Thursday, November 21, 2019

Write a play. RELIGION Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Write a play. RELIGION - Coursework Example This may be contrary to Jewish states which are run in accordance to Jewish law through special administrative courts. Individuals from Jewish background easily co-exist with others despite their conservative nature towards their beliefs. This shows why currently, the major secular Jewish defense agencies incorporate personnel capable and devoted to handling interfaith affairs. They create opportunities where members of other faith religions are allowed to discuss and dialogue. David: Health care providers focus on giving appropriate care to patients from different religious backgrounds. This calls for nurses to acquire as much knowledge as they can concern various religious beliefs and their cultural practices for the purposes of providing quality healthcare. Common "religions often encountered within health care domains are Baha’ism, Buddhism and Sikhism" (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). However, such religions share a number of similarities and differences. Diversity in religio ns and faith belief systems provides enough challenges within the health care sector. However, health care providers are endowed with "responsibility of showing acceptance of diversity of various belief expressions" (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). Hussein: According to Sikh religion, health and healing are directly related to spirituality since they believe in the intricate relationship between body, spirit and mind. Within the same line of belief, body is believed to serve the purpose of housing the spirit, which ultimately connects people with God. Sikh religion majorly believes in meditation, which forms an integral part of daily livelihood from family and on an individual level (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). Husein: Sikh contains prayers meant specifically for one's healing and peace, which are provided in form of hymns. Prayer is believed to have powers necessary for acquiring courage, hope, acceptance and understanding of deep meaning of illness. According to the religion, God carr ies out his will on sicknesses either through prayer or traditional medicine. Some believers prefer to accept God’s will rather than follow medical prescriptions from physicians. They are at liberty to combine Western medicine with traditional herbs as well as other available therapies. There are extensive teachings on destructive nature of illicit drugs, which according to Sikh, should be avoided by all means since they are believed to interfere with body functions, hence detrimental in the process of pursuing godly life. The religion partly allows issues on birth control since it is viewed as a form of disruption to natural cycle of life from different perspectives. (Puchalski and Romer, 2000). David: A meditation on the scriptures and prayer are considered to be of profound importance, which is done with the assistance of family members. Concepts of prayer and meditation can be performed in an active form by patients or they may be passive in form of hymns (Puchalski and R omer, 2000). All practices surrounding health care should give much attention to the holistic healing of the mind, body and spirit. Spiritual healing helps the process of identifying and appreciating the importance of an empowered life based on true self-worth. Healing experiences assists individuals in living lives that are limitless. Healing in the spirit as mentioned by most religions, demands leaving the concerns of the physical body and embracing the supernatural light. Husein: However, most of these experiences are extensively dealt with in the physical body. It is an important aspect for individuals to long for a recovery from a spiritual perspective. This assists medics in identifying the fact that malfunctioning body organs can be well rectified from the

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