Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Intercultural communication( this is the course I'm studying, not the Assignment - 2

Intercultural communication( this is the course I'm studying, not the topic) - Assignment Example This is why I avoided talking about prohibited food items and drinks as it is uncommon in the country. Hence it is visible that the intercultural context is an important consideration in choosing the subject of any conversation. The cultural setting of the American society along with its diverse population calls for the need to avoid topics such as religion, politics, etc to avoid instigating disagreements. In many cultures, communication is more open and straightforward such as the student’s Dutch relative. In such a case, an American may seem more reserved in initial conversations whereas the Dutch are more casual in their communication. War and peace is a slippery subject matter. Subjects related to war are typically not viewed in a positive light which is evident in the response by the old ladies. Most people view war as an aggressive and violent action, which is why the old ladies responded thus depicting

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethics In Group Counseling Essay Example for Free

Ethics In Group Counseling Essay Abstract This essay provides information about ethics, as defined and regulated in the practice of counseling or therapy sessions. Furthermore, this essay looks closely at the intricacies of ethical issues in counseling and group therapies and how these compare to the ethical issues in individual therapies. It also touches on the importance of co-leadership in group therapies and the dynamics of the relationship between the leader and the co-leader. This essay also covers in great detail, the reasons why therapists prefer to conduct group therapies over individual therapies and vice versa. Ethics in Group Counseling Ethics – Defined Ethics has various meanings. Many counselors see ethics as a code of conduct or a set of moral values. Some counselors emphasize the legal principles and ramifications of certain behavior during counseling sessions, while others put a high priority on the cultural norms or societal standards brought forth within the counseling practice (Hill, 2004).Code of conduct and set of moral values go hand in hand (Hill, 2004). These are guidelines of the â€Å"do’s and don’ts† in counseling. Just as God has given us guidelines for effective and joyful leading through the ten commandments Exodus 20:1-20 (New International Version) and the examples of Christ in the New Testament, along with the epistles and letters of apostles and disciples like Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, so should the majority of the professional groups or sub-groups such as the counseling industry also have moral codes of conducts, procedures and laws. These behavioral conduct principles are geare d towards counselors for high efficiency and success rates in therapy sessions (Hill, 2004). They help maintain the integrity of the counselor which helps maintain the trust between the therapist and the patient. There are inconsistencies and discrepancies with these moral values or code of conducts (Jennings et al., 2005).Many professionals put precedence over  rules and regulations, just as many Christians can be overly zealous with God’s commands that they miss out in creating and maintaining meaningful relationships. Many counselors can also miss out on the strengths of relationships as they focus on just the foundational moral values they bring into their professions (Jennings et al., 2005) In other words, it is not merely enough to go by the â€Å"codes† in one’s profession. These codes can be too broad. One’s beliefs, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, justice and sound mind should also be a direct and large part in the ethical behavior of a counselor. Each profession, including the counseling profession must create a balance or equi librium for such rules. Legal principles, on the other hand, are governing standards that are defined to create safety nets around the counselor and around the client. Legal principles not only define the boundaries between the client and the counselor, they also define the legal consequences if such boundaries are neglected or abused (Hill, 2004). Legal principles for psychological counseling include the stringent process of handling complaints from clients. As in any law-governing body or group, complaints must be handled efficiently and efficiencies depend on the protocols and guidelines constituted by specific bodies such as the American Psychological Association or the APA. Legal principles also include the issuance and the renewal of counseling or social work licenses. Each state has a governing body that overlooks the issuance and the renewals of licenses, as well as the insurance procedures including liability claims for counseling professionals Cultural norms or societal standards are highly regulated principles set forth by a certain group within a profession. For instance, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs regulate the principles and procedures within the counseling profession. The principles set forth are guidance procedures that keep the professionals professional, and the clients protected. Such accrediting bodies or regulatory agencies also set forth educational and professional backgrounds for counselors to adhere to or live by. In other words, counseling groups require their professionals to attain certain amount of education, training and experience to ensure that their professionals are skilled and prepared to counsel clients from various diversities and cultural and emotional backgrounds (Hill, 2004). The counselor’s competence is a priority. The main  issue, when it comes to competence, is the fact that the counselor has built ample set of skills, through education and experience, in order to effectively, successfully and ethically counsel others relationally (Jennings et al., 2005) After all, psychologists are professionals who use most of their time observing human behavior and experiences and interpreting these into progressive theorie s that can benefit others mentally and emotionally in their physical, social and environmental relationships. The professional must know how to deal with people and this includes listening, suggesting, advising and creating plans for individuals. These plans can highly affect the individuals’ self-esteem and progress. Ethical issues in social work group settings are challenging (Gumpert Black, 2006). It’s far more complex than what the general public knows about. One of the ethical standards is that the group leader must have ample amount of experience in different types of group settings; must have a very extensive perspective; and must be equipped to face the obstacles and complexities that rise more commonly in group settings (Gumpert Black, 2006). Therapists must be able to overcome conflicts and tackle crises (Amato, Blase, Paley, 2000). Therefore, the therapist must be skilled in screening potential group members (Amato et al., 2000, p. 12) Conflicts are inevitable in any group setting because individuals are made up of different personalities, educational and socio-economic backgrounds and mental, physical and emotional capabilities. Ethical issues are important because they help the therapists understand their clients and embrace the diversity at hand. Spiritual background should also be considered because ethical issues also take into consideration the spiritual backgrounds, values and beliefs of the individuals. Ethical Issues Unique to Group Settings Some of the ethical issues in professional group counseling include the highly confidential nature of group sessions and the challenges counselors have in refraining members from communicating with each other outside the group settings. As simple as these guidelines sound, it is difficult for the counselor to ensure these principles. After all human beings are relational beings. (Gumpert Black, 2006). We are all inclined to create relationships as we understand ourselves and each other. These relationships have defined boundaries. In group counseling, one of the most important boundaries to  remember is to refrain from sharing private or confidential information gathered in the group outside the group. Additionally, the demand for confidentiality in the counseling profession is one that can be neglected and can inevitably cause detrimental effects not just for the group but for individual as well (Gumpert Black, 2006). With this confidentiality at hand, the trust issues are at stake and one that should be monitored closely and on a regular basis. The consequences of violating the confidentiality clause in any group therapy must be introduced and must constantly be re-visited on a regular basis. It is that important. Communication with other members of the group also propels another problem in ethics amongst counseling professionals. It creates a breach of contract among the group members (Gumpert Black, 2006). Once this breach of contract is violated, the professionalism and the integrity of the counseling group is in a dangerous and delicate stage and one that can keep the group from progressing and the individual members from succeeding in their therapy goals. One of the ethical issues in group counseling is of control, or the lack thereof. According to Haeseler, group therapists have lesser amount of control over what happens in group counseling sessions compared to individual therapy sessions (Amato, Blase, Paley, 2000). Haesler has conducted both group and individual art therapies. She concluded that although group sessions can encourage member interactions, certain members can affect other members in a negative way (Amato et al., 2000). Not only are human beings relational beings, we are also influential beings. We strive to persuade others as much as we strive to encourage one another. In group therapies, this need to influence others can be too strong that it creates a sense of peer pressure. (Amato et al., 2000) Although not all peer pressures are bad (because we can pressure others into doing what is morally correct) it is one that should be highly monitored in the groups. Every member of the group should be comfortable to freely state their feelings, thoughts and ideas and not be pressured or be influenced by other members to do or say what doesn’t come sincerely from our hearts. (Amato et al., 2000) Choosing Group Therapy over Individual Therapy Group therapies are as important as individual therapies. Many therapists  choose to conduct group therapies because in groups, members tend to feel a sense of equality (Banks, 2005) with other members, as opposed to having one authority (the counselor) and one individual (client or subject). Additionally, some people actually thrive better in groups because they like to share with others and may not feel very comfortable with having to talk to just one person. Group therapies can be the better therapy for people who dislike being by themselves. Group therapies also encourage respect for others (Banks, 2005). Since members are required to actively participate in the group, they are also required to respect other members with their opinions; multi-cultural diversities and various personalities. They are required to allow others to share their experiences with the other members. Members who have learned to adapt to listening to others and learning from them can get better results in their emotional and social levels. Group therapies are also preferred by leaders because of the exhilarating aspect of being more vigilant with members (Banks, 2005) when it comes to conflicts or negative outlooks of certain members. Therefore, group leaders have a stronger sense of keeping things more imaginative and livelier. There is nothing complacent and dull with a group because there are always different dynamics that the leader can face from one moment to the next. Group therapies can keep counselors on their toes, watching out for that dominant talker, or the negative influence in the group. They also try to find more ways for the groups to be more exciting and challenging through different exercises. Interpersonal learning also has a natural way of allowing members to reflect on a topic of issue, based on experiences of other members. Reflections can create thought-provoking questions that invite members to work even harder in probing how they feel or how they see things from another member’s background and experience. Group therapies can create the perfect environment for observation on how we can each impact the lives of others. The members of the group can witness right away the effects of good communication and right attitudes and perceptions in real time within real relationships (Vandenberghe, 2009). There are no hypothetical discussions in group therapies. There are always experiential discussions and narratives in groups. This dynamic is ideal for learning by observation. The more opportunities are given to members for observation and feedback; for sharing and relating, the more progress the group can have as a whole. As the group  progresses as a whole, each individual member can also progress in his or her own level and within his or her own sets of goals. Choosing Individual Therapy Over Group Therapy It is important to look at both sides of therapy. Many therapists prefer group therapies over individual therapies, and vice versa. Therapists who embrace individual therapies believe that group therapies reduce the sense of individualism for the patients (Piper, 2007). In other words, the patient is more likely to be influenced by other members of the group, regarding feedback and participation, rather than be encouraged to be themselves. Sharing is an essential part of therapy and some members are just not adapted to sharing how they feel with others. Therefore, the trust level also diminishes. With one on one therapy, the trust level can be gained in each session, and sometimes almost instantaneously. Many therapists also claim that group therapies are more likely to expose the therapists to personal attacks or criticisms (Piper, 2007). In other words, the observations of other members on how the therapist reacts to another member can create different perceptions of favoritism, in clusion or lack thereof, and can lead other members compelled to attack or even rebuke the therapist. This of course, can take the group therapy to another level which can keep other members from progressing. For many therapists, group therapies are more difficult to plan for or to organize (Piper, 2007). There are more challenges to face. These include the logistics of the group sessions: assembling members as well as generating referrals to keep up or maintain the groups (Piper, 2007). The therapist must be diligent in screening his or potential group members; must take into consideration the different personalities of the members and must highly prioritize the goals set forth in each session. These goals must be aligned to the goals that the members have in joining a group. A mismatch in the goals can create a disaster for all members involved, not to mention misunderstandings and conflicts. Conducting group therapies also requires more training and experience that only a few therapists are equipped with. The therapist must possess leadership and group communications skills and ex perience. Supplemental skills of forming, maintaining and ending a group must also be present, as well as working stage skills such as keeping the focus, creating dyads, and  handling negative members should also be taken into consideration (Jacobs, Masson, Harvill, 2009). This is where co-leadership can come into play. Before conducting groups, counselors must be experienced in co-leadership. The experience can give them better ways of handling conflicts and prepare them in communicating with the members as a whole. Finally, it is always difficult to avoid the subject of â€Å"budget† even in counseling therapies. Many therapists prefer individual therapies because group therapies are still not considered as a common treatment (Piper, 2007) and therefore, many healthcare management systems do not consider them as an essential in the overall well-being of the patient. With the reduction of health care benefits by the health care management companies, the acceptance of group therapy as part of a rigorous treatment plan is still in its minimal level and many group therapy claims are continuously being denied (Piper, 2007). Conclusion Being able to counsel others as a group is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. A good group counselor must be experienced in both group and individual counseling therapies, and must know his or her strengths as well as his or her weaknesses. Most importantly, a good group therapy leader must be well-informed about the ethical practices, issues and limitations of his or her profession. Having an extensive education, well-balanced experience and background, self-awareness and broad knowledge of the ethical issues of group counseling, along with passion to make a difference and good and sound wisdom can help a group therapist succeed and therefore make a tremendous difference in people’s lives. References Amato, L., Blase, C., Paley, S. (2000). Ethics. American Journal of Art Therapy, 39, 12. Banks, R. (2005). Solution-Focused Group Therapy. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 16, 17-21. Freeman, S. J., Engels, D. W., Altekruse, M. (2004). Foundations for Ethical Standards and Codes: The Role of Moral Philosophy and Theory in Ethics. Counseling Values, 48, 163-173. Gumpert, J., Black, P. N. (2006). Ethical Issues in Group Work: What are They? How Are They Managed?. Social Work with Groups, 29, 61-74. Hill, A. L. (2004). Ethical Analysis in Counseling: A Case for Narrative Ethics, Moral Visions and Virtue Ethics. Counseling Values, 48, 131-148. Jacobs, E. E., Masson, R. L., Harvill, R. L. (2009). Group Counseling Strategies and Skills (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Jennings, L., Sovereign, A., Bottorff, N., Mussell, N., Pederson, M., Vye, C. (2005). Nine Ethical Values of Master Therapists. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27, 32-47. Luke, M., Hackney, H. (2007). Group Coleadership: A Critical Review. Counselor Education Supervision, 46, 280-293. Piper, W. E. (2007). Underutilization of Short-term Group Therapy: Enigmatic or Understandable?. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 127-138. Urofsky, R. I., Engels, D. W. (2003). Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, and Counseling Ethics: Not an Abstraction. Counseling Values, 47, 118. Vandenberghe, L. (2009). A Functional Analytic approach to Group Psychotherapy. Behavioral Analyst Today, 10, 71-82.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The New Deal Essay -- American History Great Depression Essays

The New Deal In the early 1930's in the midst of the largest economic crisis our country has ever seen newly elected Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt was faced with the task of figuring out a way to pull our country out of the terrible depression that seemed to have no end. To rally the country and try and jump start the economy and the people from the apparent standstill that gripped the nation President Roosevelt implemented a plan that became known as the ‘New Deal’. The New Deal was America’s introduction to government entitlement programs. The era of President Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal sparked change in the country that has left lasting effects on our economic, political and social behavior. The New Deal was not purely economically rooted. Roosevelt rather than basing his strategies on the rules of economics he implemented projects based on opportunity and practicality. The overall goal of the New Deal was to introduce America to a larger more expansive federal government which took control and provide services to assist the country out of the depression. The New Deal began with several programs some successful other not so successful, known as the â€Å"Alphabetical Agencies†. These programs and administrations were spread out over the first two terms of President Roosevelt which are seen as the ‘first’ and ‘second’ New Deals. The first New Deal began when Roosevelt entered office in 1932. He opened his New Deal with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC), which is still in use today. At its inception, the FDIC insured bank saving up to $5,000 and there were also very severe regulations put upon the sale of securities on the stock exchan... ...s Act, the Social Security Act was also enacted at this time two mainstays of our government even today. The political implications are along party lines. In the 1936 election, because of the New Deal certain groups became strongly aligned with the parties. The Democratic party became the party of labor groups, farmers, immigrants and urban ethnic groups from eastern Europe, African Americans and the South. The Republican Party found its support in the businesses and middle and upper class people in small towns and suburbs. Many of these political alliances continue today as a result of the New Deal. The New Deal also gave us our first and last President to serve 3 terms. FDR won three consecutive Presidency terms on the momentum of the New Deal and the ensuing war. The New Deal although seen as a short term failure by many has turned out to be a long time success.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

If I Could Tell You Essay Essay

TimeTime, said to be eternal, possess neither a beginning nor an end. Yet however there is a fixation on being able to measure it in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Trying to save time with new technology, manage time with multi-tasking activities. All in the hopes of giving meanings to the past, present and future. The past is able to been seen but not changed, today is in the present yet still unpredictable, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. If I Could Tell You by W. H. Auden is a villanelle much like others using rhyme, repetition, and meter, that revolve around the main idea of the continuity time and its unforeseeable nature. The rhyming of the alternating ending lines, â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so† (1) and â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know† (3) keep the rhyme scheme which stays on the central themes. â€Å"Time will say nothing but i told you so† shows that time keeps going, because this is a statement. Although the things of the future are unforeseeable, it is guaranteed that in the end the only one who will know what will happen is Time. â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know† show how unforeseeable Time is. Auden knows that he can not see into the future, which is why he says â€Å"If I could†¦ †. These two phrases depict the speakers understanding of the continuity of time even though he shows to have a desire to know ahead of time what to do before certain events. The villanelle itself has a rhythm as a whole through periodical thinking. The beginning shows how Time does not wait for anything or anyone, â€Å"nothing but I told you so†. He later goes on to question Time in the second stanza and if we should fight back, which is why he says â€Å"weep when clowns put on their show† and â€Å"stumble when musicians play† which are juxtapositions since these actions are not likely given the circumstances. The third stanza shows the shift as he begins to understand that Time is necessary and things have to happen for a reason, â€Å"the winds must come from somewhere†. In the fourth stanza his train of thought is nearing a conclusion as he begins to wonder if not only do things have to happen, but are they meant to happen for the greater good, â€Å"Perhaps the roses really want to grow†. The ending shows Audens maturity throughout the villanelle and ends with â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know † stating that Time is out of his hands, but it is acceptable and if there was anyway he could help, he would. Throughout the villanelle, time is personified and introduced to the reader as an unreliable character, through. Auden blames Time for unwanted changes in life, and he repeats the line because he observes that all changes, even those that are unintentional, come with Time. The repetition of Time at the end of the stanza rather than the beginning or end display how eternal time is. The first part of each stanza question Time, but all ends with â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so†, explaining that whatever Auden thinks or observes, will all be part of the past in the future. Much like poetry as a whole, used to express emotion and speechless opinions, the villanelle is almost perfect fitting for the theme of time. A villanelles structure alone portrays almost a near exhibition of time. Through the first five stanzas, a villanelle is predictable with tercets although the last stanza is a quatrain. This depiction could be metaphorical that time can be planned although in the end, everything may not come to together as hoped. The meter only emphasises this metaphor more by breaking the alternating line in each of the tercets before at the end. Audens desire to be able to match time is emphasized by the repetition of two phrases by the structure of the poem, which in itself helps portray the author’s idea about times continuity and its unforeseeable nature.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Computer Science Essay

â€Å"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful†. My academic performance has been consistently above average, which was duly recognized by the College when I was presented the Good Result for my performance in the PUC. My Pre University(PU) course played a key role in laying a Accounting which enabled me to develop a puc courses oriented outlook and encouraged me to pursue Undergraduate education. I stressed on acquiring basic knowledge during my Pre University (PU) studies to strengthen my belief that a concrete foundation is essential for a prosperous career. I yearned to equip myself with cutting edge Business and Accounting concept in order to deal with enormous and multifaceted growth Business and Accounting. The mercurial growth in the communications has been fascinating me right from my pre university days. I always found it very interesting to untangle the complex web of communications, fiber optics. A career in communication is something that, I have always dreamt of. As it absolutely necessary for everyone to be acquainted with computers, I have earned the knowledge of ‘C’ and ‘C++’. My field of interest lies in communication, fiber optics. Though right now I am applying for the Undergraduate program, I would like to continue my study in this field to attain my goal in your esteemed university. In college, I have given seminars in my class on various topics. This experience convinced me that I have good communication skills. I have participated in youth festivals and college fetes which have enhanced my ability to effectively get into a team, but at the same time retain individuality. With this ambition I am confident that my academic capability and analytical skills coupled with my perseverance and single minded devotion will see me through to this goal. Given a chance, I am confident that my potential will be reflected in my Undergraduate studies and I will live up to high standards of your Undergraduate program. I am really interested in Chester University as it is one of the renowned Universities in UK. It offers excellent programmes bridging the gap between theory and practice. The opinion of its learned faculty on wide ranging topics is sought globally. Strong links and regular interaction with industry and business enables it to offer teaching latest global trends and needs. So I believe the confidence and exposure which I would acquire from my education in UK will help me to be more successful in today’s business world. Its simulating environment will provide me ample scope for over all developments and bring out the best in me.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

9 top jobs to pursue if youre bilingual

9 top jobs to pursue if youre bilingual Having another language under your belt can be a huge career asset in today’s crowded market. People on two sides of a language divide will rely on you  to effectively and fluently convey information back and forth. If you’re bilingual (or looking to add another language to your skillset), read on to learn about the best jobs for people with this valuable skill. 1. Translator/InterpreterThis is sort of a no brainer, but it’s a much-needed and thriving career. Whether your skills are best written or verbal, a wide variety of institutions and organizations need people who speak different languages available- think hospitals, conference centers, educational institutions, courts, immigration facilities†¦ the list goes on and on.2. Emergency ServicesWhen people call for an emergency, they need to be heard and understood without delay. If someone calls with limited English skills and you are able to help them in their native tongue, you’ll save the say fo r everyone involved. Consider joining fire or police departments or becoming an EMT.3. Human ResourcesMost companies are looking to improve workplace diversity, so bringing foreign workers onto the payroll is key. An HR department that can communicate with new hires? A no brainer.  Human resources specialists recruit, interview, and place workers.4. Customer ServiceWhy deal with irate calls in only one language? Or better yet: why not help companies grow their customer base by helping to field queries and complaints in not one, but two languages! Multilingual call centers are already a norm, so they’re always on the lookout for multi- or bilingual applicants with cultural sensitivity and stellar people skills.5. Social/Community WorkHelp people in their own communities and in their own languages. Americans come from so many diverse backgrounds that it’s often a huge plus to be able to help someone in their native tongue- whether you’re a social worker or a dis aster relief worker, etc.6. Bank TellerBanks can be intimidating and confusing places on a good day. Now imagine no one speaking your language. Be a hero and help people through transactions in their first language.7. Immigration SpecialistChances are, if you’re working to help people acquire legal status in the United States for the first time, they might not be totally fluent in English right off the bat. Help them through the trying process in their own language.8. Flight AttendantSet yourself apart from the other candidates by boasting that you can communicate with customers on board in more than one language. Having another language in your pocket (or multiple languages!) increases the safety and understanding of everyone on the plane, and can make a flight more comfortable for someone whose English isn’t great.9. TeacherAs this list has shown, knowing another language other than English makes you hirable in a variety of fields. Why not help the next generation of workers be able to communicate fluently in another language? You’ll get to pass on your passion to a group of kids and ensure that they will be armed with a valuable skill that will enhance their personal and professional lives.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Amazon Ads For Authors Two Case Studies Showing That They Do Work

Amazon Ads For Authors Two Case Studies Showing That They Do Work Amazon Ads for Authors: Two Case Studies Showing They Do Work Amazon ads have been the talk of indie author town since Amazon opened its AMS platform to all KDP users in 2016. While Facebook ads become increasingly competitive, as Mark Dawson already predicted on this blog back in 2015, Amazon has made huge improvements to their advertising platform, and are progressively becoming one of the most favored channels for marketing a book.Like any other advertising platform, the AMS platform comes with its own challenges and learning curve. And like any other platform, success largely depends on data analysis and iteration. In this post, we’ll analyze two case studies (one fiction, one nonfiction) and try to understand what these authors are doing right.A brief intro to Amazon AMS adsBefore we get into the case studies, it’s important to have a look at what Amazon ads do. If you’re already familiar with them - or have taken the Reedsy Learning course on Amazon ads for authors, or Dave Chesson's video training - you can skip th is part.When judging any advertising platform, you should think about four crucial things:Placement: where do the ads show up?Targeting: how can I decide whom the ads get shown to?Cost: when am I being charged? What is the minimum I need to invest?Analytics: how do I know if my ads are working or not?PlacementThere are two types of ads you can try on Amazon:Sponsored Product: these ads show up on search result listings and other books’ product pages (below the â€Å"also boughts†).The main thing to note is that his targeting is automatic.â€Å"Here’s my logic: Amazon knows! It’s creepy, but Amazon knows what you’re shopping for, what you’ve been looking at, what your interests are and how best to deliver the right advert at the right time.†For more insights into Joseph’s campaigns, take our free course on Amazon ads! Two of the 10 lessons are written by him and he shares everything about his process. On top of that, Joseph's a freelance book marketer on Reedsy. If you’re a non-fiction author looking to self-publish or to dabble with AMS ads, you can get in touch with him and seek his help.Takeaways for nonfiction authors:Try Sponsored Product ads first;If your book’s metadata is well-optimized, go for automatic targeting;Even if the ACoS isn't the best, consider the number of impressions you're getting and the impact in brand awareness.What's your experience with the AMS ad platform been like?   Share your insights with us below. If you have any questions for Annelie and Joseph, feel free to ask in the comments as well!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 15th Century Chinese Explorer Cheng Ho

The 15th Century Chinese Explorer Cheng Ho Decades before Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in search of a water route to Asia, the Chinese were exploring the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific with seven voyages of the Treasure Fleet that solidified Chinese control over much of Asia in the 15th century. The Treasure Fleets were commanded by a powerful eunuch admiral named Cheng Ho. Cheng Ho was born around 1371 in Chinas southwestern Yunan Province (just north of Laos) with the name Ma Ho. Ma Hos father was a Muslim hajji (who had made a pilgrimage to Mecca) and the family name of Ma was used by Muslims in representations of the word Mohammed. When Ma Ho was ten years old (around 1381), he was captured along with other children when the Chinese army invaded Yunan to take control over the region. At the age of 13 he was castrated, as were other young prisoners, and he was placed as a servant in the household of the Chinese Emperors fourth son (out of twenty-six total sons), Prince Zhu Di. Ma Ho proved himself to be an exceptional servant to Prince Zhu Di. He became skilled in the arts of war and diplomacy and served as an officer of the prince. Zhu Di renamed Ma Ho as Cheng Ho because the eunuchs horse was killed in battle outside of a place called Zhenglunba. (Cheng Ho is also Zheng He in the newer Pinyin transliteration of Chinese but hes still most commonly called Cheng Ho). Cheng Ho was also known as San Bao which means three jewels. Cheng Ho, who was said to have been seven feet tall, was given greater power when Zhu Di became emperor in 1402. One year later, Zhu Di appointed Cheng Ho admiral and ordered him to oversee the construction of a Treasure Fleet to explore the seas surrounding China. Admiral Cheng Ho was the first eunuch appointed to such a high military position in China. First Voyage (1405-1407) The first Treasure Fleet consisted of 62 ships; four were huge wood boats, some of the largest ever built in history. They were approximately 400 feet (122 meters) long and 160 feet (50 meters) wide. The four were the flagships of the fleet of 62 ships assembled at Nanjing along the Yangtze (Chang) River. Included in the fleet were 339-foot (103-meter) long horse ships that carried nothing but horses, water ships that carried fresh water for the crew, troop transports, supply ships, and warships for offensive and defensive needs. The ships were filled with thousands of tons of Chinese goods to trade with others during the voyage. In the fall of 1405, the fleet was ready to embark with 27,800 men. The fleet utilized the compass, invented in China in the 11th century, for navigation. Graduated sticks of incense were burned to measure time. One day was equal to 10 watches of 2.4 hours each. Chinese navigators determine latitude through monitoring the North Star (Polaris) in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Cross in the Southern Hemisphere. The ships of the Treasure Fleet communicated with one another through the use of flags, lanterns, bells, carrier pigeons, gongs, and banners. The destination of the first voyage of the Treasure Fleet was Calicut, known as a major trading center on the southwestern coast of India. India was initially discovered by Chinese overland explorer Hsuan-Tsang in the seventh century. The fleet stopped in Vietnam, Java, and Malacca, and then headed west across the Indian Ocean to Sri Lanka and Calicut and Cochin (cities on the southwest coast of India). They remained in India to barter and trade from late 1406 to the spring of 1407 when they utilized the monsoon shift to sail toward home. On the return voyage, the Treasure Fleet was forced to battle pirates near Sumatra for several months. Eventually, Cheng Hos men managed to capture the pirate leader and take him to the Chinese capital Nanjing, arriving in 1407. Second Voyage (1407-1409) A second voyage of the Treasure Fleet departed on a return trip to India in 1407 but Cheng Ho did not command this voyage. He remained in China to oversee the repair of a temple at the birthplace of a favorite goddess. The Chinese envoys on board helped to ensure the power of a king of Calicut. The fleet returned in 1409. Third Voyage (1409-1411) The fleets third voyage (Cheng Hos second) from 1409 to 1411 consisted of 48 ships and 30,000 men. It followed closely the route of the first voyage but the Treasure Fleet established entrepots (warehouses) and stockades along their route to facilitate trade and storage of goods. On the second voyage, the King of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was aggressive; Cheng Ho defeated the kings forces and captured the king to take him to Nanjing. Fourth Voyage (1413-1415) In late 1412, Cheng Ho was ordered by Zhu Di to make  a fourth  expedition. It wasnt until late 1413 or early 1414 that Cheng Ho embarked on his expedition with 63 ships and 28,560 men. The goal of this trip was to reach the Persian Gulf at Hormuz, known to be a city of amazing wealth and goods, including pearls and precious stones much coveted by the Chinese emperor. In the summer of 1415, the Treasure Fleet returned with a bounty of trade goods from the Persian Gulf. Detachments of this expedition sailed south along the eastern coast of Africa almost as far south as Mozambique. During each of Cheng Hos voyages, he brought back diplomats from other countries or encouraged ambassadors to go to the capital Nanjing on their own. Fifth Voyage (1417-1419) The fifth voyage was ordered in 1416 to return the ambassadors who had arrived from other countries. The Treasure Fleet departed in 1417 and visited the Persian Gulf and the east coast of Africa, returning envoys along the way. They returned in 1419. Sixth Voyage (1421-22) A sixth voyage was launched in the spring of 1421 and visited Southeast Asia, India, the Persian Gulf, and Africa. By this time, Africa was considered Chinas El Dorado, a source of riches. Cheng Ho returned in late 1421 but the remainder of the fleet didnt arrive in China until 1422. Emperor Zhu Di died in 1424 and his son Zhu Gaozhi became emperor. He canceled the voyages of the Treasure Fleets and ordered shipbuilders and sailors to stop their work and return home. Cheng Ho was appointed military commander of Nanjing. Seventh Voyage (1431-1433) The leadership of Zhu Gaozhi did not last long. He died in 1426 at the age of 26. His son and Zhu Dis grandson Zhu Zhanji took Zhu Gaozhis place. Zhu Zhanji was much more like his grandfather than his father was and in 1430 he resumed the Treasure Fleet voyages by ordering Cheng Ho to resume his duties as admiral and make  a seventh  voyage in an attempt to restore peaceful relations with the kingdoms of Malacca and Siam. It took a year to gear up for the voyage which departed as a large expedition with 100 ships and 27,500 men. On the return trip in  1433,  Cheng Ho is believed to have died; others state that he died in 1435 after the return to China. Nonetheless, the era of exploration for China was soon over as the following  emperors  prohibited trade and even the construction of ocean-going vessels. Its likely that a detachment of one of Cheng Hos fleets sailed to northern Australia during one of the seven voyages based  upon  the Chinese artifacts found as well as the oral history of the Aborigine. After the seven voyages of Cheng Ho and the Treasure Fleets, Europeans began to make headway toward China. In 1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounded Africas Cape of Good Hope, in 1498 Vasco da Gama reached Chinas favorite trading city of Calicut, and in 1521 Ferdinand Magellan finally reached Asia by sailing west. Chinas superiority in the Indian Ocean was unrivaled until the 16th century when the Portuguese arrived and established their colonies along the rim of the Indian Ocean.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rights Affecting the Restaurant and House Essay

Rights Affecting the Restaurant and House - Essay Example The tenants are in fact the ones who have been enjoying possession of the property. J has then to note that J's continued failure to take possession of the property may prevent him from claiming ownership of it now. What he ought to establish is whether there is any current dispute between J and his former tenants. 1 (2) Right to enforce the covenants- The neighbour N has the right over the covenants that he had agreed between himself and J, the property owner. The covenant was that the whole premises were never to be used for the sale of food and drinks. But now, J together with her husband, it has converted the shop into an Italian restaurant, whose purpose it to sell foods and drinks. The general rule of covenants is that, they run with property i.e. each person in possession of the property at different time is entitled to enforce the covenant as that one before him. The covenant does not cease to exist with the exit of one tenant of A enters into covenant with B and B later sells the property to C, C has a right to enforce the covenants with A even though he was not privy to the contract that gave rise to the covenant. In this respect therefore it is important for J to recognize and respect N's rights over the covenant. He cannot lawfully carry out the business of running a hotel/ restaurant. 2 (3) Ri(3) Right to non-conveyance of a registered owner: - Any person who has registered his title over his property needs not to prove conveyance. Conveyance is the act of transferring title/ interest of property from one person to another. However, for this to happen he must claim title by adverse possession and also satisfy the chief land registrar. Technical difficulties can be overlooked by the Land Boss. P then ought to know that it is possible for J to have innocently possessed the households fraudulently because of these simple procedures through registration. If this would however be realized at a later stage, difficulties would be experienced in case the property is to be re - transferred. But if in case P incurs losses in the transaction he is entitled to be indemnified by the Land Registry. However, for him to succeed he must have acted in good faith i.e. without knowledge of the defects in title If title to both restaurant premises and the house had remained unregistered, restrictive covenants can be enforced in equity against J. they will still bind P. But conveyance might not be automatic to P because J may be perceived not to be having a better title of the freehold property - The principle of nemo dat quod non habet i.e. "You cannot sell what you don't have". But before the equity principles came into play, purchases of such property could not enjoy such rights as the right to enforce restrictive covenants. (4) Restrictive covenant on leased property: - There is a restrictive covenant between J and T that T that T should lease the above for 5 years. By letting P expand the restaurant onto the first floor of the property, J would be going against her earlier agreements with T. P cannot therefore legally succeed in evicting T as the covenant/ agreement between J and T binds him as well. For variation of the terms of a lease to be effective, a notice must be given which should be forwarded to the chief Land Registrar. And until such a step is taken by J, the variation of terms and

Friday, October 18, 2019

School Vouchers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

School Vouchers - Essay Example Due to the multifaceted effect of the said system it is important to consider the advantages of the system over the disadvantages (Walberg, and Wang 2-15). When it comes to the study of the issues regarding the voucher system for schools, there are the two sides. The side that affirm the importance of the used of the school vouchers and the side that questions the feasibility of the propositions and policies are vital to the study of the school voucher system (Kupermintz 2). The main objective of the study if to present the importance of the application of school voucher system. To be able to determine the importance of school voucher system, views on the different aspects are required. Based on the study of the different issues related to the system, there are different points that can be given attention. These points include the educational aspect itself, social aspect, and political aspect. It is important to give attention to these issues to be able to realize the vitality of the voucher system. The primary evidence of the importance and applicability of the school voucher is in relation to the a... Although there are different contradictions and criticism regarding the issue, it is important to consider that the main objective is to be able to provide access to education. The subsequent evidence in support of the school voucher system is the aim of the proponents of the establishment of the system to target the improvement in terms of educating the population. Generally the view of the group that opposes the system is the fact that optimization of the resources if not guaranteed and that the possible loss in terms of fund can be put to the improvement of the public schools which are considered to require more form the government to be able to improve. This can be considered to be affected by the school vouchers due to the fact that in most cases these privileges are also from the government and government officials. Although there is an important point being presented by the groups that question the feasibility of the school vouchers it is important to consider the different advantages that are related to the system. It can be considered as an optimistic action to be able to alleviate a larger portion of the population from illiteracy. It can be considered as a bold action to be able to pursue the advocacy for school voucher due to the fact that it is opt to be questioned by different groups. The advocacy for the continuance of the school voucher system is important for the people who have the capability to avail the requirements and the privileges of the provision system due to the fact that the people being helped can make the difference. When it comes to the different aspects that can be discerned by the groups and institutions in the society that are against the continuation of the provision of school

Emergency Service Managment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Emergency Service Managment - Research Paper Example The term ‘incident’ denotes certain occurrences such as chemical leakage or fire outbreak which require immediate reaction. The incidents can be dealt with by using limited resources or with the assistance of emergency services. However, when those incidents become serious, it necessitates management direction in order to address the broader effect. This, in turn, creates an emergency situation which typically includes interference with emergency services. Effective emergency management is highly reliant on good emergency readiness. It requires guidelines and planning for every common reasonable event. The guidelines can result in secure practices in the organizations which can ensure health, fitness, and wellness of fire-fighters. In the fire department, there are four principles for managing the emergency. The ‘National Fire Protection Association’ (NFPA) standard had recognized numerous issues with respect to maintaining health, fitness, and wellness of f ire-fighters. One of the most significant issues of health and safety is an infection. The fire-fighters are vulnerable to several kinds of infections due to hazardous materials and body fluids. The NFPA 1582 standard requires fire-fighters to reduce the probability of disease and injury from infections. The standard operating guideline of fire department recommends active attempts for restricting the spread of infection and transmissible diseases by making available different immunizations, vaccinations and other treatments.... The following diagram will depict the four principles that are followed in emergency service management: Source: (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, â€Å"DEECD Emergency Management Guidelines†) Issues in Emergency Service Management of Fire Department The ‘National Fire Protection Association’ (NFPA) standard had recognized numerous issues with respect to maintaining health, fitness and wellness of fire-fighters. One of the most significant issues of health and safety is infection. The fire-fighters are vulnerable to several kinds of infections due to hazardous materials and body fluids. The NFPA 1582 standard requires fire-fighters to reduce the probability of disease and injury from infections. The standard operating guideline of fire department recommends active attempts for restricting the spread of infection and transmissible diseases by making available different immunizations, vaccinations and other treatments (United States Fire Admi nistration, â€Å"Guide To Managing An Emergency Service Infection Control Program†). The other issue for health, fitness and wellness of fire-fighters is record keeping. It is essential for fire department to maintain a record for all employees regarding health so that appropriate measures can be taken in order to ensure fitness. The NFPA 1581 standard requires fire department to drive infection control events and to maintain private health records regarding all work-related injuries, sicknesses and exposures of fire-fighters along with toxic materials and spreadable illnesses (United States Fire Administration, â€Å"Guide To Managing An Emergency Service Infection Control Program†). Every fire-fighter should study how to protect from probable infections and prevent fleeting

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cash Flows Analysis and Financial Statements Assignment

Cash Flows Analysis and Financial Statements - Assignment Example Since the employees require stability of tenure, they would not want a situation whereby the company doesn’t guarantee their jobs. The management is interested in this information since it would want to know its performance and review the weak points which need to be improved. The information is important to the management since it needs to provide periodic reports on the company’s performance. The potential investors need to evaluate whether the company is a good investment opportunity. Without proper information, the company could not be an attractive investment opportunity since it would lack transparency. Eventually creditors and suppliers need to evaluate the financial information in order to find out whether this company is credit worth. They would want to find out whether they could extend credit facilities in terms of money or goods. Question 2: Most of the financial information is usually published in journals, magazines and annual reports. Some of these report s are usually given during the annual general meeting to the shareholders and potential investors. Other sources which can be utilized could include online sources such as the company websites or online journals and magazines such as This information evaluates in a snapshot the riskiness of the company and whether it is advisable to invest in it. other analysts normally obtain this information in order to try and predict the future performance of the company either in the short or in the long term. Question 7: Ratio analysis was formulated to basically try and provide a synopsis of the company’s performance. Ratio analysis is obtained through dividing very important to the organization since it basically evaluates the company’s financial statements and provides recommendations. Ratio analysis also tries to judge a company’s efficiency while locating the weaknesses and coming up with action plans. Ratios form a very important tool in terms of comparing different companies and their performance in the industry. Question 15: Managers tend to utilize the market value ratios in different manners such as in instances of potential mergers and acquisitions. These market value ratios such as price earnings ratio and book value ratio normally impact on the performance of management. When these ratios are high, it indicates that the management is doing a good job while if they are low then the converse is true. The managers could affect these ratios in an indirect manner since these ratios depend on the perception of investors. Much of the impact on these ratios is usually from the outside world hence the impact of managers could be curtailed and limited. Question 16: This is not usually possible since the management usually have the ability to manipulate financial information to portray the company’s image in good light. The seriousness of this practice usually ranges from interpreting accounting rules favorably to a s ituation of fraud. The function of auditors is to try as much as possible to prevent this practice leading to mis stated financial information. In some circumstances, the auditors are the ones who perpetrate this practice by deceiving the public in order to gain fame with the management of the client firm. QUESTION 25 (A) PROTEK COMPANY LIMITED COMMON SIZE INCOME

Film Review Critique Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Critique - Movie Review Example The reviews highlight some of the outstanding aspects of the film. This paper will present a critical analysis of three of the reviews of the movie. The director of this movie sought to tell the story of the 1937 massacre from the perspective of a non-Chinese individual. This is the reason why the film presents the story from the perspective of John Miller, an American who found himself in the middle of the events defining the massacre. He was unable to escape the main city in time a factor that forced him to find refuge in a Catholic cathedral. In the cathedral, he found a group of schoolgirls and an altar boy. Although he was drunk at that moment, he faced the compulsion of protecting the schoolgirls from attacks by the Japanese. In addition to the schoolgirls, some prostitutes also found shelter in the cathedral. John Miller was forced by the situation to take responsibility in protecting the schoolgirls as well as the prostitutes. He was helped by the altar boy named George towards their status of heroism (Errigo 2012, n.p). The review of the movie The Flowers of War written by Angie Errigo highlights several aspects of the movie. The review begins by presenting a summary of the plot in which Errigo highlights the role played by John Miller in saving the schoolgirls. She is keen to mention that he was poised to pose as a priest in order to successfully protect the schoolgirls. However, her summary of the plot leaves some of the critical details that define the plot. The review then focuses on describing the efforts made by the director Zhang Yimou. The review mentions that the director has had previous experience releasing films that earned global attention. In this review, the theme of the film, which seeks to retell the events of the 1937 siege of China by Japan is highlighted. The review acknowledges that this theme has been the focus of different directors with each bringing out a unique product. Errigo

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cash Flows Analysis and Financial Statements Assignment

Cash Flows Analysis and Financial Statements - Assignment Example Since the employees require stability of tenure, they would not want a situation whereby the company doesn’t guarantee their jobs. The management is interested in this information since it would want to know its performance and review the weak points which need to be improved. The information is important to the management since it needs to provide periodic reports on the company’s performance. The potential investors need to evaluate whether the company is a good investment opportunity. Without proper information, the company could not be an attractive investment opportunity since it would lack transparency. Eventually creditors and suppliers need to evaluate the financial information in order to find out whether this company is credit worth. They would want to find out whether they could extend credit facilities in terms of money or goods. Question 2: Most of the financial information is usually published in journals, magazines and annual reports. Some of these report s are usually given during the annual general meeting to the shareholders and potential investors. Other sources which can be utilized could include online sources such as the company websites or online journals and magazines such as This information evaluates in a snapshot the riskiness of the company and whether it is advisable to invest in it. other analysts normally obtain this information in order to try and predict the future performance of the company either in the short or in the long term. Question 7: Ratio analysis was formulated to basically try and provide a synopsis of the company’s performance. Ratio analysis is obtained through dividing very important to the organization since it basically evaluates the company’s financial statements and provides recommendations. Ratio analysis also tries to judge a company’s efficiency while locating the weaknesses and coming up with action plans. Ratios form a very important tool in terms of comparing different companies and their performance in the industry. Question 15: Managers tend to utilize the market value ratios in different manners such as in instances of potential mergers and acquisitions. These market value ratios such as price earnings ratio and book value ratio normally impact on the performance of management. When these ratios are high, it indicates that the management is doing a good job while if they are low then the converse is true. The managers could affect these ratios in an indirect manner since these ratios depend on the perception of investors. Much of the impact on these ratios is usually from the outside world hence the impact of managers could be curtailed and limited. Question 16: This is not usually possible since the management usually have the ability to manipulate financial information to portray the company’s image in good light. The seriousness of this practice usually ranges from interpreting accounting rules favorably to a s ituation of fraud. The function of auditors is to try as much as possible to prevent this practice leading to mis stated financial information. In some circumstances, the auditors are the ones who perpetrate this practice by deceiving the public in order to gain fame with the management of the client firm. QUESTION 25 (A) PROTEK COMPANY LIMITED COMMON SIZE INCOME

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Consider the impact of the Vietnam War on American culture Essay

Consider the impact of the Vietnam War on American culture - Essay Example B. During this period TV was an important medium for information; news reports of the war telecasted the gory details which reinforced the feeling of redundancy of the war among the Americans, resulting in antiwar protests and demonstrations. III. Effects of advancement A. Cambodian invasion in 1970 resulted in antiwar demonstrations in college campuses all over American. In a few days time, deaths of students occurred in large number. B. The redundancy of the war added with thousands of American soldiers getting killed in war fueled the antiwar sentiments among the young Americans. Large number of young Americans left the war to burn their draft cards. This became a national sensation due to wide coverage by the television. IV. Evolution of the advancement A. In Vietnam, the increasing intensity of the war created psychological problems among the American troops which resulted in drug consumption among them. The hippie culture was reflected back home in American among the youth when they protesting against the war by blocking roads and government buildings for days, singing songs and consuming drugs. B. Music industry developed vastly during the Vietnam era with hundreds of songs getting recorded in single years. Music like rock ‘n’ roll albums that were conceived during that era are popular even after several decades have passed. V. Conclusion A. The hippie culture among the youth created antiheroes in the society who influenced the culture for a generation. B. Popular music of different genres during that era established both the antiwar views and the prowar statements. Music was adopted by the young antiwar protestors as a way of voicing their views. Introduction and Thesis Statement The Vietnam War was a long running combat between the nationalist forces and the United States with the alliance of South Vietnam. The war was more a strategic movement by America to curb communism, and the nation’s involvement was in all terms unofficial st atus. The American troops dispatched under the official purpose of military training to the South Vietnamese troops. The war had a huge impact on the music and culture of America. Events that Led to the Advancement The war, which apparently seemed redundant to the general Americans, had a great impact on them. It has divided the American people like no other war has done. The atrocities of the war were telecasted on the TV, the unspeakable violence induced people to distance themselves from the war. The costs incurred during the war affected the nation’s economy for decades after the war ended. During the mid twentieth century America got involved in the Vietnam as it felt threatened by the growing influence of communism. However, the young generation of that period did not see any concrete reason to feel threatened, and as such, the Vietnam War did not seem a necessity. Moreover, atrocities and millions of American soldiers getting killed and maimed were telecasted in TV whi ch was viewed in every American home. The war was often characterized as the living-room war or the television war. During the course of the war, the events in the battlefield were telecasted in a systematic manner. It was an era when televisions were rapidly becoming a forceful medium of news for the Americans. According to a survey in 1964, the American people had equal trust on newspapers and televisions for information. By 1972, another survey

Monday, October 14, 2019

Planning and Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Planning and Decision Making Essay Planning and decision-making are critical processes for effective police administration because: (1) planning is the first step to the effective operation and good management of a police department; (2) planning is the essential element of decision –making; (3) effective planning can eliminate or reduce potential catastrophe resulting from manmade and natural disasters; (4) decision making can usually be described in three types of theoretical models rational, incremental, and heuristic none of which defines all of the elements and factors that affect every decision; (5) the decisions individuals make during crisis situations often define their leadership abilities and, in some cases, their career success; (6) police administrators rarely act alone and most decision making within a police department is conducted at the group level; and (7) decision making is rarely perfect, and is often marred by individual and group weakness that can be identified and hence, avoided. (Swanson, 2012) Yes I agree on my topic with what the author is talking about, because planning and decision making from personal experience is very big. Making decision is very stressful at times that will lead to depression that comes with giving up and frustration that might makes you uncertain of making the best choice. Planning is the most basic function of management. It preceded other functions because a manager plans before he acts. Planning involves determination the objectives and selecting courses of action that will lead to the achievement of predetermined objectives. I don’t like to plan because I get over my head, and too excited and can’t wait for the day to come.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Child care and education

Child care and education Introduction Play is central to the development of children which helps them make sense of the world they live in and they learn by playing, exploring and trying things out. From 2008, child minders, nurseries, pre-schools and reception classes are required to pursue the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and will be checked under this framework by OfSTED. The EYFS has been planned to provide support and direction to all those working with children up to the age of 5 in how best to enable children to feel safe and supported and to extend their learning and development. In EYFS, stress is placed upon understanding that each child and their family are unique, with different needs and concerns. Effective practitioners should be asking themselves What sort of child is this and how am I going to support their development and learning? The EYFS has rightly set the relationship between practitioner and child at its core because we have a very special, influential and vitally important role as we support, facilitate, model, reflect, evaluate and engage with children along their learning journey. Childrens learning and development is from 6 areas personal social emotional development; communication, language and literacy; problem solving, reasoning and numeracy; knowledge and understanding of the world; creative development; physical development They bring together the skills, understanding and experiences appropriate for babies and children as they grow up, learn thing and develop. Childrens development happens generally in six overlapping phases birth 11 months, 8 20 months, 16 26 months, 22 36 months, 30 50 months and 40 60 months. The overlap is planned to emphasise the fact that are differences between the development of children in different varying of learning, and between children of similar ages. It strengthens the principle that children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates but also that all areas of learning and development are equally important and are interconnected. There are a number of current influences on play and a couple are highlighted below. Forest Schools Their are a number of points where Forest Schools encourage and inspire children of any age through positive outdoor experiences. Forest Schools aim to develop: The personal development of the children so that there personal confidence, self esteem, self awareness, and social skills improve A wider range of physical skills Understanding of natural and man made environments Understanding of environmental issues Self Regulation, Intrinsic Motivation, Empathy, Good social communication skills, Independence and a positive mental attitude. Forest School create a unique learning environment they are used to support a range of individuals, community groups and larger organisations to use their local open space for play, health, activity and personal development uses. The children would be encouraged to learn through play in the forests and develop their imagination through play Forest Schools originated in Sweden in the 1950s when children were taught outside. They learnt about the world and nature and the environment through stories, songs and activities with woodland materials. The first Forest School in Britain was initiated by Bridgwater College 10 years ago. Forest Schools use the open space to help children learn practical and social skills as well as freedom. From as young as 5 years old, children can sit around a fire and learn how important it is to treat fire respectfully. Child Care and Education pg 289 Reggio Emilia Started in Italy in the late 1940s after the war. The aim is based on the ideas that a child is creative competent learner who discover in collaboration with adults and other children so they develop social learning. The basic idea of Reggio is believing in the importance of discovery, both indoor and outdoor, learning environments are stimulating and that children should reflect on their learning and document their own learning. There are seven points that Reggio is based on Creative thinking / using their imagination Exploring and discovery / finding things out on their own Free play Following childrens interests / doing what they enjoy Valuing, encouraging all ways children express themselves Asking children to talk about ideas and to expand on them Asking children to re-visit their ideas There are also some central approaches to the Reggio Emelia approach Low adult to children ratios Teachers as learners and reflective practioners. Child Care and Education pg 289 Child Development pg 155 What is child development theories? There are many theories and research , national and local initiatives as well as policies, physical, intellectural, emotion and social as well as psychological reasons such as security and safety,lifestyle,play . Technological reasons also affect child development Child development theories are sets of principles that are designed to predict and explain something. Over the years, psychologists and scientists had devised many theories which help explain observations and discoveries about child development. Also, providing a broader framework of understanding, a good theory allows educated guesses about aspects of development that are not yet clearly understood. These ideas provide the basis for research. A theory also has practical value. When a parent, educator, therapist, or policymaker makes decisions that affect the lives of children, a well-founded theory can guide them in responsible ways. Child development theories can also limit understanding, such as when a poor theory misleadingly emphasizes unimportant influences on development and underestimates the significance of other factors. The regulation states that Play underpins the delivery of all the EYFS and has many constant reminders throughout the guidance for practitioners to aid child initiated learning through play. The effective practitioner is tuning into childrens interests and thoughts so that you can tap into what they love and know which stimulate and inspire. Play is also at the forefront of the EYFSs delivery and can be the start for everyone involved. You can enrich young childrens lives by being reflective and be a well equipped facilitators enjoying the learning journey with them! The EYFS programme is about improving chances for life for all children, by giving them all an opportunity to have the best possible start, regardless of their family status or circumstances or where they attend. The EYFS delivers improved outcomes for all children, across all areas of development and learning. The Childcare Bill seeks to establish a single standard phase of development for all children, as it set the 10 year strategy for childcare Choice for parents, the best start for children. Its provides a flexible system that helps and supports childrens development from birth, when they will interact with adults that are trained and experienced; in environments that are safe, caring and loving. The Early Years Foundation Stage is a central part of the ten year childcare strategy: Ensuring a consistent approach to care and learning from birth to the end of the Foundation Stage. Incorporating elements of the National Standards. Has a play-based approach Focuses on stages of development rather than chronological, age based teaching and learning The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help children achieve the Every Child Matters five outcomes: Staying safe Being healthy Enjoying and achieving Making a positive contribution Achieving economic wellbeing The EYFS principles are grouped into 4 themes A unique child. Principle Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured Positive Relationships Principle Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person Enabling Environments Principle The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending childrens development and learning Learning and Development Principle Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected. The theorists, Piaget, and Vygotsky, both viewed the significance about the role of play and learning in the early years. Both found it to be a vital part of a childs development. Piagets idea of self discovery suggested that children needed minimal adult interactions to help them learn through life. He believed that the children tried, without adult help, to make sense of the world and understand what was going on around them. He also had similar thoughts on his theory of child language acquisition. He had a idea notion that play was a window that reflected the goings on in the life of a child. Vygotsky saw it differently. He suggested that children are social learners, and liked to explore and discover new things with the help of adults and not without. This was his scaffolding theory and the zone of proximal development. Bruner said that when the children get older they stop learning new things.They start to build on what they already know. If children were left to teach themselves, as Piaget said, the child may not learn all they need to know, eg Maths. The subject of Maths needs adult help and teachings ensure that the children understand correctly, and that the necessary information is being learnt. Also some children, even in a play situation, will continually return to the same area and objects because it is their comfort zone. Evidently this way the child will fail to benefit from the learning Banduras Social Learning Theory modified traditional learning theory which was based on stimulus-response relationships. It considered learning to be no different among infants, children, adults, or even animals. Banduras approach is influential in the treatment of problem behaviors and disorders. Learning can be based on a spiral approach (Janet Moyles 1989)which starts with free-play.It allows children to explore e.g. To explore water using equipment provided. e.g. To explore how to change the size of a splash. Can they make a small splash, can you make a big splash? It is vital to allow children the chance to practise the skill they have learnt through lone and peer supported play. Childrens play reflects their wide ranging and varied interests and pre-occupations. In their play children learn at their highest level. Play with peers is important for childrens development. Through play children learn experiences by exploring and developing, which help them make sense of the world. They practice and build up ideas, and learn how to control themselves and understand the need for rules. They have the opportunity to think creatively alongside other children as well as on their own. They communicate with others as they investigate and solve problems. They express fears or re-live anxious experiences in controlled and safe situations. Observing children is different from being alert and noticing what is happening around you. Observations have to be focused and carried out in an order to plan for and assess children in a purposeful manner The information below gives advice on the following on some principles for observational assessment, and how they can be put them into practice: Assessment must have a reason and a purpose. Continuous observation of children participating in every day activities is the most suitable way of building up an accurate picture of what the children know, understand and feel, what they are interested in and what they can do. Practitioners should plan observations and also be ready to capture the spontaneous but important moments. Judgement of childrens development and learning must be based on skills, knowledge, understanding and behaviour that are demonstrated consistently and independently. Effective assessment takes equal account of all aspects of the childs development and learning. Accurate assessments are reliant upon taking account of contributions from a range of perspectives. Assessments must actively engage parents in developing an accurate picture of the childs development. Children must be fully involved in their own assessment. Record keeping is important and are an important tool to help practitioners and childrens attainment and progress. A multi professional approach when working with children and parents is important as it helps children not to slip through the net. Communication is the biggest part of the multi professional team, as everyone needs to know what is going on. The multi professional approach team is made up of a lot of different agencies, they are agencies including Schools and teachers, Hospitals and doctors, Social workers, Police and many more. They all work together to help parents and children to stop tragic cases such as death, child abuse, etc. Multi professional approach allows professionals share knowledge about a family needs so that the parents dont have to ask the same questions over and over again. The professionals are aware of each others roles in supporting the family so that conflicting advice can be minimise. It is essential that each agency communicates well and understands not only there role and responsibilities but the others agencies as well. Parents/guardians are the most important people in a childs life, and recognise the importance of this. We have a responsible role that involves sharing care of the child with parents/guardians; listen to parents/guardians, as they are the expert on their child. Every Child Matters is a important part of the curriculum. Its aims as agreed by leaders, teachers and other education professionals and is about promoting childrens wellbeing and enabling them to develop their potential as healthy, enterprising and responsible citizens. Every Child Matters states that every child, whatever their social upbringing or circumstances, should have the help they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, achieve economic wellbeing These five outcomes need to be at the centre of everything a nursery or school does and reinforced through every aspect of its curriculum- lessons, events, routines, the environment in which children learn and what they do out of school. Early Education Providers involved in the care and education of young children from birth to five follows rules from the Department for Children, Schools and Families. These rules are intended to support practitioners to meet the diverse needs of all children, enabling them to enjoy and achieve. Children birth to three years Care, learning and development for babies and children up to three is available at a variety of settings including day nurseries, registered pre schools and childminders. Practitioners use the Birth to Three Matters Framework to support the young children in their care. The Framework: values and celebrates babies and children recognises their individuality, efforts and achievements recognises that all children from birth develop and learning though interaction with people and exploration of the world around them recognises the holistic nature of development and learning The child is at the centre of the Birth to Three Matters Framework. It highlights four Areas which mark the skill and competence of babies and young children and shows the links between growth, learning, development and the importance of the environment in which they are cared for and educated. These four areas are A Strong Child A Skilful Communicator A Competent Learner A Healthy Child All children, whichever provision they attend, will experience a play based curriculum of planned, independent and adult led activities. These experiences may take place indoors and/or outdoors and will aim to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in the following areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Helps children to mix and form relationships with individuals and groups, playing and learning co-operatively. Children are supported to develop a positive sense of themselves and an awareness of the needs and feelings of others Communication, Language and Literacy Children are supported to develop skills in talking and listening, reading and writing. They are introduced to a rich learning environment where these skills are valued. Mathematical Development Mathematical understanding is developed through a variety of practical activities based on every day situations. Children are supported to develop mathematical ideas and use related vocabulary while taking part in sorting, matching, ordering, counting, pattern making and working with numbers, shapes and measures. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Children are encouraged to be curious, to ask questions, to experiment and solve problems to help them make sense of the world they live in. A variety of practical experiences build the foundation for later learning about science, design and technology, information and communication technology, history, geography and religious education. Physical Development Young children are supported to develop physical control, co- ordination and manipulation, confidence and ability to move in different ways and handle large and small equipment. Children learn how their bodies work and how to stay active, safe and healthy. Creative Development Children have opportunities to take part in a range of creative experiences. As their imagination develops they have opportunities to communicate and express their ideas and feelings in a number of ways through artwork, music, dance and role play. These six areas of learning are of equal importance and through activities and experiences children learn and develop in a holistic manner. Parents are childrens first educators and are highly valued in the contribution that they make. The role that parents have played, and their future role, in educating the children do this through: before their child starts in our school talk to parents about their child; children have the chance to spend time with their teacher before starting at a nursery school by having Induction Session. Giving parents regular opportunities to talk about their childs progress Giving free access to their childrens Learning Journey record books . Encouraging parents to talk to their childs teachers about any concerns they may have. A range of activities throughout the year that will encourage collaboration between child, nursery school and parents. raising days, themed activity days, concerts like Harvest Festival, nativity, Easter and leavers concert. Have 2 formal meetings per year (Autumn and Summer term) with parents to discuss the childs progress and development. All staff who are involved with EYFS should aim to develop good relationships with children and interact with them and take time to listen to the children. Recognising diversity is about recognising that children can come from lots of different backgrounds and family structures and this could be from the language they speak, culture and beliefs. Diversity means responding in a positive manner to differences, valuing all people. All children are citizens and have rights and entitlements. Children should be treated fairly regardless of race, religion or abilities. This applies no matter: what they think or say what type of family they come from what language(s) they speak what their parents do whether they are girls or boys whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor. All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the setting. Improving the physical environment physical aids to access education such as ICT equipment and portable aids for children with motor co-ordination and poor hand/eye skills. New buildings should be physically accessible to disabled pupils and will involve improving access to existing buildings including ramps, wider doors, low sinks, etc Improving the delivery of information to disabled children at nurserys or schools The information should take account of pupils disabilities and parents preferred formats and be made available All children should be treated in the same way regardless of race, religion or abilities. Nno matter what they think or say, what type of family they come from, what language(s) they speak, what their parents do, whether they are girls or boys or whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor. All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the setting and all children have a need to develop, which is helped by exploring and discovering the people and things around them. Some childrens development may be at risk, for example children who are disabled and those with special educational needs , those from socially excluded families, such as the homeless or those who live with a parent who is disabled or has a mental illness, children from traveller communities, refugees or asylum seekers and those from diverse linguistic backgrounds. All children are entitled to enjoy a full life in conditions which will help them take part in society and develop as an individual, with their own cultural and spiritual beliefs. Practitioners ensure that their own knowledge about different cultural groups is up-to-date and consider their own attitudes to people who are different from themselves. In the UK, children are being raised in a society with many sources of enriching diversity. Good early years practice needs to sustain this from the earliest months of babyhood. Practitioners need to work to create a encouraging learning environment. Play materials, books and other resources can be on hand in a helpful way by reflecting on how young children learn about culture and cultural uniqueness. Diversity and inclusion is also linked to legislation such the Childrens Act 1989, SEN act 2001, Rights of Children 1989 and the Race Relations Act 1976. Also included is the Disability Act 2004. Children like experiencing food, music or dance forms that reflect their own family and neighbourhood experiences. Early childhood is a good time to offer opportunities that enable children to stretch beyond the familiar. Children can learn to appreciate cultural diversity in styles of art, craft, music and dance. All opportunities need to be well grounded in positive pride for the styles common in every childs own background. Learning about identity and cultural diversity can help young people to live and work together in diverse communities, both in this country and the wider world. It can also help them develop their identity and sense of belonging which are fundamental to personal well-being and the achievements of a flourishing and cohesive society. The United Kingdom already has of a large range of ethnicities, cultures, languages, beliefs and religions. These are not staying still but are constantly changing and interacting, so that everyone can identify with different aspects of their heritage in different situations. Diversity also cover, social class, regional differences, gender, sexual orientation, religious and non-religious beliefs and values. Young people need to develop the ability to see themselves as part of this diversity, and to reflect on who they are. Schools can give them the opportunity to explore their identities in a safe and positive environment, and to discuss what is important to them and their families. This develops a sense of belonging to a community that values them and improves their understanding of what binds people in communities together. When individuals recognise and value their own culture, beliefs and traditions, they can better understand how others develop their identities. The identity and cultural diversity curriculum dimension helps learners to gain a broad understanding of the country they are growing up in: its past, its present and its future. They learn about its range of cultures and traditions, its political system, values and human rights, how it has evolved to be as it is, and in particular, how they are able to contribute through democratic participation to its future development. References Child Care and Education Tassoni. P. (2007). Heinemann (Harcourt Education Limited). Oxford , England Child Development Meggitt. C. (2006). Heinemann (Pearson Education Limited). Harlow, England Department of education and Skills (DFES) 2007 Early Childhood Studies, Willan, Parker-Rees, Savage: (2004) :Learning Matters ltd

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Criticism Of Diego Velàzquezs Las Meninas, Sebastiàn de Morra, and Bal

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Diego Velà  zquez was called the â€Å"noblest and most commanding man among the artists of his country.† He was a master realist, and no painter has surpassed him in the ability to seize essential features and fix them on canvas with a few broad, sure strokes. â€Å"His men and women seem to breathe,† it has been said; â€Å"his horses are full of action and his dogs of life.† Because of Velà  zquez’ great skill in merging color, light, space, rhythm of line, and mass in such a way that all have equal value, he was known as â€Å"the painter’s painter,† as demonstrated in the paintings Las Meninas, Sebastià  n de Morra, and Baltasar Carlos and a Dwarf. Las Meninas is a pictorial summary and a commentary on the essential mystery of the visual world, as well as on the ambiguity that results when different states or levels interact or are juxtaposed. The painting of The Royal Family also known as Las Meninas has always been regarded as an unsurpassable masterpiece. According to Palomino, it ‘was finished’ in 1656, and, while Velà  zquez was painting it, the King, the Queen, and the Infantas Marà ¬a Teresa and Margarita often came to watch him at work. In the painting, the painter himself is seen at the easel; the mirror on the rear wall reflects the half-length figures of Philip IV and Queen Mariana standing under a red curtain. The Infanta Margarita is in the center, attended by two Meninas, or maids of honor, Doà ±a Isabel de Velasco and Doà ±a Marà ¬a Sarmiento, who curtsy as the latter offers her mistress a drink of water in a bà ¹caro—a reddish earthen vessel –on a tray. In the right foreground st and a female dwarf, Mari-Bà  rbola, and a midget, Nicolà  s de Pertusato, who playfully puts his foot on the back of the mastiff resting on the floor. Linked to this large group there is another formed by Doà ±a Marcela de Ulloa, guardamujer de las damas de la Reina – attendant to the ladies-in-waiting—and an unidentified guardadamas, or escort to the same ladies. In the background, the aposentador, or Palace marshal, to the Queen, Don Josà ¨ Nieto Velà  zquez, stands on the steps leading into the room from the lit-up door. Las Meninas has three foci: The figure of the Infanta Margarita is the most luminous; the likeness of the Master himself is another; and the third is provided by the half-length images of the King and the Queen in the mirror on the rear wall. Velà  zquez bui... ...asting perfection and imperfection of the two little figures almost unavoidably becomes a metaphor of the social and natural order. In these royal portraits, whatever the interpretation Velà  zquez made or whatever emotional reaction he experienced he kept to himself. Royalty, courtliness of the most rigid character was his task to portray not individual personality. Through his practice of using pigment in short or long, thin or thick, apparently hasty and spontaneous but actually most skillfully calculated strokes, Velà  zquez was the precursor of the modern practice or direct painting. Bibliography Brown, Jonathan. Velà  zquez Painter and Courtier. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986. Kleiner, Fred S., Mamiya, Christin J., Tansey Richard G. Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, vol. II. Harcourt college Publishers; San Diego et al. 2001. Lopez-Rey, Josà ¨. Velà  zquez Work and World. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Society, 1968. Internet Article:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Friday, October 11, 2019

Intrusion Detection Systems Essay

A user with full permissions and who misuse his powers. Clandestine user: A user who acts as a supervisor and tries to use his privileges so as to avoid being captured. [edit] Types of intrusion detection systems For the purpose of dealing with IT, there are two main types of IDS: Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) It is an independent platform that identifies intrusions by examining network traffic and monitors multiple hosts. Network intrusion detection systems gain access to network traffic by connecting to a network hub, network switch configured for port mirroring, or network tap. In a NIDS, sensors are located at choke points in the network to be monitored, often in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) or at network borders. Sensors captures all network traffic and analyzes the content of individual packets for malicious traffic. An example of a NIDS is Snort. Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) It consists of an agent on a host that identifies intrusions by analyzing system calls, application logs, file-system modifications (binaries, password files, capability databases, Access control lists, etc. ) and other host activities and state. In a HIDS, sensors usually consist of a software agent. Some application-based IDS are also part of this category. An example of a HIDS is OSSEC. Intrusion detection systems can also be system-specific using custom tools and honeypots. In the case of physical building security, IDS is defined as an alarm system designed to detect unauthorized entry. [edit] Passive and/or reactive systems In a passive system, the intrusion detection system (IDS) sensor detects a potential security breach, logs the information and signals an alert on the console and or owner. In a reactive system, also known as an intrusion prevention system (IPS), the IPS auto-responds to the suspicious activity by resetting the connection or by reprogramming the firewall to block network traffic from the suspected malicious source. The term IDPS is commonly used where this can happen automatically or at the command of an operator; systems that both â€Å"detect† (alert) and/or â€Å"prevent. † [edit] Comparison with firewalls Though they both relate to network security, an intrusion detection system (IDS) differs from a firewall in that a firewall looks outwardly for intrusions in order to stop them from happening.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Relationship of Macbeth and His Wife in Act 1 Scene 5 and 7

The Relationship of Macbeth and his wife in Act 1 Scene 5 and 7 From the beginning of the play, the relationship between Macbeth and his wife seem to be the expected partnership in romance, however, as the play progresses, our expectations seems to change for the worst. We are informed that Macbeth desires to be King of Scotland and initially, his wife appears to be supportive of him as a wife should be but her response to this changes quite drastically as we read further on. We are first introduced to Lady Macbeth when she reads the letter which Macbeth sent to her recapping his encounter with the three witches.She now becomes aware of Macbeth’s wish to become king but she knows that his conscience inhibits him from partaking in any risky business. She uses the phrase â€Å"yet do I fear thy nature, is too full o’th’milk of human kindness†¦ † in her opening soliloquy which suggests that he is a very kind and worthy gentleman. â€Å"Thou wouldst be g reat, art not without ambition but without the illness should attend it. † She explains how he has the ambition to become king but lacks the boldness to become violent if needed to get the crown.This helps to show how sensible and timid Macbeth can be and why Lady Macbeth has to intervene to make the situation progress further. To our surprise, Lady Macbeth appears to be the complete opposite of her husband’s supposed character. She is determined to make sure that Macbeth becomes king under any circumstances that need to be undertaken. At the end of her soliloquy, she says â€Å"Hie thee hither, that I may pour out my spirits to thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round†¦ which means that she wishes to persuade and talk him out of whatever may be keeping him from seizing the crown. This furthermore emphasizes her persistence to crown him as king and shower her with glory. Throughout this act, Lady Macbeth appe ars to be the stronger partner and this is reflected when she calls upon supernatural powers, much greater than her own, to make her less of a woman and more like a man. â€Å"Come, you spirits that tend on moral thoughts, unsex me here and fill from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty†¦ She has made herself aware that she has to uphold the greater position in the relationship so that their aim of getting the crown is accomplished. The audience finds this act quite shocking as females are meant to be the fairer sex. During the rest of her call to the spirits, she develops the sense of maliciousness and ruthlessness which accentuates the depth of her serious attitude. At this point in the play, the audience has reached a full understanding of Macbeth and his wife’s ambition.When Macbeth is introduced in Scene 5, he begins with â€Å"my dearest love† focusing on Lady Macbeth which shows the position he holds his wife at proving quite admirable to the aud ience. However, Lady Macbeth shows no mercy to the situation. King Duncan planned to go to the castle that night and wished to leave tomorrow but Lady Macbeth’s response to this was â€Å"O never shall sun that morrow see† which implies he will not be leaving tomorrow leading to the cruel suggestion of death. This line reflects her decisive character showing that she is taking the lead role here.She also teaches Macbeth the way in which he must deceive Duncan and instructs him on the arts of hypocrisy as she says â€Å"†¦ look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t. † By using this metaphor, it shows that she is manipulating Macbeth and challenges his feelings of guilt and pity for Duncan and replaces them with demeaning and spiteful emotions. Lady Macbeth encourages him to be deceitful to his loyal and trusting leader that is Duncan and the audience can begin to make the judgement that the evil spirits are now manifesting in Lady Macbeth’s heart from her evil suggestions.She knows that Macbeth hasn’t got what it takes to make this plan work so she takes the leading role by saying ‘Leave all the rest to me† at the end of Scene 5. At the beginning of Scene 7 opening with Macbeth’s soliloquy, we as the audience, really get a sense of guilt that seeps through Macbeth. This is beyond his usual attitude so this is hard for him to cope with. He knows how much he wants to be king but what frightens him the most are the consequences. He uses the metaphor â€Å"If th’assassination could trammel up the consequence and catch with his surcease, success†¦ e’d jump the life to come†¦ † which translated means â€Å"If this assassination could work like a net and prevent any consequences, he would be more than happy to risk the afterlife to do so. † Macbeth knows that Duncan is a highly respected man because of his good intentions and purely hearted natu re so he is afraid if he is made known to the people that he is responsible, the chances of him becoming king will be shattered. He contemplates the idea of killing Duncan and weighs up the advantages and disadvantages. The only know advantage is that he will become King.However, the disadvantages are what he already is considered to Duncan. â€Å"First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then as his host who should against his murderer shut the door, not bear the knife myself. † This quote from Scene 7 shows that Macbeth is in conflict with what Lady Macbeth is instructing and his loyal personality is urging him not to fulfil the â€Å"horrid deed†. After considering what a â€Å"meek† leader Duncan was, we as the audience can really depict a picture as to what Macbeth was emoting.When Lady Macbeth enters, Macbeth’s final decision has now been displayed. â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business. He hath honoured me of late†¦ † He has decided to cancel the plan because of how nicely Duncan had treated him that evening. The amount of guilt was too much for him to bear so the easiest escape for him was to abort the business. To his misfortune, Lady Macbeth did not take the current news very lightly. She begins to bombard him with insults and various accusations. â€Å"Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour, as thou art in desire? Lady Macbeth begins to question him and whether he is afraid to do what he must to achieve what he desires. As she has handed herself to the powers of darkness, she speaks to him brutally by saying â€Å"Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? † suggesting that he was drunk when he made the decision to kill Duncan. He raging fury increases furthermore when she says â€Å"Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would, lik e the poor cat i’th’adage? calling him a coward if he doesn’t take the crown that he has always wanted to own. At this point in the play, the relationship between Lady Macbeth and his wife reaches its peak as they have a great dispute. Macbeth’s counter argument is not as furious as Lady Macbeth as he simply responds with â€Å"Prithee, peace. I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none. †He believes that he has done all that a man can do in this situation however Lady Macbeth disagrees. She believes that his definition is wrong and that he only becomes and man if he does the deed.Now Lady Macbeth is raging, she decides to use the excuse that Macbeth doesn’t love her which is the typical response for a woman to use in an argument with her partner. In addition to this, to emphasize the depth of evil in her she creates a vivid inhuman image in the audience’s mind â€Å"I have given such and know how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face have plucked the nipple from my boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this. As she is the mother of the child, this makes the image even more disturbing as she has sworn to herself that she would have done it just as Macbeth swore he would do the rotten deed. The audience can really see the evil thoughts capturing her mind at this point as thoughts like this would not be evoked from a normal female figure. Macbeth is emotionally moved by the lengths Lady Macbeth would go to keep her word so he sees this as an opportunity to voice his fear of failure. â€Å"If we should fail? † Lady Macbeth’s response is â€Å"We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place and we’ll not fail. which suggests that it is impossible for them for them to fail if he just becomes more courageous. Lady Macbeth has planned the whole murder and reveals it to Macbeth which he can find no faults for himself. At this point in the scene, there is finally some common ground between Macbeth and his wife. â€Å"When Duncan is asleep, whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey soundly invite him, his two chamberlains will I with wine and wassail so convince that memory the warder of the brain shall be fume, and the receipt of reason a limbeck only. She plans on making the guards so drunk so that they won’t be able to remember any affairs that take place during the night. Macbeth begins to understand his wife’s plans and knows that once the blood is put onto the guard’s daggers, people will assume they are the culprits. By the end of the scene, Macbeth has decided to go ahead with the murder, using every muscle in his body to help him carry out this task.He appears to have changed his tone also as he ends with â€Å"False face must hide what the false heart doth know† which in some aspects is similar to what Lady Macb eth had originally told him to do. By the end of both scenes, the audience can really determine the flow of Macbeth and his wife’s relationship. Originally, Lady Macbeth supported Macbeth’s desire to become King of Scotland but as the play went on, the support had turned into force and she did not have a friendly approach to the situation as she called upon the dark spirits to disable any feelings of remorse as a human being should have.Macbeth knew that the deed he was influenced to pursue was cruel and would have rotten consequences but his the persuasive tone of his wife led him to change his mind and use the same words she used on him to her. It is not an ordinary relationship as the audience can see the manifestation of the dark powers between one side of the partnership which leads to other side to perform murderous tasks.