Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay On Gender Differences In Major Selection - 781 Words

Findings of the research give some implications for research on gender difference in major choice. Morgan et al. (2012) demonstrated that neither gender differences in work–family goals nor in academic preparation explain a substantial portion of gender differences while the occupational plans of high school seniors are strong predictors of initial college major selection. It was also found that the association between occupational plans and college major selection is not attributable to work–family orientation or academic preparation. On the other hand, Mann et al. (2012) found that none of the prominent explanations for the persisting gender gap in STEM fields related to mathematics performance and background and general life goals are†¦show more content†¦(2012) organized the literature review with the relevance of the literature which is quite clear. Mann et al. (2012) organized the literature less structured on the explanations for gender segregation but d id well in the organization in the section of representing trends in gender segregation by the order of time. Morgan et al. (2012) identified the key terms ’pipeline model’’ by referring the ‘‘pipeline’’ and the ‘‘pipeline leakage’’ while Mann et al. (2012) did not mention any definition of the key terms such as how they view gender segregation. Moreover, both Morgan et al. (2012) and Mann et al. (2012) justified the study and its approach in order to connect the review with the research. The second point I critique is methodology. Both two papers applied secondary data analysis and used data from national statistics in longitudinal studies. In order to select the data from the data mountain, both of the two studies restrict the samples with the assistance of the research question, which associated with sampling. Secondary data analysis may bring about some ethical issues due to the confidentiality and differen t purpose of research. Besides, Mann et al. (2012) used data from different studies, which tends to cause some issues like the inconsistency of sampling due to different principle in samples selection. Overall Morgan et al. (2012) seemed to do a more persuasive and efficient research than Mann et al. (2012) inShow MoreRelatedThe History of Gender Inequality1124 Words   |  4 PagesGender inequality has been the main focus for many centuries through the use of discrimination and oppression women were exploited. Where women had very little rights of their own or a voice in society but made many sacrifices to achieve equal rights whether it be in employment or other areas of inequality. As men were seen as masculine breadwinners and women as more feminine by looking after the family and raring of children. 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