Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Sapere in Italian

â€Å"Sapere† is often one of the first verbs Italian language students learn, because learning how to say â€Å"I don’t know (non lo so) in the midst of lots of fast speech is essential. So, in this article, you can expand your knowledge of this verb with examples and all of its conjugations. Definition of Sapere To knowTo know how toTo be aware ofTo learn Sapere Conjugation Sapere can be a transitive verb, which requires a direct object, and an intransitive verb, which does not. In both forms, it is conjugated with the auxiliary verb avere.The infinito is sapere.The participio passato is saputo.The gerund form is sapendo.The past gerund form is avendo saputo. Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io so noi sappiamo tu sai voi sapete lui, lei, Lei sa Essi, Loro sanno Esempi: Non lo so. I don’t know.Mi sa dire dov’à ¨ la Piazza di Pietra?  Can you let me know where Piazza di Pietra is? Il passato prossimo io ho saputo noi abbiamo saputo tu hai saputo voi avete saputo lui, lei, Lei, ha saputo loro, essi hanno saputo Esempi: E poi ho saputo che mi aveva detto un sacco di bugie! And then I found out that he had told me a ton of lies!Hanno saputo che il museo era chiuso subito dopo aveva iniziato a piovere. They found out the museum was closed right after it started to rain. L’imperfetto io sapevo noi sapevamo tu sapevi voi sapevate lui, lei, Lei sapeva loro, essi sapevano Esempi: Non sapevo cosa dovevo fare! I didn’t know what I should do!Linda sapeva suonare la chitarra quando aveva sette anni, ma ha dimenticato tutto. Linda knew how to play the guitar when she was seven years old, but she has forgotten everything. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo saputo noi avevamo saputo tu avevi saputo voi avevate saputo lui, lei, Lei aveva saputo loro, essi avevano saputo Esempi: Aveva saputo che sarei venutoa a Roma. He had heard that I would be coming to Rome.Mi disse che avevate saputo quello che era successo. She told me that you all heard what had happened. Il passato remoto io seppi noi sapemmo tu sapesti voi sapeste lui, lei, Lei seppe loro, essi seppero Esempi: Non seppi nà ¨ leggere nà ¨ scrivere fino alla maggiore età  . I didn’t know how to read nor how to write till I was 18.Nessuno seppe che ero partito. No one knew that I had left. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi saputo noi avemmo saputo tu avesti saputo voi aveste saputo lui, lei, Lei ebbe saputo loro, essi ebbero saputo This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it only in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io sapr noi sapremo tu saprai voi saprete lui, lei, Lei sapr loro, essi sapranno Esempi: Ti farà ² sapere non appena ne saprà ² di pià ¹. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out more about it.Spero che queste persone sapranno arrivare al ristorante! Noi ci siamo persi. I hope these people will manage to get to the restaurant! We got lost! Il futuro anteriore io avr saputo noi avremo saputo tu avrai saputo voi avrete saputo lui, lei, Lei avr saputo loro, essi avranno saputo Esempi: Deciderà ² quando avrà ² saputo come à ¨ andata tutta la faccenda! I’ll make a decision as soon as I know the matter went.Sicuramente avranno saputo del tuo viaggio per l’Italia! Surely they will have heard about your trip through  Italy! Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io sappia che noi sappiamo che tu sappia che voi sappiate che lui, lei, Lei sappia che loro, essi sappiano Esempi: Non credo che tu non sappia la verità  ! I can’t believe that you don’t know the truth.Penso che sappiano suonare gli strumenti, avevano una banda cinque anni fa! I think they know how to play instruments, they had a band five years ago. Il passato io abbia saputo noi abbiamo saputo tu abbia saputo voi abbiate saputo lui, lei, Lei abbia saputo loro, essi abbiano saputo Esempi: Suppongo non abbiano saputo le notizie di oggi. I suppose they hadn’t heard today’s news.Peccato che non abbia saputo che fossimo qua, ieri sera ci avrebbe potuto raggiungere per cena. It’s a shame that he didn’t know we were here, he could have caught up with us for dinner last night. L’imperfetto io sapessi noi sapessimo tu sapessi voi sapeste lui, lei, Lei sapesse loro, essi sapessero Esempi: Non sapevo che pure lui sapesse la verità  ! Che brutta figura! I didn’t know that he also knew the truth! How embarrassing!Scusa! Pensavo che tu sapessi come si usa il metro a Roma, altrimenti te lo avrei detto prima. Sorry! I thought that you knew how one uses the metro in Rome, otherwise, I would have told you about it  first. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi saputo noi avessimo saputo tu avessi saputo voi aveste saputo lui, lei, Lei avesse saputo loro, essi avessero saputo Esempi: Se io avessi saputo cantare, sarei andato su quel palco scenico. If I had known how to sing, I would have gone up on that stage.Se avessimo saputo le notizie di Giulia prima, non le avremmo detto del matrimonio di Roberto! If we had heard Giulia’s news first, we wouldn’t have told her about Roberto’s wedding! Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io saprei noi sapremmo tu sapresti voi sapreste lui, lei, Lei saprebbe te loro, essi saprebbero Esempi: Se solo avessi frequentato le lezioni di piano, adesso saprei come suonarlo! If only I had  been attending piano lessons, I would know how to play it now!Insegnare una lingua? Sembra qualcosa che Rachele saprebbe fare! Teaching a language? It seems like something Rachel would know how to do. Il passato io avrei saputo noi avremmo saputo tu avresti saputo voi avreste saputo lui, lei, Lei avrebbe saputo loro, Loro avrebbero saputo Se avessi detto il segreto a Marco, poi tutto il mondo l’avrebbe saputo! If you had told Marco the secret, then the whole world would have found out about it.Carlotta, scusa, ma sono confusa e Rachele mi ha detto che avresti saputo cosa fare. Carlotta, sorry, but I’m confused and Rachel told me that you would know what to do.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay On Gender Differences In Major Selection - 781 Words

Findings of the research give some implications for research on gender difference in major choice. Morgan et al. (2012) demonstrated that neither gender differences in work–family goals nor in academic preparation explain a substantial portion of gender differences while the occupational plans of high school seniors are strong predictors of initial college major selection. It was also found that the association between occupational plans and college major selection is not attributable to work–family orientation or academic preparation. On the other hand, Mann et al. (2012) found that none of the prominent explanations for the persisting gender gap in STEM fields related to mathematics performance and background and general life goals are†¦show more content†¦(2012) organized the literature review with the relevance of the literature which is quite clear. Mann et al. (2012) organized the literature less structured on the explanations for gender segregation but d id well in the organization in the section of representing trends in gender segregation by the order of time. Morgan et al. (2012) identified the key terms ’pipeline model’’ by referring the ‘‘pipeline’’ and the ‘‘pipeline leakage’’ while Mann et al. (2012) did not mention any definition of the key terms such as how they view gender segregation. Moreover, both Morgan et al. (2012) and Mann et al. (2012) justified the study and its approach in order to connect the review with the research. The second point I critique is methodology. Both two papers applied secondary data analysis and used data from national statistics in longitudinal studies. In order to select the data from the data mountain, both of the two studies restrict the samples with the assistance of the research question, which associated with sampling. Secondary data analysis may bring about some ethical issues due to the confidentiality and differen t purpose of research. Besides, Mann et al. (2012) used data from different studies, which tends to cause some issues like the inconsistency of sampling due to different principle in samples selection. Overall Morgan et al. (2012) seemed to do a more persuasive and efficient research than Mann et al. (2012) inShow MoreRelatedThe History of Gender Inequality1124 Words   |  4 PagesGender inequality has been the main focus for many centuries through the use of discrimination and oppression women were exploited. Where women had very little rights of their own or a voice in society but made many sacrifices to achieve equal rights whether it be in employment or other areas of inequality. As men were seen as masculine breadwinners and women as more feminine by looking after the family and raring of children. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mcdonalds Supply Chain Management for Fast Foods- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMcdonalds Supply Chain Management for Fast Foods. Answer: Introduction McDonald according to (Jacobs, Chase Lummus, 2014, p 533-534) has one of the largest supply chains since it serves millions of customers across the world in their outlets. The company is known for the supply of fast foods especially hamburgers to almost 36000 outlets in 119 countries every day. The company uses a horizontal supply chain system which contains involving of suppliers in their activities which creates a win-win situation. The company always comes up with different types of food to add on their menu such as salads and smoothies to maintain its sustainability and customer satisfaction worldwide. To add on that, operations in the restaurant can be operated by affiliates, the corporate itself or franchisee and here is where the companys revenue is generated from. McDonalds supply chain components Plan McDonald can plan so well for the materials that is needed in the processing of foods. The company delegated material management to distribution centers in that one center should be able to plan for materials that will be used by many outlets; this promotes commitment and a reduction in cost (Mangala Lalwani, 2016). The company also has first tier and second tier suppliers. First tier suppliers are those that supply products that are already processed such as chicken to the distribution centers while second tier suppliers are those that transport the goods from the distribution centers to the company as they are ordered. Competencies of McDonald Technology and innovation The company partnered with a company that promoted business related to the internet. eMac digital company helped the company create a good platform for advertising their products as well as communication between the company and the outlets was also enhanced. E-procurement as advised by (Zabeen, Wui Lu, 2016, p 60-80) was also introduced and it helped involve suppliers in the supply chain. People from all restaurants can place orders from suppliers quickly and this has totally cut down the labor costs making McDonald very competent. Relationship with suppliers Macdonald has made sure it has good supplier relationship. It has a system that promotes win-win situation in that both the suppliers and the company can succeed all together. This system has contributed a lot to the companys supply chain. Material management The company delegated material management to the distribution centers and this has been very effective. The distribution centers place orders for materials which when brought there they are transferred to the company for processing. This has promoted commitment by the distribution centers and effective material management. Comments on the competencies of the company Macdonald uses the horizontal supply chain management mainly. The company has been able to maintain a close relationship with its suppliers and sharing of information using new forms of technology. If there is any development of innovation, technology or new product design, the company communicates to everyone that is involved in the supply chain. The effective material management as recommended by (Stadtler, 2015, p 3-28) is done by distribution centers in the company to ensure zero waste has also made it efficient. References Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B. and Lummus, R.R., 2014. Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Mangan, J., Lalwani, C. and Lalwani, C.L., 2016. Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. In Supply chain management and advanced planning (pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Zabeen, S., Wei, J. and Lu, X., 2016. Development of E-business solutions for fast food restaurants. International Journal of Services and Standards, 11(1), pp.60-80.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Disparity and Discrimination free essay sample

Many different situations occur within the criminal justice system. The situations that will be discussed in this essay are Pseudospeciation, bigotry vs. racism, hegemony, social construction, and disparity vs. discrimination. There will be definition on these terms. After defining the all terms, I will apply these terms to the criminal justice system using examples to illustrate the understanding of the definitions. Pseudospeciation Pseudospeciation begins with the fact that cultural differences cause humans to separate into different social groups, with different language, dress, customs, ect.Erik Erikson was known as the first person to use this term in 1966 explaining the inhumanity of human groups and human subgroups. For example: People with different religions believed their religion was true and others group’s religions were untrue. The criminal justice system law enforcement officers would have to respect a person religion, the way they dress, their custom, and language. There were necessary accommodations which had to be made by law enforcement officers, by separating the different religion groups so a person would not get harm by another person of a different religion group. We will write a custom essay sample on Disparity and Discrimination or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bigotry vs. Racism Bigotry is defined as the state of mind of a bigot. According to Merriam Webster bigotry is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinion and prejudices, especially one who regards or treats the member of a group with hatred and intolerance. For example: a person of another race might lock their doors when driving through a neighborhood populated by people of another race. Racism is defined as action, attitude, practices, or beliefs that reflect or support the racial worldview.Racism is a term which is used negatively and is usually associated with race based. The belief of racism is that people are divided into distinct hereditary groups that are innately different in their behavior and abilities. An example of a racism act could be when a young black man is stopped many times while he was driving his car, when he has done nothing wrong. They look inside his car and ask him for license and registration. â€Å"The police stop blacks and Latinos at rates that are much higher than whites.In New York City, where people of color make up about half of the population, 80% of the NYPD stops were of blacks and Latinos. When whites were stopped, only 8% were frisked. When blacks and Latinos are stopped 85% were frisked according to information provided by the NYPD. The same is true most other places as well. In a California study, the ACLU found blacks are three times more likely to be stopped than whites† (Quigley, 2012, Fourteen Examples of Racism in Criminal Justice System). Hegemony Felluga, (2011) â€Å"Hegemony is the processes by which dominant culture maintains its dominant position† (Hegemony). For example, a leader who was able to have control over a group of people might be referred to as hegemony. To keep the populations as a whole form rebelling against leadership hegemony has to have the support from at least one dominate class of people. Disparity vs. Discrimination Disparity in the criminal justice system refers to inequity of arrest and sentencing for certain groups of people. Most of the time it is refers to racial and ethnic disparity while discrimination can be defined as a prejudice.There is a difference in disparity however; the difference does not mean discrimination. For example, A person is arrested for burglary because of the person past crime history, and because this person was close to the scene of the crime. â€Å"To determine if discrimination exists in the criminal justice system or if the differences are a result of disparity one must fully understand the key differences between discrimination and† (Williams, 2009, Justice for All). In the criminal justice system, both discrimination and disparity exists.