Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Fault in Our Stars Essay Example for Free

The Fault in Our Stars Essay The fault in our Stars, the fifth successful novel by the author John Green, is a story about two fictional characters by the names of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. It is a romance about the two teens that just happen to meet at a cancer support group. Hazel, the leading woman protagonist, has cancer and Augustus had cancer. Augustus having cancer explains why he came to the support group with Isaac; a one eyed mutual friend of theirs that eventually has surgery to have his eye removed which will free him from cancer. Augustus falls in love with Hazel despite her having cancer, and Hazel falls in love with him, even after a devastating reveal that Augustus’ cancer has returned. So despite them both having cancer, they still love each other unconditionally, and they would’ve been together at an old age until death did them part if it weren’t for Augustus’s death literally â€Å"doing them part† â€Å"You have to understand that Hazel is still sick, Augustus, and will be for the rest of her life.† (pg._p_) This is what Hazel’s dad says to Augustus when they first meet, so it is pretty clear to Augustus that Hazel won’t be able to do a lot of the things he is able to, because she is sick and he is not (at the moment). Later proof of them being in love is when Hazel goes to the hospital due to poor oxygenation. â€Å"Well, there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,† (pg._p_) This is what Hazel’s nurse tells her when Hazel wakes up. It turns out that Augustus stays in the hospital waiting room all day and night until he can finally see her. He could’ve easily got scared and run away, but he stayed and was there for her through it all. The last reason why I know that Augustus was in love with hazel is because of The Genies. The Genies are a book version of the Make-A-Wish foundation created to give cancer patients one wish. After being disappointed that she couldn’t afford to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author, Peter Van Houten, Augustus suggests that she used her wish. Unfortunately, she had already used her wish on Disney world (â€Å"I can’t believe I have a crush on a girl with such clichà © wishes† said Augustus on (p.g. _p_) they both saw this as a joke since it’s so clichà ©) when she was 13, so Augustus offered that  they both used his. Augustus basically used HIS wish for her! Even after she had complications with seeing if she could go or not since one of her doctors decided it wasn’t safe, Augustus held through. He discovered firsthand something that would affect their relationship because of her cancer, and he didn’t give up on them. Besides Augustus, Hazel had her love moments as well. After she found out that Augustus’ Cancer was back, she did not leave him. One of my favorite quotes in the book is this: â€Å"What am I at war with? My cancer. And what is my cancer? My cancer is me. The tumors are made of me. They’re made of me as surely as my brain and my heart are made of me. It is a civil war, Hazel Grace, with a predetermined winner.† (p.g. _p_) There’s one part that gets to me in this book. It takes place when Augustus gets super sick and it is predictable that he will die very soon. Augustus like keeping a pack of cigarettes in his pocket all the time and he occasionally puts one in his mouth, never lighting it. â€Å"Its a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you dont give it the power to do its killing. (p.g. _p_) One night, Hazel receives a panicked call from him, telling her to come help him. When she arrives at the location he tells her, she finds him covered in his own vomit, hands pressed to his belly where his g-tube was supposed to go. He was trying to buy another pack of cigarettes because he had lost his, but it was clear he couldn’t do anything for himself anymore. At that moment, they both knew that the end was near. Hazel knew it was coming and she stuck with him until the moment she got the phone call telling her it was over. If neither of them had cancer, there is absolutely no doubt that they would be together until the very end. They were in love with each other despite all of their obstacles. I recommend this book to anyone who’s up for laughter, tears, and for whoever likes sappy romances. John Green did well once more.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hockey vs. Football Essay -- Sports Compare Contrast Hockey Football E

Hockey vs. Football Football and hockey are two sports, which are similar in objective, but very different in their rules and guidelines. In each of these major sports there are rules and guidelines that the players must follow. The topics that will be covered are the weight differences between the players in football and hockey, the use of Creatine Monohydrate, and last the equipment restrictions. This first paragraph will discuss the weight difference between the players in the NFL (football) and the NHL (hockey). Although there is no written rule as to how much a player can weigh in either of the sports, there is the unwritten rule that the players and coaches follow. The average hockey player weighs about 185 pounds. The average weight of a full NHL hockey team consisting of 24 players is about 4,500 lbs. Coaches in the NHL do not want their players too weigh more than 200 though because as Mike Milbury the coach of the New York Islanders put it â€Å" when a player is as big as a football player (approx. 250 lbs.). It is harder for a player to move quickly and elude an upcoming check†. In the NFL, it is the opposite of the NHL. The coaches don’t want their players too weigh less than 200 pounds. The Punter/Kicker is the only position that it doesn’t really matter what the weight of player is. On average the weight of a NFL player is 250 lbs. The averag e team consisting of 48 players weighs about 12,000 lbs. This paragraph talks about a very controversial substanc...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Branches of Philosophy Essay

There are five types of branches in philosophy. These branches can be categories as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics, and Estetics. The first branch of philosophy is Metaphysics, also known as the study of existence. Metaphysics act as a foundation in philosophy as well as the foundation of the view of our world. Metaphysics is very important to all of us as it help us to deal with reality by explaining and interpreting the world and nature around us. As you can see, without Metaphysics in our life, we will be unable to preserve our life as well as being ambiguous toward the information and knowledge around us, if this happen, we will have difficulty to live and comprehend the world. Therefore, Metaphysics is very important in our life. There are also some key elements of a rational metaphysics, one of the most important element would be reality. From a metaphysical side of view, reality must be understood perfectly and correctly because reality can be said as absolute and consistent. It has a specific nature independent of our thoughts or feelings. Besides reality, causality also play an important role in metaphysics. This is because everything happens for a reason and also an effect. Every entity has a specific nature and act according to that specific nature. Therefore, we can define that causality is means by which changes occurs, but the changes occurs depending on a specific nature. The next branch of philosophy is Epistemology, which is also known as the study of knowledge. This branch of philosophy is used to address the question â€Å"How do I know about it† as Epistemology is the study of our method or ways to acquired knowledge. It also relates our minds to reality by concerning how are they related to each other before determine whether these relationships are valid or invalid. Epistemology also encompasses the nature and construction of concepts. All mental things such as idea and emotion are also compasses by Epistemology. We need to have Epistemology in order to identify the true and false in our daily life and also the method or ways of evaluating certain things to acquired knowledge and experience toward the world around us. Epistemology is important because we will not be able to identify right from wrong as we are unable to think properly without Epistemology. On the other hand, we will be able to achieve our goal as well as acquired more understanding toward reality if we got enough degree of Epistemology. Flaws in epistemology will make it harder to accomplish anything. One of the key elements of a proper Epistemology is our own senses. Our five senses are valid and also are the only way we can gain information about the world around us. Besides that, logic help us to maintain consistency within our knowledge. Validity is determined by objectivity while concepts are abstraction of a certain details of reality. These are all the key elements for a rational Epistemology. Ethics, also known as the study of how a person acts in his daily life, is dependent on Epistemology because it is impossible to make choices without knowledge. From a fundamental point of view, ethics is a method or way to categorized and pursue our own values. Human needs Ethics to live. This is because without ethics, the whole world will become chaotic as all our action will be aimless and random as all of us are unable to decide a course of action. Ethics will not be able to completely help us to pursue our goal if rationality is ignored. We must all have a rational ethical standard at a certain degree which we are able to identify our goal clearly in order to accomplish our most important values. Every branches of philosophy have their own key element to achieve certain level of value. For ethics, it requires a standard of value to which all goals and actions can be compared to. The ultimate standard of value is none other but the value of our own lives. If a person is able to recognize his importance not only to his physical survival, but to his well-being and happiness, that certain person can be said to have a very good and proper ethics in his life. One of the subset of ethics will be the next branches of philosophy known as Politics. Politics can be defined as the study of how men should interact in a proper society and what constitute proper in life, in other words, it is the study of Force which answer the question ‘What action are permissible’. Politics can be applied to every single person or a group of people. A society is set up by Politics as politics tell how a person should act or behave within a certain society. Politics is very important in a society and even a country itself, this is because a political system in a society or country will greatly affect the individuals within that specific area. The people within that system are allowed to function or act according to the nature of the politics that is applied there. If the system is unable to work out, it will either collapse such as the Communist Russia or it will cause rebel such as in Czarist Russia. The main goal of Politics must be the faculty of reason. This is because reason is the main means of survival for a man as ones cannot survive in an ineffective environment. In a moral political system, coercion must be banned because reason does not function under it as man cannot be forced to think about what is right or wrong. Society cannot be forced to think, but, government plays an important role here as governments can objective laws and also monopoly retaliatory force to prevent one person from doing illegal things that might harm the society. The last branch of philosophy is also known as the study of arts and the sense of life which is called Esthetics. Esthetics also studies the methods of evaluating arts and also the judgment of arts itself. This branch of philosophy depends on the previous branches of philosophy which is Metaphysics, Epistemology, and ethics. It is important to study art because art existed through all of recorded human history. Human’s unique ways of thinking and evaluating makes art unique as well. A person ability to abstract the concept of art can determined the standard of one’s life as well as satisfying his personal intellectual needs. This is why Esthetics is very important as it delves into the reason why does art existed. The main key element of a proper Esthetics is none other than a person’s value judgment of the creator. With the field of ethics, these value judgments can be evaluated as well as observed because art is a selective recreation of reality.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Energy Consumption And Its Effect On The Environment

Introduction Energy consumption is universal to all, in spite of the location in the world. Different countries and people consume different amounts of energy at any given time. Energy consumption ranges from small-scale to large-scale uses for different purposes. However, what is common to all despite the amount used is the impact of the consumption that cuts across every region. Among the most fundamental sources of energy used on regular basis, include oil, natural gas, and coal, which are fossil fuels. The generation of energy from fossil fuels requires combustion to take place, which, as a resultant, causes pollution to the atmosphere. An increase in the pollutants in the atmosphere causes environmental issues in the specific locale and the globe on a larger scale. The main pollutant to the environment due to fossil fuel combustion is the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Climate change is accelerated by the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; there have been efforts from around th e world by governments to reduce the emission of this greenhouse gas. Some measures put in place has reduced the emission of the said gas, however, some are yet to yield the desired result. Different countries consume different amounts of energy, and therefore, the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment varies greatly from one country to another. Energy in the United States and China Both China and the United States are the major global consumers of energy in the world. AsShow MoreRelatedUse Of Phase Of Building A Largest Stage That Impacts Environment During The Life Cycle1583 Words   |  7 PagesUse phase of building is the largest stage that impacts environment during the life cycle, so require more attention in the field of energy saving of building. 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