on how efficient the employees are. Firm usually use a combination of all the management styles to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Between the Birksian theory and the traditional approach in the Dissertation

Between the Birksian theory and the traditional approach in the English law of Unjust Enrichment - Dissertation Example It is necessary to create delineation between the possible remedies that the law offers in case of financial loss, or the enrichment of one-party beyond a reasonable measure of proportionality. The development of this principle throughout the centuries will be touched upon in this analysis, as well as the simplification of the legal landscape regarding unjust enrichment based on the principle of "absence of basis". Unjust enrichment is connected with the principle of restitution, which stands opposed to the principle of compensation. It is a matter of a remedy based upon the gain of one-party, or a remedy based upon loss to another party. RESTITUTION A court-ordered attempt to make restitution requires the offending party to surrender gains into the hands of the plaintiff/claimant. (The defendant must grant reparations to an aggrieved party in response to a loss which has occurred in a manner for which the defendant is found to be liable. The benefits or financial advantages accrued by the defendant are restored to the plaintiff based on an understanding of a legitimate claim to said benefits. In the case of contractual obligations the value of funds or properties included in the contract that will be included in the restitution judgment. Another situation in which restitution is appropriate would be the vindication of property rights which have been abrogated by some action – or failure to take action on part of the defendant. (Graham, 2006). Issues of restitution pertaining to unjust enrichment often hinge upon whether a contract exists in reality, or whether it is simply implied in assumpsit as an outgrowth of other legal processes. Situations or countries where implied contractual obligations are nonbinding challenge the premise of restitution or unjust enrichment. Here the principal issue becomes one of misrepresentation of the legal obligations and subsequent remedies mandated under principles of restitution. (Indian Contract Law, 1872) COMPENSATIO N Compensation represents payment for damages as deemed appropriate by the court. Damages can take the form of injuries or violations of duties based upon pre-existing legal obligations, or as a result of tort law. A principal difference between the gain in based restitution and loss-based compensation is that restitution would require reparation for gains that should otherwise have been shared by the defendant. Where compensation is required, and expectation of gain need not exist – all that is acquired is the ability to demonstrate that actions (or negligence) on part of the defendant was directly attributable to injury, loss, or harm suffered by the plaintiff/claimant. Compensation is also appropriate in cases of breach of contract. If the defendant enters into a binding agreement to utilize the products or services of another party, and that secondary party is required to expend funds or resources in response to work that does not occur as ordered, or a purchase that is n ot perceived as agreed, then damages are appropriate. The claimant could have undertaken agreement with other parties, and the expenditure of resources without agreed-upon compensation involves the loss of those resources without the promised revenue. Where compensation is appropriate, the defendant need not necessarily have profited themselves, as would be the

Econ 4020 reaction paper 10-11 Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Econ 4020 reaction 10-11 - Term Paper Example It means that the economy flourishes at first and then it falls suddenly. Therefore, boom and bust cycle is realized (Koo, 2003). The only way to get out of a recession is through a sustained public sector spending. It can be attained through the use of monetary policy, fiscal policies, government increasing spending and reduction of taxes. Monetary policies such as increasing interest rates of borrowing will deter private investors from borrowing. They will rather use their savings to finance investment. In the process, the more money will be released into the economy, thus, more money will circulate in the market. Therefore, this will bring down the rate of inflation and spark economic growth. Government spending should be increased for the economy to grow again. The government should service Treasury bond and initial public offers so that its citizens can gain capital to reinvest. By doing this, borrowings by citizens will reduce. As a result, private sector debt will reduce drastically, mainly because the investors will be able to repay their debt. Reduction of taxes will help a great deal in tackling a re cession. In doing this, the capital of the investors will increase. Therefore, the economy will grow since the spending power of the citizens has been

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The significance of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Essay Example for Free

The significance of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Essay The significance of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The class action Brown v. Board of Education is recognized as one of the greatest decision in the twentieth century by the Supreme Court. This court held unanimously that racial discrimination of kids in public schools desecrated the Equal protection clause in the constitution. Even though the decision was not successful in United States in completely desegregating public education, it incited the civil rights movement which was emerging into a popular revolution and also succeeded in putting constitution on the side of the racial equality. Many regions of United States had numerous segregated schools in 1954 and this was made legal in plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 where it was held that isolated public facilities were constitutional provided that white and black facilities were â€Å"equal† to each other. But, by mid-twentieth century the civil rights groups established political and legal challenges to racial discrimination. In early 1950’s some class lawsuits were initiated as a way of seeking court orders to oblige school districts to allow black students to attend white public schools. Brown v. Board of education case was one of the class actions which were initiated against the Topeka. In this case Brown argued that Topeka’s racial discrimination violated the clause of equal protection of United States constitution. This decision by the Supreme Court declared discrimination in the educational facilities was unconstitutional. Supreme Court through this decision ended the notion that â€Å"separa te† could be termed as being â€Å"equal† (Retrieved May 5, 2014, from How did the Tet Offensive change American public opinion about the war in Vietnam?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tet offensive which was televised in the United States nightly surprised a lot of Americans who had the idea previously of United States easily taking care of the enemy. United States forces pushed the Vietnamese forces back where they eventually caused huge casualties on them however the effect of fighting on United States public opinion was very huge(Retrieved May 6, 2014, from Briefly describe the factors that brought an end to the Cold War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The cold war came to an end since a reformist faction of the communist party came to power in the USSR with Andropov, and then again with Gorbachev, since the old-guard, and just plain old, soviet leaders kept dying. Gorbachev from a younger generation had a much more critical attitude towards the UUSR and was much more educated, intelligent, worldly and open-minded than any other previous leader who is more than Reagan too. There was, however, one other group responsible for the end of the cold war: the individuals of the USSR and Eastern Europe who protests and organized at great personal risks. Their protests and Gorbachev’s acceptance of their roles brought about the end of the cold war not United States arms deployment which may have delayed the whole process (Retrieved May 6, 2014, from Briefly describe the reason the Clinton administration embraced NAFTA and the WTO and why the WTO was such a controversial organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clinton’s administration was aimed at curbing international and domestic terrorism. Clinton administration efforts were aimed at rewarding those who worked. WTO is a basic international body which is aimed at assisting in the free trade. Controversy has faced WTO where it has been hijacked through county interests therefore worsening the lot of poor, intense criticism and inviting protest (Retrieved May 6, 2014, from References How did the Tet Offensive affect public opinion about the Vietnam War?. (n.d.). How did the Tet Offensive affect public opinion about the Vietnam War?. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from The WTO and Free Trade. (n.d.). Global Issues. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from What events started and ended the Cold War?. (n.d.). WikiAnswers. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from supreme court. (n.d.). PBS. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from Source document

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ethical issues in Monsters Inc.

Ethical issues in Monsters Inc. The movie Monsters Inc. tells us about the minor world that includes humans are living their life without any little knowledge about the other side of the world. This is the world where even a single child knows the exit and then the place is incorporates real monsters in the closet. The world of monsters is quite different from the human world. The first difference is related to the scary monsters have made the land dense with its population. Therefore, electricity which is generated through geothermal, solar, or fossil fuels etc. was produced by exploiting the power of children’s screams. The monster world is facing a severe energy crisis due to the fact that children are getting less sensitive to the scare tactics of monsters due to the productions demonstrated in games, video games, and television. Business Portrayal of Monster, Inc. The business world at Monsters Inc. is depicted basically in a positive light. The adversary in the film was not stretched out to incorporate Monsters Inc. in general however rather was depicted as character blemishes in the identities of two monsters. At Monsters Inc., representatives are reasonably joyful. This is portrayed throughout the morning get-together where representatives cheerfully welcome one another and also talks in an energized way about the other days work. There are sufficient precautions set up to ensure the wellbeing of the workers. For example, the Child Detection Agency (CDA) is a SWAT-like group that assembles at whatever point there is a reported locating of human world items like toys, attire, or real youngsters, spanning the dimensional crevice and entering the world of monsters. Human articles or kids are considered to a great degree lethal and perilous (Anderson, 2001). The CDA is in charge of catching all unworldly protests and detoxifying all beasts that have come into contact with such objects. Furthermore, due to the mechanical supplies used to bring kids doors to the monster world, employees are obliged to wear hard caps for assurance if there should be an occurrence of the malfunctioning of an equipment. The last case displayed to depict the business world as positive is that of the satisfactory break structure and work plan. Workers work throughout ordinary daytime business hours, are given time off for lunch breaks, and are left at their recreation to appreciate evening exercises, for example, participating in dates, going out to supper, or for the relaxation at home. Ethical considerations and policies Ethical Issue # 1 The first ethical issue that is observed in this particular film is related to the generation of energy at Monster, Inc. Just like humans, monster enjoy utilizing electricity at their houses for various uses like watching televisions and to power lights. But the only difference that is found in this scenario is that in the human world the generation of power is carried out through deforestation and coal mining where deforestation has dangerous and devastating after effects on species that live in that particular area. The monster world generates power through the after effects of screams of children. However, it can be said that this is one of the serious concerns for disturbing the emotional condition of children while being unethical to them. Many other ways of doing so can be discovered and the Research and Development team is the one to do so. Their motto, ‘’we scare because we care’’ can be seen as they really care for the audience but they are doing t hem for their own self-interest. This is what also witnessed in the human world as well. This is specifically related to the corporate social responsibility. The utilitarianism approach should be adopted here which states that there is a dire need to maximize usefulness and eradicate any sort of misuse that damages or expose an unethical behavior and attitude towards the public. According to me, the employees in the RD department should be encouraged to find out some new improved ways to generate power without being unfavorable to the children and public. The issue was resolved through the discovery that laughter generates more power than the current scream tactic. This was found when a human child named as Boo slips through the door opened up by the monster Sully. Sully has already brought Boo home and so, he is not in any sort of trouble due to the fact that the employers of Monster Inc. had created some sort of panic in the mind of employees that children are extremely toxic to t hem. When Boo laughs, there was a great surge of power at his home. So, this shows that employees can also be encouraged to discover new ways to continue the business in an appropriate and ethical manner. If the company promotes employee voice of concern then employees can voice their views in this regard Ethical Issue # 2 The culture of fear introduced by the head of the company, Mr. Waternoose by discovering the Child Detection Agency in order to remove toxicity caused by the children. However, this was not the case at all. The head of this particular company was preventing the employees from forming any sort of associatio (Cahill, 2010)ns with the children. The head of the company is not following the Teleological theory of ethics as he does not focus much on the consequences of his actions which are totally unethical . The employees are always in a state of fear and anxiety as soon as they learn about the children being close to them but they are not toxic at all because of the fact that when the child enters Mr. Waternoose’s sight, he picked him up. The culture of the company emulated by the attitude of the employees was getting disturbed by this particular scenario. Mr. Waternoose should have thought about its employees for not creating any sort of instability in the work environment throu gh the creation of this culture. It is always necessary to maintain the culture of any particular company in order to make an organization a great workplace for its employees. More than that, after watching this film, the employees should be trained to not act accordingly as long as they have not witnessed the same thing in general. Only then, they can persuade themselves to believe and act accordingly. In this case, the employees haven’t experienced any sort of toxicity until they found out themselves due to the floating toys from human world to the monster world. Ethical Issue # 3 Mr. Waternoose values company first which is a good thing to maximize profit but it should be done in an ethical manner. This is already proved by the excerpts that Mr. Waternoose comments on the well-being of his company by saying that this company has been in his family for three generations and that he would do anything to maintain the continuity of his business. However, the CEO was recorded to have said that he will kidnap a thousand children before letting his company die and that he will not tolerate anyone if anyone comes in his way. This gives us an unethical approach towards the adoption of scare tactics because it was sole responsibility of his company to generate electricity and it can also be considered as an act of self-interest as the CEO can use the same tactic for his personal home use. Other Ethical Issues The other more minor moral issues depicted incorporated the violation of business strategies in light of the fact that you were asked by a companion or sentimental interest as seen by the various workers that damage the approach in regards to the harmfulness of youngsters when asked by the loveable creature Sully. An alternate business moral issue introduced was the real trick of the inconvenient impacts of innovative research and developmental initiatives that led to the astray causing detrimental effects to research subjects. In the film, the two misguided creatures were the CEO and Randall. Together these workers occupied with exploration amazingly risky to youngsters, however felt their activities were supported due to the severity of energy crisis. Conclusion The film Monsters, Inc. is focused around an electric organization in the monstrous world. The organization, Monsters, Inc. produces power for their city through screams of youngsters and refining the shouts into clean vitality to run the city. Also like any organization in any sort of world, beast or human, things need to run easily. Numerous things need to fall into spot for an organization or business to get fruitful and acquire gainfulness. Certain assets need to be utilized, human assets need to be given careful consideration to, and an aggressive environment is required for an organization to run quick and proficient. The four separate elements of generation the shouts as common assets, the processing plant and refineries as capital, the scaring and different laborers as work, and Mr. Waternoose as the ambitious person who began the organization. Monster, Inc. transforms clean energy from the shouts of little kids for all of Monstropolis and its monsters. The treatment of any organizations human assets incredibly influences its benefit, which is the reason it is something that needs to be given careful consideration to. In the event that an organization disregards their laborers, the workers may feel ignored and rebel against the employers. An effective productivity of the organization enormously lessened reflecting the breach of human code of conduct and whole scare floors must be closed down, and in view of this the motivation and encourage to work in such an environment lessened due to the reduction in their morale. The most productive use of natural resource is laughter of children. At the point when boo got away through her wardrobe into Monstropolis Mike and Sully needed to conceal her from the CDA. To keep boo from hollering, Mike needed to make her laugh, however when she did giggle, the power would go haywire and things would short out. The thought of competition is communicated all through the film by staying informed of the amount of scare points handled by every monster, and each creature needed to have the highest scare points in light of the fact that they then would get prevalent around the monstrous world. References Anderson, D. K. (Producer), Doctor, P. (Director). (2001). Monstern, Inc [Motion Picture]. Cahill, L. S. (2010). TELEOLOGY AND UTILITARIANISM ETHICS. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Womens Virginity And Fidelity Sociology Essay

Womens Virginity And Fidelity Sociology Essay Compare and contrast the significance of the concept womens virginity and fidelity between the Qing Dynasty and Contemporary China, with an attempt to analyse the causes of different attitudes and behaviours in these 2 different eras. Abstract This study focuses on the Chinese womens chastity, especially in the area of Virginity and Fidelity. The comparison and contrast between Qing Dynasty and Contemporary China is examined, with an attempt to find out what possible causes had led to the different perspectives on womens chastity. Qing is regarded as an idol of womens chastity in the entire Chinese history. However, it seemed that the modern youth tend to care less about womens virginity and fidelity. Women seemed no longer devote their entire lives to serve their husbands and in-laws. Apart from the changes in the regions of culture, globalization, and education, the historical progress cannot be ignored as well as governmental policies Introduction With the emergence of the first sex museum for women in China, the perception of sex has begun to attract more attentions of Chinese people (China Daily, 2008). Meanwhile, the roles women played over centuries have vitally contributed to the historical progress of sex. Since ancient China, women are often regarded as a property of men in the patriarchal society (Jaschok and Miers, 1994). According to Marx and Engels (1985), a patriarchal husband à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦sees in his wife a mere instrument of production of prostitution both public and private (1848:101). Nevertheless, accompanied by complex causes, women increasingly gain more rights and equalities in the relationship with men in contemporary China. That is, in comparison with the womens strict virtue in the old days of China, Qing Dynasty in particular, Modern Chinese women as well as men tend to be more open and unfastened to the idea of virginity and fidelity (Ko, Haboush and Piggott, 2003; China Daily, 2003; America Online, 1995; Zhou, 1989). However, many have argued that the root of womens chastity is still solid to convert in China nowadays (Peoples Daily, 2003). There are two remarkable cases that emerged more lately, which to a great extent explain the conflicting value of womens chastity in modern China. A recent report (Richburg, 2010) demonstrated that there is a growing trend of hymen restoration of Chinese women, which they could return to the virgin by the surgical procedure. Similarly, a considered cheaper and easier way of being a pretended virgin is popular and well taken as well as the hymen restoration surgery. According to Gu (2011), the artificial hymen is appeared as a little piece of semi-transparent tissue that you put this into the vagina, itll dissolve and expand. Have sex in about 20 to 30 minutes, and youll bleed'. As a modern Chinese woman, the movement of womens right draws my attention. I am particularly interested in the area of womens chastity, which on one hand is assumed to have a great progress in contrast to Qing dynasty. In regard to the factors that had brought to this evolution, it is hypothesized that apart from the ideological change of the significance of womens chastity, several effects such as the development of technology, governmental policies, education, globalization, and media have likewise led to the different attitudes and behaviours during these two different eras; and on another hand, it is believed that to a certain extent, the attitudes towards womens chastity in Qing dynasty have impacted on modern China. As a consequence, I will focus on the comparison of the significance of the concept of womens virginity and fidelity in Qing Dynasty and Contemporary China, mainly by looking at the two periods of women: pre-marriage and post-marriage. Moreover, several major causes of different attitudes and behaviours in these two different eras will also be discussed respectively. Due to the limitation of time and condition, and the sensitivity of the research topic, the investigation is conducted inside the university campus. Four groups will be studied in order to see the differences between different genders and generations: UNNC girls, UNNC boys, their mothers, and their fathers. In addition, the research of Qing dynasty will be taken place mostly in the review of literatures. Literature Review The literature review will take the progress of the significance of the concept of womens chastity as a whole and continuing process. Thus, not only Qing dynasty and Contemporary China will be examined, the period (1900-2000) between Qing dynasty and Contemporary China is also important due to the fact that it had vital contributions to the development of womens right, which eventually led to the understanding of womens chastity in present China. The following reviews will be ordered generally according to the chronological sequence, and mainly focus on the Qing and the Republican China due to the limited recent researches on Modern Chinese womens chastity. 2.1 Qing Dynasty The traditional concept of chastity is tightly linked to the ideology of patriarchy. As a property of men in the patriarchal society, womens value was merely to breed the progeny and to satisfy men in sexuality. In order to assure the purity of the blood, the strict demand on chastity was therefore emerged. The traditional chastity devoted itself to two sections: virgin before marriage, and be faithful to ones husband unto death after marriage (Li, 2006; Zhou, 2003). As the ideology of cultural expression and the foundation of the family system in imperial China, Confucianism is generally the essential ideology of female virtue in Late Imperial China. Particularly the concept of filiality (xiao) and fidelity (jie) have had great impacts on Qing Dynasty (Ko and Haboush and Piggott, 2003). A good example is the foot binding in Qing which according to Mackie (1996), the actual purpose was to ensure womens fidelity. The so-called chastity cult, a way for women to demonstrate their ultimate moral responsibility to the patriline into which they married, was in the position of domination in Qing by honouring two female virtues: purity, similar to fidelity (jie), and martyrdom (commonly regarded as lie). Jie mainly referred to absolute fidelity and sexual purity to one husband, in which women remained their lifelong devotion to serve the husbands family. Compared to jie, lie was more towards the absolute commitment to fidelity and sexual purity often end up with death or suicide by the expected requirement of self-sacrifice. That is, there were usually merely two choices, both ending in misery for women or even young girls at the period: pain in death or suffering in life (Ko and Haboush and Piggott, 2003). However, in contrast of the widespread phenomena in early Qing which promoted both martyrdom and fidelity, the idea of fidelity seemed to be more preferable since the mid-Qing due to the expanded acceptance of filiality to husbands parents. Namely, widows were encouraged to fulfil their primary obligation- to serve parents-in-law and to raise the heirs (ibid). Yet, many had chosen to follow their husbands in death after accomplishing their expected duties (ibid). Theiss (2004) argues that womens chastity was often related to the human dignity in terms of being a person. In other words, majority of them found themselves no longer being a person in which they were offended even via slight harassments such as flirtation. As a consequence, numerous women were recorded chastity suicide during Qing. That is, womens self-awareness to the concept of chastity would lead to the path of decease (ibid). Except for the initial desire which was aiming to reveal a womans morality and humanity as a woman (Theiss, 2004; Ko and Haboush and Piggott, 2003), there were other existing outside factors that have indirectly resulted in womens chastity. On one hand, governmental policies such as encouragement, promotion, and punishment were considered as the principal elements of the flourish of chaste women in Qing Dynasty (Ko and Haboush and Piggott, 2003). For example, the penalty for women who commit adultery was way severe than for men (Brown, 1952). On the other hand, social pressure as well as education also impressively affected womens behaviours. In addition, widows might earn particular advantages, social respects and family honour, for instance (Ko and Haboush and Piggott, 2003). Apart from the possible causes that Ko and Haboush and Piggott (2003) discussed, Theiss (2004) further extends the range of potential motivations leading to female suicide in Qing. Firstly, familys attitude was crucial. The husbands or family members, especially in-laws, who refused or failed to report and express the outrages such as the issues of sexual harassment on the womens behalf due to two major reasons: family reputation and the threat from offenders, to a large extent led to the desperation of women. As a result, they usually turned to seek death. Furthermore, it is widely believed that fictions and dramas to some extent had driven women into the faith of supernatural revenge. For example, becoming ghosts assured them to have power to return and punish those who had harmed them (ibid). Moreover, by rewarding as chastity martyrs might lead to the damage of harassers family reputation (ibid). Nonetheless, it seems that the idea of womens chastity might have been over-emphasized by historians. Theiss (2004) accentuated that despite Qing Dynastys well-known chastity cult, not every woman was a fan of the female chastity. Plenty of women carried on adulterous affairs for years without the concern of their reputation. Additionally, according to her study, most rape victims including those who suffered extreme violence or gang rapes did not commit suicide (ibid). It is argued that even though some women were willing to stay chaste after their husbands death, the facts of financial problem often brought them back to reality and accept the remarriage. Sommer (2000) points out that the chastity was indeed unaffordable for many widows in Qing. They usually were willing to remarry quickly in the attempt of collecting enough capital to liquidate the debts of her former husband, or even to finance his interment. In other words, a widow might trade herself with the bride-price to her new husband in order to settle outstanding debts before the marriage. However, it is not guaranteed that those widows with property which left by their deceased husband could follow their willingness for being a chaste widow. In fact, they might provoke the envy of in-laws those who wanted to take over the property, and often were forced to take the arranged remarriage. Before the Xinhai Revolution, Chinese women only played a very marginal role (Lu, 1993), due to the reason that, as Raphals (1998) claimed, They were eternally oppressed, powerless, passive, and silent. Yet, influenced by Western cultures and revolutions, a group headed by Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and Tan Sitong were gradually awakening to the issues of gender equity in the late Qing. They challenged the traditional idea of chastity and yearned to change the roles women played at the time. Their attentions were mainly focused on the campaigns of womens education and the freedom of marriage (Zhou, 2003; Chen, 2001). 2.2 The 20th Century After Xinhai Revolution, the Confucianism was remained popular for a short period under the support of the Northern Warlords. Similar to Qing, the behaviours of chaste women were highly honoured and promoted by the government and society, until the first meaningful womens movement in Chinese history- May Fourth Movement (Chen, 2001; Zhou, 2003). It brought up the new concept of womens chastity, which is under the condition of the true love, and the equality between the sexes (Li, 2006). Influenced by the Sex Revolution at the period in the Western World, intellectuals such as the famous scholars LuXun and HuShi, severely criticized the traditional view of chastity in 3 ways: morality, love, and governmental policies (Chen, 2001). Firstly, LuXun (1918) claimed that it is immoral to demand womens chastity. Fidelity and martyrdom are the malformed moralities that aim to oppress and befool women, he clarified, Women and Men are equalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦morality is meant for both men and women à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦men cannot require women for things they dont even do. Hushi (1918) also pointed out that it is immoral to ask women to obey the chastity while men were allowed to be involved with concubines and prostitutes. Secondly, chastity could not be considered as an existence without love. As HuShi pointed out, chastity was an attitude between husbands and wives; it is willingness rather than a compulsion. Thus, he indicated that for the women who do not love their husband, usually were the victims of arranged marriage, it is not their obligation to follow the fidelity and martyrdom for their un-chaste husbands. In addition, Hushi also questioned womens behaviour of committing suicide after being raped. He argued that they did not break their chastity and dignity because the rape is occurred by force not willingness. As a result, he suggested that the society should not look down on the raped women, and respect the brave performance of those people who married un-virgins or as un-virgins. Thirdly, it was brutal and inappropriate for government to promote chaste women. It is suggested that it is a widows interest to preserve chastity or remarry, others should not intervene (Chen, 2001). The May Forth indeed to a great extent enhanced the progress of womens chastity, however, due to the limitations of Chinese history and society, the New Chastity was merely accepted by several radical intellectuals. Although it seemed that there were minority of women got rid of the traditional chastity, the majority, and even to the entire society were still affected by the traditional chastity. During the era, the New Chastity was barely theoretical rather than particle (Chen, 2001; Li, 2006). Apart from the contributions from the open-minded scholars, globalisation, media, and mass-culture indirectly helped to bring womens chastity to a new level. For example, the widespread of the translated books which were originally written by foreigners such as the Japanese author Akiko Yosano ( 1878 ½Ã… ¾1942) and her work (Chen, 2001). After the May Forth Movement, more attentions were paid on womens liberation. Since the establishment of the Republic China, significant efforts were made by Chinese government in improving womens status. Through legislations, more legal rights in education, marriage, and property were offered for women (Zhou, 2003). The Communist Party of China (CPC) has brought womens status to a new level after their victory in 1949, especially under the Mao regime. Mao promoted the equal rights and personal dignity between sexes, and contributed to 3 important revolutionary changes for women: the Marriage Law of 1950s ensured the freedom of marriage and divorce; the Election Law of PRC of 1953 granted womens right to vote as well as men; and the equality of rights between men and women in terms of possessing or inherit property. It is believed that the by 1958, 16 million Chinese women were able to read, while before 1949, only 10% of women were literates. Furthermore, CPC encouraged women to participate in social production, which women gained more capitals in both economic and social aspects (ibid). It is also worth mentioning that prostitution and concubine have been out of law since the CPC came to power (ibid). Consequently, with the basic conditions, Chinese Womens awakening consciousness began to play as an important role in the post-Mao era (Li, 1994:299). In addition, Zhou (2003) stated that another pre-condition of womens liberation is the financial independence of women, in which they had no longer need to fully rely on their husbands. Peoples Republic of China (PRC) gradually shifted their concentration from the outer effects to the inner effects in the respect of womens liberation. According to Zhou (2003:69), the Fourth World Conference on womens right was hosted by China in 1995. It includes the rights to freedom of thought, conscience religion and belief, and participation on the basis of equality in all eliminate all forms of discrimination against women; promotes womens economic independence; and ensure womens equal access to economic resources, including science and technology, vocational training, information, communication, and markets. Zhou (1989) presents the dilemmatic situation for young women in the area of virginity and premarital sex in China in the late 1980s. Although the traditional views placed a high value on female virginity and deprecate premarital sex, young people now seem to have more opportunities to explore both love and sex, with the introduction of the new idea of romantic love accompanied by the growing social acceptance of close interactions between women and men. According to Zhous research in 1985, which has taken place in China, most of the young men had claimed their expectation of a virgin wife. Moreover, in rural China, nearly all the male and female peasants came to an agreement that in a love relationship, virginity was still considered to be the most valuable treasure for women. Nevertheless, the rate of premarital sexual intercourse was increasing rapidly in the present China in spite of still-existing traditional values. Several reasons can be considered for the further understandin g: social acceptance, education, and the support of young mens parents. It was agreed that most women have experienced the psychological pressures of a great dilemma in the selection between remaining a virgin and satisfying their boyfriends, but increasingly, women surrendered their resistance to the strategically emotional persuasion of their boyfriends (ibid). In terms of extramarital affairs which are popular nowadays in China, Thompson (1984) declared that either mere emotional or sexual involvement with someone other than ones spouse can be counted as extramarital affairs. According to Schwartz and Rutter (1998), all perspectives on gender differences in sexuality were divided into two dichotomized groups: traditional versus feminist. Traditional biosocial theories who reifying the biological distinctions between men and women, attempt to justify mens promiscuous behaviours: by maximizing the partners in order to inseminate the possible largest amount of women, men can somehow show their masculinity; whereas women would maximize their births for the purpose of holding onto the relationship. In opposition of the traditional perspectives, it is asserted by feminist perspectives that sexuality discrepancies between the genders are socially constructed. In this point of view, similar to men, women will tend to maximize their partners if the conditions allow them (ibid). 2.3 Contemporary China In Lis work (2006), she divides the present views of chastity in China into 3 categories: love-ism, utilitarianism, and hedonism. Firstly, love-ism chastity, which was first brought up during the May Forth Movement, means sex with the motivation of love. A research about the reasons of premarital sex, which organised by in 2004, mainly surveyed on the contemporary Chinese youth (age 20-30), in which most of them went to the universities. The result shows that for the women who had premarital sex experiences, 31.1% of them indicated that they did it in order to enhance the love in relationships, while 24.8% and 28.6% for the purposes of curiosity and want to keep their boyfriends respectively. Other 15.5% were claimed to have other reasons. From the research it is obvious that love-ism chastity is the mainstream concept of chastity nowadays in China (Zhou, 2006). Secondly, utilitarianism chastity is usually referred to the sex for benefits, such as the social phenomenon of prostitution and concubine (ibid). Thirdly, in regard of hedonism chastity, sex is often involved with either the physical or the psychological pleasure, or both. In the contemporary society, hedonism chastity is more likely the performance of simply physical pleasure (ibid). A recent study emphasizes that among the 40% of netizens who had experience on cyber love, nearly half of them did it on the purpose of one night stand (Xu, 2005). There are 4 main causes of the 3 categories of chastity. In the first place, the highly promotion of socialist market economy not only has vital contribution on the economy, but also in the area of politics, ideology, and morality. On one way, the commodity economy leads to the arousal of the sense of equality, which challenges the traditional idea of chastity, and women start to chase personal happiness. Therefore the love-ism chastity emerged. On another way, the commodity economy also arisen accompanied with hedonism and mammonism which directly link to the hedonism chastity and utilitarianism chastity (Zhou, 2006). Secondly, the rapid development of technologies, particularly the medical technology, popularizes the ways of contraception, and makes the abortion safer and more convenient. Hence, the concerns about illegitimate child were reduced, and eventually provide advantages for hedonistic sex. Women seemed to be the best beneficiary, which the pregnancy once was one of the most fears to have premarital sex. As a consequence, women can pay more attention on love rather than physical elements, which to some extent promote the formation of love-ism chastity (ibid). Culture aspect is probably one of the most essential factors. Although it seems that the traditional perspectives of chastity had lost its position in present society, however, in rural areas, villages in particular, it is still prevails. Moreover, the modern culture affects the modern youth in the way that they think it is their right and choice to choose their lifestyle such as cohabitation. Additionally, the Western culture such as the idea of sexual freedom and sexual liberation break the mysticism of sexuality, and attempt to achieve the sexual equality. Thus, the viewpoint of sex is changed. For the modern youth, love is not only spiritual and material, but also physical. Sex is certainly a part of love, and it aid to promote love. It is therefore nonsense to limit the sex. More importantly, it is believed by the youth that premarital sex is a positive behaviour in which it is a vital path to know a person and helping to make decisions on selecting the partner for life (ibid). Last but not least, social control gives the green light to the multiplex conceptions of chastity. For example, the Marriage Law forbids the married people cohabitate with others. Nevertheless, it is lack of the specific explanation on penalty and punishment. Laws can be such unfastened about extramarital cohabitation, do not even have to mention about premarital cohabitation and one night stand (ibid). Furthermore, in the present days, people care less about the things which not related to them, especially in the beneficial way. In this case, the shortening of social opinion looses the social psychological stress and reduces the restraint of peoples behaviour. In addition, the morality in China has change notably on the impact of the West (ibid). A relatively recent survey based on 2063 undergraduates in 18 universities in Shanghai, shows their attitudes on premarital cohabitation: 89.5% in total believe that it is understandable if the motivation is love, and it is inappropriate to over concern other peoples issues; while only 9.2% of them think that it is a moral degenerate (Xu and Wang, 2002). Methodology In order to facilitate the research and discover more information on this area, two methodologies were utilised for different purposes. Literature analysis is applied through literature reviews, aiming to find out the significance of the concept of Chinese womens chastity in Qing dynasty, since the era is too remote to be testified. In the meantime, questionnaires were set up in attempt to study the perception of womens virginity and fidelity in contemporary China. Additionally, both literature analysis and questionnaire are included in order to better understand the condition and situation of womens chastity the 20th century, mainly Republican China. The questionnaire is probably one of the most effective means to testify the hypothesis which was mentioned in the introduction, and to find out some other interesting information relevant to the topic but which is not anticipated in the early stages. Regarding to the sample of research, 140 surveys were required in total which divided by genders and generations. On one hand, 70 UNNC undergraduate students, 35 females and 35 males respectively, were selected randomly and selectively, which in the way it can represent as many opinions as possible, and reducing bias with maximum efforts (Strugis, 2008). As the attention of the questionnaire is focused on Modern China, and the university students can be considered as the representative groups of educated Chinese young people, therefore the candidates of the research are all selected among the Chinese students in UNNC. Moreover, the division of male and female represent the outside and inner factors. Apart from the self-conscious of wome n, mens attitude will affect womens understanding of chastity. Hence, it is crucial to include both of the two genders. On another hand, 70 copies of survey for parents, 35 females as well as 35 males, were sent along with the ones meant for students. It is interesting to compare and contrast the ideas on womens virginity and fidelity between the parents and their children, which they are respectively representative for the new generation that surrounded by the global environment, high-level education, widespread mass media, and developed technology; and the older generation who grew up in a period when China was relatively more closed to the outside world, and the progresses of technology and education are limited. Furthermore, the older generation may also be able to demonstrate the view of womens chastity of Republican China. Through the comparison of the two different generations can provide the possible causes that might lead to the different perspectives on womens virginity and fidelity. For the purpose of not making the candidates take too long when filling the questionnaire, the questionnaire is designed with two sections. There are 15 multiple choices and 3 open questions for UNNC girls, and 7 closed questions and 1 open question for UNNC boys. The mothers one is similar to their daughters while the fathers one is similar to their sons. Overall, parents ones contain two extra questions asking their age gap and education level, which seemed unnecessary for the UNNC students since their age gap and education level are confirmed: undergraduate. It is ensured that each survey takes no more than 15 minutes to finish it, without disturbing their study and work. According to Simmons (2008), pilot study is important with its function that it helps to refine the questionnaire. Thus, the initial samples were sent to several friends of mine before the actual distribution of the questionnaires, in order to examine the questionnaires critically with their objective points of view. As a result, some weaknesses of the original questionnaires were found. Such as the unclear instructions and questions, and some other possible option of answers that some candidates may want to choose are left out (ibid). Qualitative method was chosen in the first place, however, with the trial on few random UNNC students which I found on the High-Street, and one of the aunts who works in Canteen, I discovered their unwillingness of answering such sensitive questions, especially to a stranger. As an alternative, I chose questionnaire since it is less awkwardness to answer the questions. In the beginning, I sent the questionnaires to all UNNC undergraduates with the postscript of for Chinese Students only. Nevertheless, I found little response, and within the received questionnaires, most of them skip the sensitive questions such as are you a virgin. In order to maximise the response rate and the facticity, I managed to upload the questionnaires online, in which it is completely anonymous and make it more comfortable and more convenient for the candidates to do the surveys. Yet, there was a misgiving about the people other than UNNC undergraduates might answer the online questionnaires and eventually affect the result. As a consequence, I locked the questionnaires with password, and sent the four addresses of online questionnaires and the password to all UNNC undergraduates via email: UNNC girl, UNNC boy, their mother, and their father respectively. Also, in the email, I required the students not only to enter the relevant website, but also forward the online surveys to their parents. Additionally, the questionnaires for UNNC Undergraduates were written in English, while the ones for their parents were written in both Chinese and English. Findings and Discussions 4.1 Summary of Literature Analysis As what the literature analysis manifested, the demand of womens virginity before marriage and the fidelity after marriage was extremely strict in Qing. Due to the traditional ideology of Confucianism, women were merely one of mens properties in the patriarchal society. The popularized chastity cult played a vital role in Qing by honouring two female virtues: purity (jie), and martyrdom (lie). The former one referred to the sexual purity to one husband and the absolute lifetime fidelity to serve the in-laws; whereas, the latter one was more towards the absolute commitment to jie, which required more self-sacrifice and often end up with death. Numerous women were recorded chastity suicide during Qing. Several major causes of womens chastity will be analysed in the following paragraphs. First of all, womens chastity was significant in terms of human dignity. Majority of them felt failed of being a person after being offended even through slight harassments such as flirtation. Moreover, governmental policies highly promoted the chaste women, and severely punish the considered un-chaste women such as the women accused of adultery. In addition, social pressure and education had a great contribution as well. Finally, widows could obtain particular advantages. Social respects and family honour, for instance. Nonetheless, it is argued that the chaste suicides in Qing might have been over-emphasized. On one hand, there were a large number of women who carried on adulterous affairs without concerning their reputation. On the other hand, most rape victims did not search the path of death during the Qing era. For the women who were willing to become chaste widows after the death of their husband, monetary issues often stopped them from doing so. In order to collect enough money to liquidate the debts of the dead husband, or to finance his interment, a certain number of women accepted the remarriage. In other words, they traded themselves with the bride-price to their new husbands. Additionally, the widows with property which left by their deceased husband might be forced to take the arranged remarriage by the envy in-laws who wanted to take over the property. In the late Qing, a group of open-minded intellectuals who were influenced by the Western culture, had brought up the idea of gender equity, and defied the traditional chastity. Yet, their focuses were mainly on the campaigns of womens education and the freedom of marriage. 4.2 Questionnaire Summary The total valid responses were 79, including 33 female undergraduates, 22 male undergraduates, 13 mothers, and 11 fathers. It is a satisfactory rate of response, which reached 56%. More than half of the

Monday, August 19, 2019

The History Of Arts And Crafts Essay -- essays research papers

Ø  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The distinction between ‘Craft’ and ‘Design’ can be at times problematic explain what you understand these terms to mean, and illustrate their application in relationship to the work of one practitioner. The definition for craft is, the making of decorative or functional objects, generally by hand. Hand and power tools may be used, however, in making some craft items. The term crafts also refers to the objects made. The function of crafts is generally concerned with crafts as creative hobbies, practiced primarily in the home with a minimum of specialized equipment. Crafts as so defined, have certain functions. In a world that is becoming increasingly mechanized and standardized, they give people the opportunity to work with their hands and to express their individuality. Crafts also are often used in occupational therapy; for example, a patient might be taught a craft to develop weakened muscles or to help in gaining use of an artificial limb. An emotionally disturbed person might be taught a craft that would serve as an outlet for feelings. Craftwork also provides the disabled with purposeful activity that diverts attention from their handicaps. Many hobbyists find themselves going into business. A craftsperson who perhaps has at first sold craft items only to friends or at local bazaars may find that increased demand leads to a wider clientele and sales by mail order, at crafts fairs, or through a shop. There is a fine line of distinction between crafts produced by amateur hobbyists for their personal satisfaction and crafts that in the hands of gifted artisans approach or can be considered art forms, generally made with a view toward the use and enjoyment of others. The difference between hobby-produced crafts and formal decorative art objects lies in the degree of innovation in form and technique and in the intention of the artisan. Crafts can be grouped by technique or medium. Under the headings that follow are brief descriptions of some of those crafts most popular with hobbyists today, with indications of the degree of skill and basic equipment required. The type of craft that I will be studying is known as handicraft. Strictly speaking, handicrafts are occupations that involve making usable or decorative products by hand. Before the Industrial Revolution all such products were handmade, often in the home. The age of... ...anization and mass production. It had its basis in the ideas of Pugin and Ruskin, the most influential of the writers who deplored the effects of industrialization, but it was left to William Morris to translate their ideas into practical activity. His hand-made products (books, furniture, textiles, wall-paper, and so on) were successful aesthetically, but his ideal of producing art for the masses failed. Nevertheless, he influenced craftsmen, teachers, and propagandists (such as C. R. Ashbee, who founded the Guild of Handicraft in 1888), and in the early years of the 20th century the ideals of the Arts and Crafts Movement spread abroad, notably to Germany, Austria, the Low Countries, and Scandinavia, where the Danish silver designer George Jensen was one of the key figures. After World War I the movement was transformed by the acceptance of modern industrial methods, but it has had an enduring legacy on 20th-century design. Acknowledgements: CNN, Arts Report 1987 summary Britannia, Oxford, and Compton’s Interactive Encyclopaedias The Book of Art Design The Modern Arts Movement WWW.Encarta.Com The Essential William Morris The Industrial Design Guide 1992 Crafts and Designs Today

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Most Tragic Othello :: Othello essays

The Most Tragic Othello    William Shakespeare has written many plays.   His most tragic play is Othello. Othello is also the name of the main character in the play, he is quite hard to understand. In order to have a better understanding of Othello's character, examining his changes throughout the play, flaws and why he is considered a tragic hero will give the reader an insight of his overall personality.   Othello changes many times throughout the course of the play.   At the beginning of the play Othello trusts Desdemona with everything, but throughout the play he loses confident in her because he listens to Iago's suggestions about her.   "'Cassio, my lord? No, sure, I cannot think it That he would sneak away so guilty like, Seeing you come.'" (Shakespeare 105).  Ã‚   He shows disrespect to Desdemona in front of other people.   "'Devil' he strikes her 'I have not deserved this.'"   (141).  Ã‚   Othello changes even more dramatically because of the poison suggestions that Iago has given him.  Ã‚   He goes out of control and eventually kills Desdemona thinking that she has did something wrong.      Othello has many tragic flaws.   He is a really gullible person, for example he was tricked by Iago; thinking that Desdemona was really having an affair with Cassio.   " ` Did he confess it?'" (134).   He trusts Iago too much and totally relies on Iago therefore making him really vulnerable to Iago's evilish schemes.   Othello's gullibility causes him to be jealous.   He let's his jealousy take over, he looses control of himself and acts on his jealous emotions, he let's his jealousy clutter his mind and good judgment.   "`Damn her, lewd minx! O, damn her, damn her! Come go with me part.   I will withdraw To furnish me with some swift means of death.   For the fair devil.   Now are the my lieutenant'" (122). Othello's other flaw is his anger.   Othello acts upon his anger and therefore ends up doing the things he regrets afterwards. "`It is too late.' `O Lord, O Lord, Lord!' he smothers her"(168).   Therefore by examining those points Othello has many tragic flaws in him.      Othello is considered a tragic hero because he fights for the people in Venice in Cyprus.   "'The Turk with a most mighty preparation makes for Cyprus.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Analysis Of Environmental Toxicology Environmental Sciences Essay

Environmental Toxicology is a quickly developing field concerned with the research how natural and semisynthetic pollutants impact the wellness of worlds, wildlife, and whole ecosystems. It involves application of a assortment of techniques to analyze the impact of toxic agents on life beings and provides powerful tools for measuring the hazards associated with the presence of these agents. It draws on a assortment of scientific subjects to depict, step, explain and predict the badness and frequence of inauspicious effects on life beings due to environmental poisonous exposure. Pollution, depletion of resources and decomposition of ecological maps are of planetary, regional and local concerns. Environmental toxicology nowadayss many practical applications to these jobs. The findings are used by authorities bureaus to put new pollution control criterions and to analyse the badness of harm in an ecosystem and develop the smartest ways to travel about cleaning it up. Land development co mpanies may besides work with environmental toxicologists to do certain that glade and building attempts are every bit environmentally-friendly as possible. It involves proving dirt, H2O, and air samples to look for the beginning pollution, and utilize their findings to better understand wellness impacts on native species. Pakistan, as developing state, is confronting challenges with a figure of serious environmental issues such as devolution of natural resources, industrial and vehicular pollution, pollution of coastal environment, impairment of human wellness. Sum uping in fiscal footings, the one-year cost of environmental disparagement in the state is about 4.3 % of GDP ( US $ 4.3 billion ) . This workshop is about the turning sum of pollution in Pakistan. Examines findings of different surveies turn outing that wellness is being adversely affected by a assortment of environmental contaminations. The above state of affairs has arisen due to a figure of factors including high pop ulation growing rate, predominating poorness, unplanned urban and industrial enlargement, deficient accent on environmental protection in the authorities policies, deficiency of public consciousness and instruction and deficiency of institutional capacity and resources for effectual environmental direction. To forestall continued environmental debasement and the diminution of human & A ; environmental wellness, interactions between human, other life beings and the environment have to be in harmoniousness. This is accomplishable through an integrated, holistic attack embracing instruction and research activities in natural scientific disciplines, socio-economic and political factors with technological, economic and socio-cultural intercessions. Increasing consciousness of environmental debasement is ensuing in proliferation of environmental statute law throughout the universe. This thrust towards greater environmental protection has created a demand for scientists skilled in measurin g environmental resources and more significantly the jobs associated with their development. Environmental appraisal may be required to measure the biological, physical or hydrological resources of any environment, and to put these resources within a wider geographical context. This workshop is an attempt to supply a wide foundation of scientific based accomplishments to germinate, fiting environmental professions, peculiarly in countries associating to environmental protection and direction. Furthermore, the national and international demands have been under concern for better environmental direction understanding the inter-relationship between sustainable economic development and environmental protection. Opening comments from Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman section of pharmacological medicine and toxicology/the Director Research UVAS, were followed by that of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nawaz, Vice Chancellor of the Exchequer UVAS, and Prof. Dr. Mrs. Kausar Jamal Cheema, Dean Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, all of whom emphasized the importance to use the corporate wisdom in proviso of improved methods for toxicity appraisal and rational agencies for gauging wellness hazard in order to advance public wellness and to supply a better and safer environment to forestall wellness jobs before they occur. They added further it is our mission to develop new environmental toxicologists and reference pertinent environmental toxicology inquiries through instruction and research in countries such as chemical destiny, bioavailability, biological consequence, toxicokinetics, and mechanisms of action. A focal point on interdisciplinary attacks and scientific accomplishm ents is cardinal to our instruction and research activities. Dr. Sohail Ejaz ( co-author of this study ) , PhD, University of Cambridge, UK co-ordinator and workshop organiser presented on the advanced appraisal techniques for measuring impact of Air Pollution upon Neuroinflammatory diseases of Central nervous system and how these surveies could be implemented in our research labs. New dimensions have been added to the array of result steps. Medical outcomes research now recognizes that patient wellbeing should be loosely conceptualized and measured strictly, in add-on to sing the biological procedure of the disease itself. As a consequence, health-related quality of life, the perceptual experience of wellbeing, is now considered a necessary constituent of results research. Toxicologic surveies have besides gained in edification through incorporation of more sensitive indexs of consequence and the careful tracing of the relationship between exposure and biologically relevant doses to aim sites, which may now be considered at a molecular degree . He besides gave an overview of all his research activities conducted at Department of Clinical Neuroscience and how to work upon such techniques in our state with scarced resources and what marks to be achieved farther to get the better of environmental pollution issues in Pakistan. Dr. Sohail Ejaz bring to a stopping point to develop and back up research plans, outreach and other services that address critical issues in environmental wellness and toxicology. An international talker Prof. Dr. Gerry Amor Camer, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine from University of Eastern Philippines, wide casted through picture conferencing installation. He shared his singular research work on tissue toxicology and presented a talk on â€Å" Understanding the pathology of tissues exposed to assorted toxins and pollutants † . Assessment of the environmental effects of chemicals is complicated as it depends on the beings tested and involves non merely the toxicity of single chemicals, but besides their synergistic effects, genotoxicity, mutagenecity and immunotoxicity testing. He farther elaborated that a figure of stressors affect the environment and sometimes when demoing interactive effects they become hard to quantify or foretell their single effects. Therefore, there is a demand to understand the poisonous effects at molecular degrees to foretell their effects and bing techniques to be invariably modified to supply better agencies of their qua ntification. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali, Department of wildlife and ecology, UVAS, presented on Beginnings and Health effects of different Air pollutants. The mechanisms for patterning and understanding the destiny of air pollutants through atmospheric conveyance, deposition into H2O and dirt, bioaccumulation, and ultimate consumption to receptor variety meats and systems in the human organic structure are complex. These require more experimental and theoretical developments in order to bring forth attacks for word picture and appropriate schemes and checks for testing in order to observe the harmful agents and forestall them from making sensitive end points. This seminar and workshop provided research workers from all over Pakistan a comprehensive platform where all aspects of environmental pollution as it exists in our state to be to the full explored and a forum to these professionals and research workers to discourse and present latest research tendencies and consequences in the field of Toxicology. Such enterprises help to back up the survey, analysis, and solution of environmental jobs which are finally impacting the wellness of human existences, animate beings, workss, dirts and over all eco-system unity. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf highlighted different research activities rendered by the section of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the recent old ages at his establishment. He discussed the constitution of new research labs at the section an attempt to open room accesss to many new dimensions therefore advancing the promotion and application of scientific research related to the contaminations. This included the constitution of Angioge nesis & A ; Toxicology lab ( ATRL ) and a Neuropharmacology lab in the module a progressive measure for Applied Neuropharmacology & A ; Cancer research. He elaborated further that our research aims to find how environmental pollutants interact with cellular maps and give rise to durable inauspicious wellness effects in craniates including worlds. We are peculiarly interested in toxic effects that target the endocrine system, the generative system and the early encephalon development and other systems in craniates. Enzyme-catalysed activation in mark cells and tissues and receptor-mediated responses are of import countries of research. With an debut of these research labs, it is besides an attempt in pulling really high quality pupils across Pakistan and foreign qualified and relevant module members to take lead on feasible research undertakings needed to turn to our country-specific jobs. Speakers from assorted universities and Govt. sections presented their research undertakings and research documents. Mr. Khaleeq Anwar, PhD Scholar, presented his work on â€Å" Impact of Automobile jinrikisha on Public wellness † . He presented grounds that Automobile jinrikishas are among one of the major beginnings of air pollution in Pakistan, contaminations released from them include the major pollutants Carbon Monoxide ( CO ) , Nitrogen Oxides ( NOx ) , Hydrocarbons ( HC ) and Particulate Matter ( PM ) showing their annihilating effects in deteriorating public wellness. To hold a control over contaminations realized by these two-or three stroke conventional jinrikishas CNG jinrikisha were introduced. Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, Assistant Director, Vehicular Pollution Control, Govt. of Punjab, farther extended the talk by showing on â€Å" Advantages of CNG over other fuels † . He presented his survey on the nature of the poisons wastewater by firing natural gas as fuel and a comparative analysis was made between the nature of the contaminations released by both conventional car jinrikisha and CNG jinrikisha. Statistically important information was evidenced that emphasized the usage of CNG jinrikisha to be preferred over the conventional two-or three shot jinrikishas. Lubna Shakir, PhD Scholar, discussed the public wellness jobs aroused due to dispatch of tannery wastewater effluent straight into the land in the metropolis of Kasur. The environment is under increasing force per unit area from solid and liquid wastes emanating from the leather industry. These are inevitable byproducts of the leather fabrication procedure and cause important pollution unless treated in some manner prior to dispatch. The consequence of inordinate pollutant degrees normally found in tannery wastewaters can be terrible. Water is so contaminated that drinkable H2O has high degrees of Cr and other poisons have been reported in appreciable sums unfit to be used by public. She presented a comprehensive talk entitled, â€Å" Chemical, microbiological and toxicological showing of tannery wastewater effluent † . In her work she quantified the assorted poisons and studied their hurtful effects utilizing research lab animate beings by utilizing assorted dilutions of this tannery waterwaste. She farther elaborated her talk that appraisal of the environmental effects of chemicals is complicated as it depends on the beings tested and involves non merely the toxicity of single chemicals, but multiple factors are involved in relation to wellness behaviours, which may frequently ensue in inauspicious wellness results. Zahida Umer, a immature research worker, outlined the informations demoing the Measurement of pollution degrees in different countries of Lahore by utilizing C monoxide, sulfur dioxide metres, and other available contaminant measuring metres and impacter for particulate affair in different countries of Lahore and provided a comparative analysis of these poisons at different countries. She farther lucubrated her talk by explicating different methodological analysiss for air pollution measuring. Air pollution can be straight measured as it is emitted by a beginning in mass/volume of emanation ( e.g. , grams/m3 ) or mass/process parametric quantity ( e.g. , grams/Kg fuel consumed or grams/second ) . Air pollution can besides be measured in the ambiance as a concentration ( e.g. , micrograms/m3 ) . Ambient air supervising informations is used to find air quality, set up the extent of air pollution jobs, assess whether established criterions are being met, and qualify the possible human w ellness hazard in an country. Alternatively, air pollution concentrations can be simulated utilizing computing machine theoretical accounts, and so validated utilizing informations collected from direct measurings at selected proctors or beginnings. Air pollution informations and theoretical accounts are used together to analyze the impacts of control schemes on the ambient air. Kanwal Zahra, Government College University, presented on â€Å" Effectss of industrial wastewater on the thyroid secretory organs of human population † . The human organic structure is vastly complex, and our cognition and consciousness of its complexness continues to turn. One of the most disquieting finds in recent old ages concerns the possible functions of environmental chemicals on endocrinal systems. Among the endocrines ( â€Å" chemical couriers † ) operating within the hormone system are estrogen ( a female sex endocrine produced by the ovaries ) ; thyroid endocrine ( act uponing the map of virtually every cell in the organic structure ) ; and ACTH ( produced by the pituitary secretory organ to act upon the release of epinephrine from the adrenal secretory organ ) . Endocrine systems can be affected by these pollutants by interfering with the normal communicating between the courier and the cell receptors, the chemical message is misinterpreted, bring forthing unnatural response ( s ) in the organic structure. As thyroid secretory organs let go ofing endocrines act uponing the entire metabolic rate of the organic structure, in her survey she evidenced the assorted pathological results of thyroid poisoning by these industrial wastes and could be the possible damaging effects resulted. Prof. Dr. Sharif Mughal, Government College University, discussed the impact of assorted poisons on Marine environment. Petroleum hydrocarbons are found in sea surface movie throughout the universe. The oceans have served as a depository for a battalion of wastes and receive wastewater from rivers, watercourses, and groundwater. Atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) and other hydrocarbons adds to the load of pollutants in the marine environment. Industrial smokestacks, incinerators, outfall pipes, cars, lawn chemicals, agricultural chemicals, places, concerns, commercial ships, and motorised pleasance trade are all beginnings of contaminations. Many of these chemicals are fat-soluble and come to shack in the fatty tissues of Marine animate beings. Some of these chemicals have been characterized as endocrinal disrupters ; some are believed to cut down generative success, to interfere with developmental procedures, and/or to stamp down immune map. Other ch emicals, such as PAHs, do non bioaccumulate in marine mammals but may hold inauspicious impacts on the wellness of Marine animate beings through repeated exposure and metabolic response. He evidenced the above scenario by showing his survey on the Serological and histological alterations in the liver of Labeo Rohita dur due to fluoride poisoning. An attempt to qualify the types of lesions produced by these chemical contaminations found in, the metabolic response to such contaminations, and the extent of tissue harm caused by exposure to these contaminations. He farther elaborated his talk that animate beings are exposed to natural poisons in their native environments every bit good as to man-made chemicals and drugs. Factors that affect the toxicity include ; those related to the poisons, which influence how it A ­A ­enter and finally act upon the factors related to the host animate beings that change its ability to detoxicate or accommodate to the poison. The concluding Lecture of the workshop was presented on the subject, â€Å" Word picture of Environmental pathologies by immunohistochemistry † by Dr. Sohail Ejaz, PhD, University of Cambridge, England. He flesh out his talk that Environmental toxicity encompasses the survey of the toxic belongingss of non merely man-made chemicals but natural besides, including their effects on worlds and animate beings every bit good as their motion and destiny in the environment. It is a demand to develop research techniques for the appraisals of effects of these pollutants and supervising their deadly effects non on human wellness merely but impacting every life being and our eco-system. Therefore seting our joint attempts to supply a better and safer environment to forestall wellness jobs before they occur. Decision: This was a variegate workshop to back up and advance the survey, analysis, and solution of environmental jobs which finally impacting the wellness of human existences, animate beings, workss, dirts, harm edifices and other belongings and upheaval of awareness degree at National and International degree through research and development. We can populate a healthy life in a clean environment and it can merely be achieved by recognizing and understanding the importance of clean environment. Therefore to supply consciousness about the effects of all possible environmental pollutants and the corresponding steps to be taken to diminish contaminations exposure. Besides to promote research techniques for the appraisal of effects of these pollutants and supervising their deadly effects on human wellness and conserving and protecting our environment. Disclosures and Auxiliary Information: This workshop was organized at Department of Pharmacology & A ; Toxicology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore in coaction with the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK This meeting was funded by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan.