Thursday, October 17, 2019

Film Review Critique Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Critique - Movie Review Example The reviews highlight some of the outstanding aspects of the film. This paper will present a critical analysis of three of the reviews of the movie. The director of this movie sought to tell the story of the 1937 massacre from the perspective of a non-Chinese individual. This is the reason why the film presents the story from the perspective of John Miller, an American who found himself in the middle of the events defining the massacre. He was unable to escape the main city in time a factor that forced him to find refuge in a Catholic cathedral. In the cathedral, he found a group of schoolgirls and an altar boy. Although he was drunk at that moment, he faced the compulsion of protecting the schoolgirls from attacks by the Japanese. In addition to the schoolgirls, some prostitutes also found shelter in the cathedral. John Miller was forced by the situation to take responsibility in protecting the schoolgirls as well as the prostitutes. He was helped by the altar boy named George towards their status of heroism (Errigo 2012, n.p). The review of the movie The Flowers of War written by Angie Errigo highlights several aspects of the movie. The review begins by presenting a summary of the plot in which Errigo highlights the role played by John Miller in saving the schoolgirls. She is keen to mention that he was poised to pose as a priest in order to successfully protect the schoolgirls. However, her summary of the plot leaves some of the critical details that define the plot. The review then focuses on describing the efforts made by the director Zhang Yimou. The review mentions that the director has had previous experience releasing films that earned global attention. In this review, the theme of the film, which seeks to retell the events of the 1937 siege of China by Japan is highlighted. The review acknowledges that this theme has been the focus of different directors with each bringing out a unique product. Errigo

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