Friday, September 20, 2019

The Symbolic Function of the Sambo Doll in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Ma

In 1952, Ralph Ellison published the only novel of his career: Invisible Man; telling the story of an unnamed â€Å"invisible† narrator. Early on, the narrator delineates his invisibility to â€Å"people refus[ing] to see [him];† society neglects to see him as a result of his black lineage (Ellison 3). Ellison incorporates several objects, frequently appearing and reappearing throughout the novel, to expose social and intellectual issues imposed on the black community. Amid the â€Å"procession of tangible, material objects† moving â€Å"in and out of the text† is the dancing Sambo doll whose purpose is to symbolically represent cruel stereotypes and the destructive power of injustice that blacks fall victim to (Lucas 172). Ellison’s rendering of the small paper dolls, representing obedient black slaves, â€Å"unveils an astonishing correspondence between the past and the present† and functions as a force to the narrator’s most essent ial consciousness of his environment and identity (Lucas 173). The Sambo, whose sole purpose was to entertain the white community, further functions to symbolize, through its stereotype, the power whites have to control the movements of African Americans. Ellison immediately introduces readers to the Sambo stereotype at the beginning of the novel when the invisible man becomes the source of entertainment for the white man at the battle royal, engaging in a fighting match with other black men. Out of pure desperation to be accepted by these men, the narrator; like the obedient Sambo, moves in accordance to what he hears the crowd instructing him to do because â€Å"only these men [can] judge [his] ability† (Ellison 22). To further validate the narrator’s Sambo-like behavior, following the match, a blond man winks at the narrator... ...pulls its strings. For the narrator and the black community, the Sambo dolls are a constant reminder that they are unable to neither form their own identity nor control their very movements. Ellison’s incorporation of the Sambo dolls educates us on an important lesson in life, that it is important to be ourselves and choreograph our own choices and movements in life. We must not allow others to hold reign of our strings and steer us in the direction they feel is right. â€Å"Life is to be lived, not controlled;† our full potential in life lies within our ability to control our movements and decisions in life (Ellison 577). Works Cited Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man. New York: Vintage International, 1995. Ebook Reader. Morel, Lucas E. Ralph Ellison and the Raft of Hope: A Political Companion to Invisible Man. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 2004. Print. The Symbolic Function of the Sambo Doll in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Ma In 1952, Ralph Ellison published the only novel of his career: Invisible Man; telling the story of an unnamed â€Å"invisible† narrator. Early on, the narrator delineates his invisibility to â€Å"people refus[ing] to see [him];† society neglects to see him as a result of his black lineage (Ellison 3). Ellison incorporates several objects, frequently appearing and reappearing throughout the novel, to expose social and intellectual issues imposed on the black community. Amid the â€Å"procession of tangible, material objects† moving â€Å"in and out of the text† is the dancing Sambo doll whose purpose is to symbolically represent cruel stereotypes and the destructive power of injustice that blacks fall victim to (Lucas 172). Ellison’s rendering of the small paper dolls, representing obedient black slaves, â€Å"unveils an astonishing correspondence between the past and the present† and functions as a force to the narrator’s most essent ial consciousness of his environment and identity (Lucas 173). The Sambo, whose sole purpose was to entertain the white community, further functions to symbolize, through its stereotype, the power whites have to control the movements of African Americans. Ellison immediately introduces readers to the Sambo stereotype at the beginning of the novel when the invisible man becomes the source of entertainment for the white man at the battle royal, engaging in a fighting match with other black men. Out of pure desperation to be accepted by these men, the narrator; like the obedient Sambo, moves in accordance to what he hears the crowd instructing him to do because â€Å"only these men [can] judge [his] ability† (Ellison 22). To further validate the narrator’s Sambo-like behavior, following the match, a blond man winks at the narrator... ...pulls its strings. For the narrator and the black community, the Sambo dolls are a constant reminder that they are unable to neither form their own identity nor control their very movements. Ellison’s incorporation of the Sambo dolls educates us on an important lesson in life, that it is important to be ourselves and choreograph our own choices and movements in life. We must not allow others to hold reign of our strings and steer us in the direction they feel is right. â€Å"Life is to be lived, not controlled;† our full potential in life lies within our ability to control our movements and decisions in life (Ellison 577). Works Cited Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man. New York: Vintage International, 1995. Ebook Reader. Morel, Lucas E. Ralph Ellison and the Raft of Hope: A Political Companion to Invisible Man. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 2004. Print.

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