Friday, August 28, 2020

Lake Malawi National Park free essay sample

The point of maintainable the travel industry is to guarantee that improvement is a constructive encounter for neighborhood individuals; the travel industry organizations; and vacationers themselves. 3 Ecotourism that attention on untamed life and nature began in malawi in1980. Some examination shows that such the travel industry may not in actuality advantage these communitiesas it may prompt them getting subject to the visitor economy, without creating abilities that would permit them adaptability in the economy and be to a greater extent a drawn out assurance. Yet, notwithstanding this hopeful target, manageable the travel industry is as yet not generally comprehended. For a beginning, manageable the travel industry isn't really ecotourism. Dave N. et al(1988) , notwithstanding, has demonstrated that such the travel industry may not really be useful for condition, or for the individuals who experience this consideration. Safaris in Kenya, for instance, are without a doubt ecotourism. Be that as it may, Kenya is brimming with situations where lions have been constrained into sporadic conduct as a result of unnecessary travelers, or where the neighborhood Masai individuals have neglected to profit by this sort of advancement. We will compose a custom exposition test on Lake Malawi National Park or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All the more significantly, ecotourism doesn't include more standard sea shore or city-based the travel industry, where effects are a lot more noteworthy than any nature-based the travel industry. Reasonable the travel industry, along these lines, is an endeavor to improve the effects of a wide range of the travel industry, and this 3 Twan H. (1999),Tourism in creating nations. p. p-125 1 Literature Review 2 infers looking for approaches to assemble associations between the travel industry organizations and neighborhood governments or administrators of resorts. 4 Ecotourism a type of the travel industry that centers solely around untamed life, nature, or outlandish societies. Some contend that it is ecological tourism5. Maintainable advancement is an improvement that addresses the issues of the present without bargaining the capacity of people in the future to address their own issues. The idea â€Å"quality of life† incorporates everything that impacts the circumstance wherein individuals live. Thus, it incorporates considerably more than material utilization. It is expected to catch the significance of wellbeing, culture, and nature. there are two significant limitations, however †quality of life† doesn? t incorporate the government assistance that individuals get from their from the youngsters? s utilizations . similarly, just natures instrumental value(ie, esteem in its own privilege paying little heed to human experience); an obscure term used to showcase anything identified with nature or 4 David N. et al. 1988)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Study Skills and Daily Homework

I imagine that day by day schoolwork is important for an understudy. Every day schoolwork is a significant factors in life of training. A ton of understudies face every day schoolwork in school for quite a long time. I feel that there are a great deal of helpful focuses. Right off the bat, I will clarify that schoolwork flexibly an individual that the person in question is normal. Furthermore, I will talk that every day schoolwork create accomplishment. Thirdly, I will clarify that every day schoolwork gracefully feel of unwinding. Right off the bat, a ton of understudy study exercise in just tests time and for the most part they delay numerous things.Therefore, in focuses every day schoolwork is basic for understudies. On the off chance that they had every day schoolwork, they needed to rise early and both will day by day schoolwork and won't defer something. For example, my sister is understudy at secondary school and by and large her educator gives day by day schoolwork. My sister was a sporadic individual in past however she is ordinary as far as every day schoolwork. Accordingly, I feel that on the off chance that you need to be a normal individual, every day schoolwork is the most ideal route for it. Also, I accept that every day schoolwork is a significant route for both investigation exercise and rehash lesson.When understudies walk away, I feel that a ton of understudies don’t discover time for examining exercise yet while they are doing day by day schoolwork, they recollect that what clarify in exercise and understudies rehash in term of day by day schoolwork. For instance, my cousin Ali consistently don’t like contemplating exercise since he imagines that examining exercise is exhausting yet commonly Ali is fruitful for and doing day by day schoolwork. Taking everything into account, day by day schoolwork shoes accomplishment. In addition, I imagine that every day schoolwork gracefully feels of unwinding. At the point when an understudy do every day schoolwork, the individual in question feels unwind in light of the fact that the person imagines that I don’t have schoolwork, presently I can do what want.For occurrence, my educators give a great deal of day by day schoolwork so I generally do schoolwork at night. After I do day by day schoolwork, I unwind and once in a while I sit in front of the TV or search on the Internet. Therefore, when individuals accomplish something, they unwind and this is the best feels. Thus, every day schoolwork is significant for understudies. Day by day schoolwork has a great deal of points of interest like rehashing exercise, giving feel of unwinding and be a standard individual I accept that every day schoolwork assume a significant job in my accomplishment at college or secondary school. In this way day by day schoolwork is vital for an understudy. OK, for what reason do you take a stab at doing your day by day schoolwork?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Music Therapy and Its Effects free essay sample

A ground-breaking power that is generally underestimated, music can be intentionally used to fill some needs. Such purposes incorporate inspiration or prize, a methods for diminishing weariness and even oversee time, by establishing an ideal tone for the audience (Rotor, 1999, p. Presentation xv). Thinking about the expansiveness of such a subject, it is basic to contain the substance of this exposition into a concentrated discussion.Namely, music, its utilization in treatment and the impacts it creates. This paper will likewise talk about the efferent contentions for the help of different remedial impacts of music, alongside its depreciators. In late decades, a colossal measure of research has been led on explicit manners by which sound, beat and music, all in all, can improve human lives. Apparently, one of the most intriguing of them everything is the Mozart Effect. Supporters of this marvel guarantee that tuning in to Mozart music can influence you decidedly in various manners. We will compose a custom paper test on Music Therapy and Its Effects or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page For the most part, it improves ones spatial-transient thinking abilities and that youth presentation is useful for mental turn of events. Let us take a closer wacko. Spatial-worldly thinking aptitudes allude to the capacity to picture spatial examples and intellectually control them over a period requested arrangement of spatial changes. This capacity, frequently alluded to as deduction In pictures.Is significant for creating and conceptualizing answers for multi-step issues that emerge in regions, for example, workmanship, science, arithmetic and regular day to day existence (Spatial-worldly thinking, 2006, Para. 1). In his foreword for Don Campbell The Mozart Effect for Children. Youngster advancement master, Joseph C. Pearce, referenced that when the Nobel laureate and reconstitute David Hubble was asked whether he had any intrigue other than his claim to fame, his answer was, Actually, I appear to have spent an Inordinate measure of my life at the piano. . It was likewise expressed that in the 1 backtalk, nuclear researchers at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, assembled at save minutes at night to play string quartets,3 and that Einstein apparently the best researcher within recent memory - ? had an affection illicit relationship with the violin (Campbell, 2002, Introduction xii). Accepting that all researchers are brilliant, wise individuals, there is little uncertainty that Parses explanations of partner researchers with instruments was an intentional endeavor of depicting the Idea that music brings forth intelligence.But how far is this valid? Might it be able to be that simple occurrence has an influ ence in connecting probably the best researchers to music? As per Campbell, considers show that schools that Include music In their educational programs produce the most noteworthy achievers in the nation. An investigation in Hong Kong found that grown-ups who had gotten music preparing before age twelve have a superior memory for verbally expressed words than the individuals who didn't. Moreover, Dry. Gordon Shaw of the college ofCalifornia has demonstrated that taking piano exercises and tackling math confounds altogether For the reason for this paper, the word treatment won't just mean any treatment intended to improve a medical issue or to fix a sickness (Oxford word reference, 1999, It is indistinct who initially authored the expression, however it without a doubt appeared because of consideration excited by endless logical investigations directed on the impact of Knolling Amadeus Mozart music on its audience members. The expression has since been trademarked by Don Campbell, Inc. A string group of four generally comprises of 2 musician, a viola player and a cellist. Improves explicit math abilities of grade younger students (Campbell, 2000, p. 185). Mozart music has comparative impacts. In an investigation of nineteen kids matured seven to seventeen with a lack of ability to concentrate consistently scatter (ADD) or consideration shortage hyperactivity issue (DAD),4 specialists played accounts of such Mozart structures as Nine Klein Machinists, Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major (K. 467) and The Marriage of Figaro during thrice-week after week nonrefundable meetings for a portion of the children.Nothing was played for the others. The specialists detailed that the individuals who listened o Mozart showed improved center, state of mind control and social abilities. 70% of the subjects who improved kept up that improvement for at any rate a half year subsequently (Campbell, 2002, p. 183 184). These examinations demonstrate that tuning in to and playing music for the most part produces arioso positive outcomes. In any case, none of these investigations demonstrate that a hundred percent of the subjects tried accomplished these equivalent results.In certainty, there were numerous endeavors to duplicate a portion of these outcomes, yet most were ineffective (Willingham, 2006). On this, Earaches himself later composed that,5 spatial-worldly errand reference shifts broadly between people. This demonstrates the Mozart Effect, just as the distinctive constructive outcomes of music treatment, has different degrees of impacts and that it may not really influence everybody. Another point that will be talked about is Temper music. In this indigenous network, significant strategy of recuperating sicknesses includes singing and daze moving functions/ceremonies, which are normally driven by a medium. The medium would sing tunes and messages given to him during dreams by spiritless,7 to the patient, as female ensemble individuals go with him. Likewise, now and then instruments, for example, the soufflã ©s, bamboo-tube zither and mouthpart are utilized all the while. Contingent upon the seriousness of the patients ailment, these exercises are led as little customs or tremendous ceremonies.Basically, the more extreme the ailment is, the greater the function. Sadly, adequacy of this technique for treatment and relieving sicknesses is certifiably not an all around recorded subject. It is, in any case, a reality that Temper convention of mending Ninth music has continued for ages and ages and that today is still by and by. From these perceptions, one may reason that it is a worn out and-tried strategy ND hence, to a limited degree, it works. Be that as it may, since it's anything but an altogether Investigated point, such a conclusion is available to discuss. N powerlessness to focus, trouble identifying with peers and a general disjointedness of thought (Campbell, 2000, p. 183). 5 Frances H. Ear infections was one of the spearheading researchers that directed tests on the impacts of Mozart music. Rhea Tempers are Aboriginals who abide in peninsular Malaysia (Rosemary, 1993, p. 2) According to Temper conviction, spiritless alludes to elements of article (quicken or vivify, for example, a specific Jungle blossom or a mountain, that visit mediums in beneficiary dreams, in a humanists structure, to offer their administrations to the mediums, to be their teacher.These spiritless will at that point start to sing and the visionary would rehash it line by line until, after arousing, the tune is focused on the visionaries memory. Rosemary, 1993, p. 53) From the different contentions expressed above, I reach the resolution that music treatment is a ground-breaking power that can be deliberately utilized. From University understudies in Hong Kong, little children in America and Aboriginals in Malaysia, overpowering confirmations recommend that the impact of music treatment rises above ethnic limits and that, the previous you are presented to it, the better situated you are to abuse it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Indisputable Truth About Usc Marshall Essay Samples That Nobody Is Sharing With You

The Indisputable Truth About Usc Marshall Essay Samples That Nobody Is Sharing With You It targets your particular needs and can help you implement changes step by step. You do not have a thing to be concerned about when ordering from our internet site. Make your very first order at the moment and find the help you need whenever possible. A good response to this question will want to demonstrate your capability to adapt to various conditions and to demonstrate that you're intelligent and flexible. How to Get Started with Usc Marshall Essay Samples? The demand to stay informed about mortgage payments and everyday living expenses was the start of a new lifestyle that I wasn't ready for. The selection of the pay-off portion (of the excess related to the strike price) is created by the selection of the sum of purchased futures. In addition, we understand that the price tag, when over insured, never exceeds the strike price as well as the price of insurance. The strike price is exactly the same in all samples. Usc Marshall Essay Samples - the Conspiracy The term limit on the essay will stay at 650. Generally, your essay must contain the information regarding the principal topic and you've got to earn some research to be certain your essay is following the recent news. There are different services worth considering since you would like your essay to look its very best. With our customized essay offer, you can be guaranteed to get any kind of essay help you are searching for. You'll only have to be slightly more careful to remain under the term limit. Even for those who have all these qualities, they aren't appropriate to place within this brief section. Dedicate an idea to a single paragraph only, therefore it is simpler to perceive. If you are feeling your paragraphs aren't flowing together, consider organizing them chronologically! When you first sit down to write, start with reflecting on your aims, achievements, strengths, interesting experi ences you've had, and the way you intend to continue your academic or professional improvement. Alternatively, perhaps you are in possession of an effective community anecdote or exceptional professional achievement that you'd love to share. Perhaps you've got an unusual hobby, have made an effect on the community in a distinctive way, or have an intriguing family heritage. Briefly describe this kind of event and the way it affected you. Usc Marshall Essay Samples - the Conspiracy This USC application essay supplies a chance to add extra info, or to talk about a concern. While USC offers guidelines on how your essay content ought to be created, they may not provide helpful info that will help you determine what you ought to write about. Consider what you have to communicate as a way to demonstrate all sides of your candidacy within this USC application essay. These USC Marshall application essays enable you the room to express how you'll fit into the community. The Pain of Usc Marshall Essay Samples Thurgood Marshall is among the most inspirational men in civil rights history thus far. For instance, if you aspire to work in an area or position for which Marshall isn't known to have particularly strong courses, professors, or other offerings, or when you need to work for a business that doesn't have any recruiting history with the program, it may not be the best option to get you where you wish to go promptly. Washington would later turned into one of Marshall's best heroes. If you wish to transfer to the University of Southern California you ought to keep in mind a few requirements. USC is among the most well-known colleges on the west coast. Even though it has plenty of professional and social events and opportunities, its main goal is educational and your main role is being a student. What make a great student essay. Your goal within this brief essay is therefore to demonstrate you do indeed have a plan, not just wide ambition. Knowing the homework guidelines might also be problematic for some students particularly for freshmen. Writing a college essay free of experience. However, there are some points you need to know about the writing process to raise your probability of getting your essay approved. The ideal method is to think of your personality with a tiny irony that would show various sides of your personality. Even when you have only 3 words to write, use literary tool s and various tactics to create your writing an actual bit of art. If you opt to, you are able to essentially earn a bullet list of fun me facts if you need to include things like the most sum of content.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Adam Smith And Karl Marx s Views On The Deregulation Of...

ECON1401 Written Assignment 2: Adam Smith and Karl Marx’s Views on the Deregulation of University Fees INTRODUCTION The Abbott government’s recent proposal for deregulation of university fees in Australia has brought about much controversial debate. Under current policy, university fees are set at a fixed rate, in which a price ceiling is placed on the amount universities can charge students and with no interest on student loans. The new proposal to deregulate these fees eliminates the price ceiling and gives universities the freedom to set tuition fees at any level they see fit. This holds two possible implications: (1) this would increase competition between universities and drive fees down; or (2) the freedom granted to universities†¦show more content†¦Smith started a career as a lecturer at both Oxford University and the University of Glasgow. The turning point of his life to revolutionary change was in 1764, when he became the tutor of a young duke and travelled with him around Europe for more than two years. It was this trip that not only gave him the opportunity to meet man y other great thinkers, but it also provided him with enough money to return home and focus on producing his most famous book, Wealth of Nations (1776) . The value of Wealth of Nations did not lie on the presented ideas being original, but it rested on the brilliant way in which Smith organized and fitted the different ideas from different thinkers into one massive masterpiece – like a completed jigsaw puzzle, his work has been described as a comprehensive landscape of economics . His work and contribution to the world of economics made him the ‘Father of Economics’ and inspired many economists after him such as David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. Essentially, Smith’s arguments were focused on the rationale that individuals were all motivated by self-gain and a desire for wealth. In other words, individuals will act or perform tasks for the purposes of gaining a benefit or increasing his/her wealth. As quoted from Wealth of Nations, â€Å"it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest† . Smith argued that this sort of behaviour

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Globalization Is Defined As A Process Of Interaction And...

Kyle Hutchens Cultural Anthropology Globalization Unit October 17, 2014 Globalization Globalization is defined as â€Å"a process of interaction and integration arising from the interchanging world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.† In other words, it is interactions and trade between people and other countries including governments. There are many effects that come along with globalization, both negative and positive. Negative aspects of globalization start with non-economists and the wide public expecting the costs associated with globalization to outweigh the benefits, especially in the short-run. Less wealthy countries from those among the industrialized nations may not have the same highly emphasized beneficial†¦show more content†¦It also provides poor countries, through mixtures of foreign capital and technology, with the chance to develop economically and by spreading prosperity to create the conditions in which democracy and respect for human rights may flourish. Now there is a worldwide market for companies and consumers to access products from different countries. There is a world power that is being created gradually, instead of compartmentalized power sectors. Politics are merging and the decisions that are being made are actually beneficial for people all over the world. There is more infl ux of information between two countries. There is cultural intermingling. Each country is slowly learning more about other cultures. Since we share financial interests, corporations and governments are trying to sort out ecological problems for each other. Socially we have become more open and tolerant towards each other, and people who live in the other part of the world are not considered aliens. Most people see speedy travel, mass communications and quick dissemination of information through the Internet as benefits of globalization. Trade among nations via the use of comparative advantage promotes growth, which is attributed to a strong connection between the openness of trade flows and the affect on economic growth and economic performance. Additionally there is a strong positive

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Career Goals Post Completion of Program In Business Administration

Question: Describe about the Career Goals Post Completion Of Program In Business Administration? Answer: Since my childhood I have been told to find out what I like then make a carrier into it. Few years ago, keeping in mind with this philosophy, I set out to find out what is that I like to do. Before that I thought of entering in the institute I had realized that my interest lies in Accounting Domain. Though I dont have a long term perspective of my career goals, I have tried to break them down into a series of short term goals. My present goal as of today is to safeguard an admission into Business Administration in this reputed university. Post successful completion of this Business Administration course my immediate goal is to continue from where I had left, i.e. I want to join a renowned financial and accounting consultancy or a financial institution such as banks at a managerial level. Joining at the managerial position in such an organization will give me the opportunities to interacting with dominant business houses conglomerates. This will help in increasing the real life knowledge base of mine by making me to have better understanding of the weaknesses strengths of the financial and accounting models which are pre-existing. Within next 10 years I see myself to rise through the level of the management to the position of a business partner. After working in the top most rank in one of the leading financial organization for few years, when Ill be confident about myself that I have pertained the required skills knowledge pertaining to all the aspects of an established organization, I would like to get into my own consulting business. The most crucial aspect, during this span of time I would look forward in developing my networks with leading as well as upcoming business organization, so that I can built my client base for later stages. I would like to implement experiment different financial accounting models, and I look to finally develop a business model which will inherent imperfections of the existing business models. This business model will be standardized enough to captive the impact of future technological revolutions, and will be more flexible which can adapt to different financial, cultural structures. Characteristics that I possess which would make me a good fit for my goals According to the self-analysis my strong analytical and mathematics skills will make me good fit for my goals. Being a responsible, steady and a persistent person, whatever I decide to do, I do it with full dedication, honesty and hard work, also my qualities of always being positive, ability to self-encourage and the strength of never giving up in any circumstances will make my career a bright career which will have the ability to achieve the stated goals and will contribute to my future accomplishments. Reasons for Opting Business Administration Program With the set plans and objective in mind to develop my currier in finance, I have full confidence on myself that this is the right time for me to pursue course in Business Administration. My prior work experience during my internship with the leading financial consultants i.e., Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd have helped me in developing problem solving analytical skills, as well as team building and team work skills. As one of the trainee member of a team, I was able to contribute to the team in many ways such as managing to complete multiple requests in a shorter turnaround time with 100% accuracy, gathering useful information from client sources, calculating the data, maintaining data base and presenting the collected information in a presentable format to the clients, working on these tasks helped me in strengthening my own foundation of knowledge to be used as a resource. The most satisfying observation made by me during these internships was that I was able to find out solutions for those problems which everyone was not able to find by using my strengths i.e. my mathematics and analytical skills. Now when I have these difficult skills in place, I want to work more on developing the management skills which are very important and useful to fulfil my short term long term objectives and aspirations. These skills may include all the successful techniques of managing running a business. By securing the admission in your reputed university, I would be able to gain both the practical theoretical exposure in the world financial and accounting centres. Ill be able to gain deeper insight of management concepts and will be able to apply the learned concepts to the real life situation during my course of job. I want to learn how to make use of my strengths to become an effective leader, this course in Business Administration will guide me in developing my managerial and leadership skills by bringing balance of compassion power. I want to develop more effective team building skills which in future makes my team listen to me and carry out their directions; also my team could build trust on me. I want to learn this balance by pursuing business administration course in your reputed university, in this way Ill be able to lead a team of people and achieve the goals of the organization where in Ill work. Moreover, in 21st century an effective manager should be well-versed in international business. Though, I have certain international exposure in my past roles, however I know there is big scope of improvements learning required before I can fulfil my dream of having my own finance accountancy consulting business. The Business Administration program in the university in international business would assist me to boost my knowledge in this area. My professional experiences will help me in learning great things which will lead me in reaching my aggressive professional objectives. I know that Ill maintain the same hard work dedication which is required to achieve even bigger goals in next 10 years. The past diversified experiences have prepared me well to receive education from your university. And a Business Administration program from a reputed university will no doubt help me in reaching the goals and dreams.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

5 Recipes Even You Can Master for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming up fast, which means it’s almost time for the less talented chefs among us to start panicking. Are you expected to bring a dish to your family’s Thanksgiving festivities? Fear not! With these five easy recipes, you can walk in with your head held high. Maple Pecan Baked Brie With everyone focused on the main course, appetizers often fall by the wayside at Thanksgiving. Surprise your family and friends with this easy and creative twist on the classic baked brie. This recipe will show you how to whip up a spicy, savory pecan praline sauce to dress up the brie you pick up at the store at the last minute. Total time to make: 1 hour 5 minutes (includes 20 minutes of baking and 20 minutes of letting the dish cool) Full recipe here. Apple and Onion Stuffin’ Muffins If you want to put a creative spin on your side, try these quirky, Thanksgiving-inspired muffins. The ingredient list is simple and seasonal and you don’t need anything fancier than a muffin tin to make them. The sweet and savory muffins use stuffing as a base and are chock full of apples and classic fall vegetables. Total time to make: 40 minutes Check full recipe. Radicchio and Cranberry Salad Carbs and turkey are the stars of the feast, but even your most carnivorous guests will enjoy a fresh, crisp salad to balance out their plates. This one-step salad packs a lot of flavor with hardly any effort on your part, and the unusual base will impress your foodie guests. Add arugula for more color and a peppery flavor profile. Total time to make: 3 minutes Recipe here! Mulled Red Wine Sangria Thanksgiving is all about the food, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for boring beverages. This recipe shows that sangria isn’t just a summertime treat. Pick up a bottle of red table wine, brandy, orange juice, an orange and a lemon. Combine over low heat, add a scoop of sugar and you’re ready to serve a warm, flavorful treat that will make even the driest stuffing palatable. Total time to make: 20 minutes Full recipe here. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Everyone expects pies for dessert, but why not mix things up with some Thanksgiving-themed cookies? This recipe tweaks the classic chocolate chip cookie with seasonal spices like nutmeg, cloves and ginger. The pumpkin puree is a creative and easy addition to give it a Thanksgiving flair. Place a plate of these with the rest of the pies and they’ll be a hit. Total time to make: 32 minutes Learn how to make this here. Surprise your family and friends what a good cook youve become during your time at college. Eat lots and have an amazing thanksgiving holiday!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

To What Extent do Western Concepts of Ill-Health Limit Policies and Projects Aimed at Improving the Health of Those in the Developing World The WritePass Journal

To What Extent do Western Concepts of Ill-Health Limit Policies and Projects Aimed at Improving the Health of Those in the Developing World Executive Summary To What Extent do Western Concepts of Ill-Health Limit Policies and Projects Aimed at Improving the Health of Those in the Developing World (KFF/UNAIDS, 2013). Although there is a global decrease in the trend of this epidemic, incidence of HIV/AIDS is still high in middle and low-income countries (UNAIDS, 2013). Most of those suffering from this health condition do not have access to healthcare services, treatment and management (UNAIDS, 2013). Importantly women and young girls are more susceptible of the infection compared to men (British HIV Association, 2012). Of the 35 million individuals believed to be suffering from the condition, 3.3 million of these are children (UNAIDS, 2013). Majority (71%) of persons living with HIV/AIDS reside in Sub-Saharan Africa (Health Protection Agency, 2012). The objectives of this policy include decreasing HIV prevalence amongst the young population aged 15-24 years; increase condom use especially in high-risk sex; increase the proportion of young people with correct knowledge on HIV/AIDs infection; and increase the proportion of individuals with advanced stages of the disease gain ac cess to antiretroviral medications. Western Concept of Ill-Health Western concepts of ill-health could limit the policies on malnutrition and HIV/AIDS when introduced in developing nations. First, definitions of ‘ill-health’ could vary between Western and developing countries. There is variation in how ill-health is perceived even amongst professional, academic and the public (Wikman et al., 2005). Ill-health is also viewed differently across disciplines. For instance, the medical model of health has been accepted for several years in Western healthcare in the past (Wikman et al., 2005). This model states that ill-health is caused by pathogenic microorganisms or underlying pathologies (Dutta, 2008). However, even this concept has changed within healthcare systems. Today, many healthcare professionals have recognised that ill-health is not only caused by pathogenic organisms but social determinants of health such as poor nutrition, unemployment or stress could all influence ill-health (Dutta, 2008). Wikman et al. (2005) acknowledges tha t ill-health could be understood by using a multi-perspective approach. Concepts of ill-health are also considered as historically and culturally specific (Blas and Kurup, 2010). This means that ill-health varies across culture and time. For instance, in Western culture, obesity is considered as ill-health (Blas and Kurup, 2010). In other countries, obesity is viewed as socially acceptable since this is a sign of wealth. In Western culture, findings of scientific publications are used to underpin health policies against HIV (Bogart et al., 2011). Use of condoms to protect against HIV infection is viewed as acceptable. In some African countries, use of condoms is seen to reduce one’s masculinity (Willis, 2003; MacPhail and Campbell, 2001). Importantly, anal sex in some of these countries is practised to avoid pregnancy or viewed as a cleansing method against the virus for HIV/AIDS (Bogart and Bird, 2003). Hence, these differences in the concept of ill-health could influence the uptake of global health policies in developing nations. To illustrate t his argument, the policies on malnutrition and HIV/AIDS will be critiqued. A discussion how western concepts of ill health influence the uptake of these policies in the developing countries would also be done. Analysis and Discussion Attention on acute and chronic malnutrition is unprecedented in recent years (Shoham et al., 2013). The involvement of the UK, through its policy for malnutrition and hunger, with other countries in the scaling up nutrition (SUN) campaign has brought significant changes on the lives of children who are malnourished. The policy on malnutrition is underpinned by the philosophy on health equity and social determinants of health (Ezzati et al., 2003). Western concepts of ill-health focus on the social determinants of ill-health as a factor in promoting malnutrition in developing countries. For example, unemployment of parents, low levels of education, early years, poverty, homelessness are some social determinants of health strongly suggested to promote malnutrition amongst children (Marmot and Wilkinson, 2005). Uptake of policies for malnutrition in developing countries might be limited if these determinants are not properly addressed. Farmer (2003) explains that cultural beliefs on foo d, poor knowledge on the nutritional value of food and food production practices have long contributed to malnutrition in many countries. Policies on malnutrition might no be effective if these do not address the root causes of malnutrition, which are poverty, poor knowledge on food nutrition and poor farming practices (Farmer, 2003). Power structure also plays a role in how policies are implemented. Farmer (2003) stresses that unless the poor are empowered and their rights protected would true development occur. In recent years, there have been improvements in the lives of the poor, specifically on nutrition status. Marmot and Wilkinson (2005) emphasise that presence of poverty and unemployment could all influence health. However, there is evidence that in some developing countries, malnutrition policies have gained success. An analysis would show that involvement of the community plays a crucial role in ensuring success of these policies. For example, Shoham et al. (2013) report that the community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach contributed to its success in some 65 developing countries across the world. Communities are mobilised and they gain ownership of the programme. Individuals help in detecting uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and refer children to established out-patient centres. Complicated cases are referred as in-patients in the health sector staff. While the UNICEF (Nabarro, 2013) reported that 10% of the 20 million suspected cases of SAM have been treated through the scaling up nutrition campaign, other target countries have not kept up with the campaign. Policies that have gained acceptance in developing countries are those that empower communities to take actions for their own health. Empowering women through education has been shown to lead to more positive changes in the health of children ages 5 years old and below (Farmer, 2003). Policies that increase the educational levels of women were shown to reduce erroneous perceptions on the causes of malnutrition (Wikman et al., 2005). Shoham et al. (2013) observe that failure to implement the CMAM approach and educating women on malnutrition limits the success of malnutrition policies in communities. A number of studies (Bhutta, 2013; Black et al., 2013; Pinstrup-Andersen, 2013; Nabarro, 2013; Loevinsohn and Harding, 2005) have shown the effectiveness of engaging communities and empowering them to improve the nutritional status of women and children. While factors such as engaging communities and allowing them to take ownership of programmes have been shown to promote uptake of policies, there are still factors that limit policy uptake. These include failure to address the social determinants of health such as poverty, low levels of education, poor support of the children during early life years and unemployment (Loevinsohn and Harding, 2005). It has been shown that when these factors are present, malnutrition is also high (Pinstrup-Andersen, 2013). There is also a need to understand the perceptions of women and children on food and nutrition to better understand why malnutrition continue to exist in a number of developing countries. Meanwhile, the policy on HIV/AIDS also promote health by engaging communities in implementing projects aimed at preventing HIV transmission (KFF, 2013; British HIV Infection, 2012; Department for International Development, 2013). To date, HIV infection epidemic has stabilised and the number of individuals receiving treatment has increased to 9.7 million in 2012 (UNAIDS, 2013). In contrast, only 400,000 individuals with advanced HIV infection receive treatment in 2004. A closer analysis of the cause of HIV infection would still point to risky behaviours of those engaging in unprotected sex and injecting drug users as factors that promote HIV infection (KFF/UNAIDS, 2013). This is a cause of concern since there is still the prevailing cultural belief in a number of African countries that use of condom is unmanly (Willis, 2003; MacPhail and Campbell, 2001). Connolly et al. (2004) argue that changing behaviour of the target population is most difficult. Consequences of HIV infection extend to unborn children of mother infected with HIV (UNAIDS, 2013). To date, there have been various interventions to prevent HIV infection. These include behaviour changes, increase in HIV screening, male circumcision, use of condoms, harm reduction amongst in injecting drug users and blood supply safety (UNAIDS, 2013). Amongst these strategies, changing behaviour remains to be an important intervention that could prevent further spread of the virus. Experts suggest that risky sexual behaviour could only be changed through the use of different health models. For example, the health belief model could be used to inform the target population on the risk of HIV (Health Protection Agency, 2012). In addition, facilitators to behaviour change, such as decreasing stigma on HIV infection, increasing access to healthcare services could help individuals adopt less r isky sexual behaviour (Greeff et al., 2008). Patients with HIV often perceive stigma from their own healthcare workers (Kohi et al., 2006; Holzemer and Uys, 2004). This could impact not only the quality of care received by those with HIV infection but might also limit them from gaining further medical treatment. On the other hand, reducing malnutrition by 50% since 1990 has not been achieved in most countries yet (UNICEF, 2014). This is important since the United Nations aims to achieve this target by next year. Food production is continuously affected by stronger typhoons and turbulent weather patterns (KFF, 2013). Droughts appear to be longer, affecting agriculture and livestock production (KFF, 2013). Specifically, the UNICEF (2014) acknowledges that the most vulnerable groups to increasing weather disturbance brought by climate change are the poor people. This is especially challenging in the light of the MDGs since decreases in food production in developing countries could further have an impact on the nutritional status of the women and children (Bryce et al., 2008; Taylor et al., 2013). Climate change has important implications on policies for malnutrition. Even if community-based initiatives are strongly in place and individuals have learned to produce their own food, changes in weat her patterns could impact agriculture activities. The UNICEF (2014) has highlighted this issue and using current experiences, community rehabilitation after a typhoon or drought would mean increased challenges in addressing malnutrition amongst the poorest of the poor. Even if all objective are achieved, there is no full guarantee that malnutrition will be completely eradicated in developing nations. To date, there are best practices (SUN, 2013) showing that community involvement and partnership with government and non-government organisations could arrest severe acute and chronic malnutrition. A number of developing countries, especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa are still struggling with malnutrition despite external aid. The same observation is also made in this region on HIV infection where the poorest amongst the poor remain to be most vulnerable to the infection (SUN, 2013). Hence, it would be necessary to investigate the real cause of malnutrition and HIV infection in developing countries. There are multiple underlying causes of malnutrition and all interact to increase the risk of children for malnutrition. First, poverty has been highlighted earlier in this essay as an important factor for development of malnutrition (Horton and Lo, 2013). This essay also argues that maternal level of education is a significant factor in the nutrition of children (Black et al., 2013). The World Health Organization (2011) acknowledges that children born to mothers with at least a high school education enjoy better health compared to children with mothers who have lower educational levels. This observation is consistent across literature (UNICEF, 2014; Black et al, 2013) and illustrates the importance of increasing the education level of mothers. In Sub-Saharan countries that often experience conflicts, malnutrition is often caused by displacement of families and children from their homes and livelihood to evacuation centres with minimal food support (UNICEF, 2014). Apart from conflicts, recent effects of climate change have also changed the way developed countries respond to problems of food security (Taylor et al., 2013). As shown in the UK policy for hunger and malnutrition, funds are also directed to innovations and research on how to respond to environmental damages caused by climate change (UNICEF, 2014). It should be noted that changes in weather patterns, flooding and drought could have a great impact on food security and sustainability (Department for International Development, 2013). In comparison with the policy on HIV infection, the policy on hunger and malnutrition would have a greater impact on the health of the nation. It has been shown that improving nutrition during the first 1000 days of a child’s life could lead to better health outcomes, higher educational attainment and productivity later in adult life (Bhutta, 2013). Malnutrition during a child’s first two years of life could have irreversible effects on the child’s health (Bhutta, 2013). This could lead to stunting, cognitive impairment, early death and if the child reaches adulthood, difficulty in finding a job (Nabarro, 2013). The number of children and mothers suffering from malnutrition is also higher compared to individuals suffering from HIV infection. However, HIV infection could also have an impact on maternal and child health since infected mothers could transmit the virus to their unborn child (KFF, 2013). Women with HIV also suffer more stigma compared to their male co unterparts (Sandelowski et al., 2004). Recommendations and Conclusion In conclusion, the two policies discussed in this brief reveal strategies in preventing and treating malnutrition and HIV infection. Responses of developing countries to these strategies differ. Countries where communities are involved in the implementation of strategies are generally more successful in addressing these health problems. This would show that community involvement play a crucial role in the uptake of Western policies in developing countries. However, the lack of success in some countries might be attributed to the differences in the concept of ill-health between affluent and developing countries, socio-economic context of poor countries and difficulty in changing one’s health behaviour. Finally, this essay suggests that a more holistic approach should be taken in addressing the social determinants of health to ensure that children have access to nutritious food and HIV infection is prevented. References Bhutta, Z. (2013). ‘Early nutrition and adult outcomes: pieces of the puzzle [Online]. The Lancet, 382(9891), pp. 486-487. Black, R., Alderman, H., Bhutta, S., Gillespie, S., Haddad, L., Horton, S., Lartey, S., Mannar, V., Ruel, M., Victoria, C., Walker, S. Webb, P. (2013). ‘Maternal and child nutrition: building momentum for impact’. The Lancet, 382(9890), pp. 372-375. Blas, E. Kurup, A. (2010). Equity, social determinants and public health programmes. Switzerland: World Health Organization. Bogart, L., Skinner, D., Weinhardt, L., Glasman, L., Sitzler, C., Toefy, Y. Kalichman, S. (2011) ‘HIV misconceptions associated with condom use among black South Africans: an exploratory study’, African Journal of AIDS Research, 10(2), pp. 181-187. Bogart, L. Bird, S. (2003) ‘Exploring the relationship of conspiracy beliefs about HIV/AIDS to sexual behaviours and attitudes among Afrian-American adults’, Journal of the National Medical Association, 95(11), pp. 1057-1065. British HIV Association (2012) Standards of care for people living with HIV in 2012, London: British HIV Association. Bryce, J., Coitinho, D., Darnton-Hill, I., Pelletier, D. Pinstrup-Andersen, P. (2008). ‘Maternal and child undernutrition: effective action at national level’. The Lancet, 371(9611), pp. 510-526. Connolly, C., Colvin, M., Shishana, O. Stoker, D. (2004) ‘Epidemiology of HIV in South Africa- results of a national, community-based survey’, South African Medical Journal, 94(9), pp. 776-781. Department for International Development (2013). Policy: Reducing Hunger and malnutrition in developing countries, London: UK Legislation [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25th March, 2014). Dutta, M. (2008) Communicating health: A culture-centred approach, London: Polity Press. Ezzati, M., Vander, H., Rodgers, A., Lopez, A., Mathers, C. Murray, C. (2003) ‘The comparative risk collaborating group. Estimates of global and regional potential health gains from reducing multiple major risk factors’, Lancet, 362, pp. 271-280. Farmer, P. (2003) Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the new war on the poor, Berkeley and Long Angeles: University of California Press. Greeff, M., Uys, L., Holzemer, W., Makoae, L., Dlamini, P., Kohi, T., Chirwa, M., Naidoo, J. Phetlhu, R. (2008) ‘Experiences of HIV/AIDS Stigma of persons living with HIV/AIDS and nurses involved in their care from five African countries’, African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 10(1), pp. 78-108. Health Protection Agency (2012) HIV in the United Kingdom: 2012 Report. London: Health Protection Services, Colindale. Holzemer, W. Uys, L. (2004) ‘Managing AIDS stigma’, Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 1(3), pp. 165-174. Horton, R. Lo, S. (2013). ‘Nutrition: a quintessential sustainable development goal’, The Lancet, 382(9890), pp. 371-372. KFF/UNAIDS (2013). Financing the response to AIDS in low- and middle-income countries: International Assistance from Donor Governments in 2012. Washington: KFF/UNAIDS. KFF (2013). The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25th March, 2014). 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Monday, February 24, 2020

Accounting for the Substance of Transactions Essay

Accounting for the Substance of Transactions - Essay Example Though giving an account of the economic summary of the activities of the organization is a straightforward job, generally, an effort is made to give better perception of the organization to be presentable to the Shareholders and other stakeholders by inflating the earnings or assets or deflating the liabilities or losses or manipulation of depreciation methods, stock valuation and accounting development expenditure. Here, two factors influence the presentation. The legal provisions and accounting provisions. The presentation which is correct in legal angle may not be founded on sound accounting principles and may vary from the underlying economic reality. The managements, may, therefore, sometimes choose the best and most advantageous of these two options to present the economic substance of the transactions according to their wishes. Certain artificial transactions/combination of transactions undertaken by the organization are such that it is very difficult to assess the net effect the entire exercise. The assessment of net effect of such various activities of the enterprise may be captioned as â€Å"substance† of a transaction. "substance" of a transaction. Assessment of the substance of the transactions is found necessary to provide reliable, fair and accurate information about corporate performance and to ascertain the actual state of affairs of the business organization. The need is felt very seriously as the various distortions in Financial statements are on the increase, among other things, defining the nature of assets and liabilities and inclusion or non-inclusion of such assets and liabilities in Books of Accounts. Such events not only distort the substance of the economic activity of the organization but also fail to project the actual problems faced by the organization, depriving the organization to initiate remedial steps to address the real problems. Accounting reforms comprising provisions for reporting of substance of transactions are therefore, found necessary. Statement of principles of Accounting prescribe the activities that should be reported on in financial statements, the various dimensions of those activities that should be prominently furnished, the features that information should have if it is to be mentioned in the financial statements. The main role of the Statement of principles is to provide conceptual input into the ASB's work on the development and review of accounting standards. The Statement is not, therefore, neither an accounting standard nor does it contain any requirements on how financial statements are to be prepared. The prominent among the principles for reporting the Substance of the Transactions is definition of assets and liabilities, accounting for subsidiary undertakings, and the activities to be excluded from the business organization's financial statements and those to be included, thus setting standards for presentation of Financial statements. Factors like legal requirements, cost-benefit considerations, i ndustry-specific issues, and the desirability of evolutionary change and implementation issues are also covered. Reporting the Substance of Transactions' implies the addition of Application Note G 'Revenue Recognition'. This clears the ambiguity regarding the treatment of revenue and, in particular, the treatment of turnover (as a subset of revenue). This Application Note deals with revenue recognition from the supply of goods or services by a seller to its customers. It sets out basic principles of revenue recognition which should be applied in all cases. It also provides specific guidance for

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Nutrition and wellness research paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Nutrition and wellness paper - Research Proposal Example On this basis, the topic I propose for this research paper is the nutritive disorder, Anorexia nervosa. This does not appear to be a personal site. It is the official website of the Renfrew Center – a mental health facility, which has centers in various states throughout the United States and a nationwide professional network. This Center specializes in the treatment of eating disorders. The author of the website, i.e, the Renfrew Agency, itself appears to be the sponsoring agency that has put out the information on Anorexia Nervosa which is contained in this site. The credentials of this organization are also evident on the site, because it has acknowledged that it is the owner of copyright and therefore the producer of the material on this specific webpage. This does not appear to be an educational site, it is a commercial site. There is no contact email address provided, but there is a direct link titled â€Å"Contact†, where a user has the facility to enter personal contact information, so that a representative of the Renfrew Center can get in touch. In addition, there is a toll free number that has been provided on the site, for contacting the Renfrew Center. This site appears to have been created as a promotional tool to generate business for the Renfrew Center. There are no advertisements on this site. There are several links provided for different sections of the community, i.e, for schools, for family/friends and for professionals, and the major focus appears to be the promotion of the package of health care services offered by the Renfrew Center. This web page is useful because it contains information on the disease. It also describes anorexia nervosa as a life threatening condition which usually â€Å"stems from underlying emotional causes.† This supports my thesis that the causes of the disease may be psychological. Source No:

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Fault in Our Stars Essay Example for Free

The Fault in Our Stars Essay The fault in our Stars, the fifth successful novel by the author John Green, is a story about two fictional characters by the names of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. It is a romance about the two teens that just happen to meet at a cancer support group. Hazel, the leading woman protagonist, has cancer and Augustus had cancer. Augustus having cancer explains why he came to the support group with Isaac; a one eyed mutual friend of theirs that eventually has surgery to have his eye removed which will free him from cancer. Augustus falls in love with Hazel despite her having cancer, and Hazel falls in love with him, even after a devastating reveal that Augustus’ cancer has returned. So despite them both having cancer, they still love each other unconditionally, and they would’ve been together at an old age until death did them part if it weren’t for Augustus’s death literally â€Å"doing them part† â€Å"You have to understand that Hazel is still sick, Augustus, and will be for the rest of her life.† (pg._p_) This is what Hazel’s dad says to Augustus when they first meet, so it is pretty clear to Augustus that Hazel won’t be able to do a lot of the things he is able to, because she is sick and he is not (at the moment). Later proof of them being in love is when Hazel goes to the hospital due to poor oxygenation. â€Å"Well, there’s a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here,† (pg._p_) This is what Hazel’s nurse tells her when Hazel wakes up. It turns out that Augustus stays in the hospital waiting room all day and night until he can finally see her. He could’ve easily got scared and run away, but he stayed and was there for her through it all. The last reason why I know that Augustus was in love with hazel is because of The Genies. The Genies are a book version of the Make-A-Wish foundation created to give cancer patients one wish. After being disappointed that she couldn’t afford to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author, Peter Van Houten, Augustus suggests that she used her wish. Unfortunately, she had already used her wish on Disney world (â€Å"I can’t believe I have a crush on a girl with such clichà © wishes† said Augustus on (p.g. _p_) they both saw this as a joke since it’s so clichà ©) when she was 13, so Augustus offered that  they both used his. Augustus basically used HIS wish for her! Even after she had complications with seeing if she could go or not since one of her doctors decided it wasn’t safe, Augustus held through. He discovered firsthand something that would affect their relationship because of her cancer, and he didn’t give up on them. Besides Augustus, Hazel had her love moments as well. After she found out that Augustus’ Cancer was back, she did not leave him. One of my favorite quotes in the book is this: â€Å"What am I at war with? My cancer. And what is my cancer? My cancer is me. The tumors are made of me. They’re made of me as surely as my brain and my heart are made of me. It is a civil war, Hazel Grace, with a predetermined winner.† (p.g. _p_) There’s one part that gets to me in this book. It takes place when Augustus gets super sick and it is predictable that he will die very soon. Augustus like keeping a pack of cigarettes in his pocket all the time and he occasionally puts one in his mouth, never lighting it. â€Å"Its a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you dont give it the power to do its killing. (p.g. _p_) One night, Hazel receives a panicked call from him, telling her to come help him. When she arrives at the location he tells her, she finds him covered in his own vomit, hands pressed to his belly where his g-tube was supposed to go. He was trying to buy another pack of cigarettes because he had lost his, but it was clear he couldn’t do anything for himself anymore. At that moment, they both knew that the end was near. Hazel knew it was coming and she stuck with him until the moment she got the phone call telling her it was over. If neither of them had cancer, there is absolutely no doubt that they would be together until the very end. They were in love with each other despite all of their obstacles. I recommend this book to anyone who’s up for laughter, tears, and for whoever likes sappy romances. John Green did well once more.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hockey vs. Football Essay -- Sports Compare Contrast Hockey Football E

Hockey vs. Football Football and hockey are two sports, which are similar in objective, but very different in their rules and guidelines. In each of these major sports there are rules and guidelines that the players must follow. The topics that will be covered are the weight differences between the players in football and hockey, the use of Creatine Monohydrate, and last the equipment restrictions. This first paragraph will discuss the weight difference between the players in the NFL (football) and the NHL (hockey). Although there is no written rule as to how much a player can weigh in either of the sports, there is the unwritten rule that the players and coaches follow. The average hockey player weighs about 185 pounds. The average weight of a full NHL hockey team consisting of 24 players is about 4,500 lbs. Coaches in the NHL do not want their players too weigh more than 200 though because as Mike Milbury the coach of the New York Islanders put it â€Å" when a player is as big as a football player (approx. 250 lbs.). It is harder for a player to move quickly and elude an upcoming check†. In the NFL, it is the opposite of the NHL. The coaches don’t want their players too weigh less than 200 pounds. The Punter/Kicker is the only position that it doesn’t really matter what the weight of player is. On average the weight of a NFL player is 250 lbs. The averag e team consisting of 48 players weighs about 12,000 lbs. This paragraph talks about a very controversial substanc...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Branches of Philosophy Essay

There are five types of branches in philosophy. These branches can be categories as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics, and Estetics. The first branch of philosophy is Metaphysics, also known as the study of existence. Metaphysics act as a foundation in philosophy as well as the foundation of the view of our world. Metaphysics is very important to all of us as it help us to deal with reality by explaining and interpreting the world and nature around us. As you can see, without Metaphysics in our life, we will be unable to preserve our life as well as being ambiguous toward the information and knowledge around us, if this happen, we will have difficulty to live and comprehend the world. Therefore, Metaphysics is very important in our life. There are also some key elements of a rational metaphysics, one of the most important element would be reality. From a metaphysical side of view, reality must be understood perfectly and correctly because reality can be said as absolute and consistent. It has a specific nature independent of our thoughts or feelings. Besides reality, causality also play an important role in metaphysics. This is because everything happens for a reason and also an effect. Every entity has a specific nature and act according to that specific nature. Therefore, we can define that causality is means by which changes occurs, but the changes occurs depending on a specific nature. The next branch of philosophy is Epistemology, which is also known as the study of knowledge. This branch of philosophy is used to address the question â€Å"How do I know about it† as Epistemology is the study of our method or ways to acquired knowledge. It also relates our minds to reality by concerning how are they related to each other before determine whether these relationships are valid or invalid. Epistemology also encompasses the nature and construction of concepts. All mental things such as idea and emotion are also compasses by Epistemology. We need to have Epistemology in order to identify the true and false in our daily life and also the method or ways of evaluating certain things to acquired knowledge and experience toward the world around us. Epistemology is important because we will not be able to identify right from wrong as we are unable to think properly without Epistemology. On the other hand, we will be able to achieve our goal as well as acquired more understanding toward reality if we got enough degree of Epistemology. Flaws in epistemology will make it harder to accomplish anything. One of the key elements of a proper Epistemology is our own senses. Our five senses are valid and also are the only way we can gain information about the world around us. Besides that, logic help us to maintain consistency within our knowledge. Validity is determined by objectivity while concepts are abstraction of a certain details of reality. These are all the key elements for a rational Epistemology. Ethics, also known as the study of how a person acts in his daily life, is dependent on Epistemology because it is impossible to make choices without knowledge. From a fundamental point of view, ethics is a method or way to categorized and pursue our own values. Human needs Ethics to live. This is because without ethics, the whole world will become chaotic as all our action will be aimless and random as all of us are unable to decide a course of action. Ethics will not be able to completely help us to pursue our goal if rationality is ignored. We must all have a rational ethical standard at a certain degree which we are able to identify our goal clearly in order to accomplish our most important values. Every branches of philosophy have their own key element to achieve certain level of value. For ethics, it requires a standard of value to which all goals and actions can be compared to. The ultimate standard of value is none other but the value of our own lives. If a person is able to recognize his importance not only to his physical survival, but to his well-being and happiness, that certain person can be said to have a very good and proper ethics in his life. One of the subset of ethics will be the next branches of philosophy known as Politics. Politics can be defined as the study of how men should interact in a proper society and what constitute proper in life, in other words, it is the study of Force which answer the question ‘What action are permissible’. Politics can be applied to every single person or a group of people. A society is set up by Politics as politics tell how a person should act or behave within a certain society. Politics is very important in a society and even a country itself, this is because a political system in a society or country will greatly affect the individuals within that specific area. The people within that system are allowed to function or act according to the nature of the politics that is applied there. If the system is unable to work out, it will either collapse such as the Communist Russia or it will cause rebel such as in Czarist Russia. The main goal of Politics must be the faculty of reason. This is because reason is the main means of survival for a man as ones cannot survive in an ineffective environment. In a moral political system, coercion must be banned because reason does not function under it as man cannot be forced to think about what is right or wrong. Society cannot be forced to think, but, government plays an important role here as governments can objective laws and also monopoly retaliatory force to prevent one person from doing illegal things that might harm the society. The last branch of philosophy is also known as the study of arts and the sense of life which is called Esthetics. Esthetics also studies the methods of evaluating arts and also the judgment of arts itself. This branch of philosophy depends on the previous branches of philosophy which is Metaphysics, Epistemology, and ethics. It is important to study art because art existed through all of recorded human history. Human’s unique ways of thinking and evaluating makes art unique as well. A person ability to abstract the concept of art can determined the standard of one’s life as well as satisfying his personal intellectual needs. This is why Esthetics is very important as it delves into the reason why does art existed. The main key element of a proper Esthetics is none other than a person’s value judgment of the creator. With the field of ethics, these value judgments can be evaluated as well as observed because art is a selective recreation of reality.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Energy Consumption And Its Effect On The Environment

Introduction Energy consumption is universal to all, in spite of the location in the world. Different countries and people consume different amounts of energy at any given time. Energy consumption ranges from small-scale to large-scale uses for different purposes. However, what is common to all despite the amount used is the impact of the consumption that cuts across every region. Among the most fundamental sources of energy used on regular basis, include oil, natural gas, and coal, which are fossil fuels. The generation of energy from fossil fuels requires combustion to take place, which, as a resultant, causes pollution to the atmosphere. An increase in the pollutants in the atmosphere causes environmental issues in the specific locale and the globe on a larger scale. The main pollutant to the environment due to fossil fuel combustion is the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Climate change is accelerated by the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere; there have been efforts from around th e world by governments to reduce the emission of this greenhouse gas. Some measures put in place has reduced the emission of the said gas, however, some are yet to yield the desired result. Different countries consume different amounts of energy, and therefore, the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment varies greatly from one country to another. Energy in the United States and China Both China and the United States are the major global consumers of energy in the world. AsShow MoreRelatedUse Of Phase Of Building A Largest Stage That Impacts Environment During The Life Cycle1583 Words   |  7 PagesUse phase of building is the largest stage that impacts environment during the life cycle, so require more attention in the field of energy saving of building. 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Cetic [4] Energy consumption, indeed, represents one of the essential properties of embedded applications, mainly for those devices whose autonomy depends on battery life. The lack of precise and suitable methodology for energy consumption estimation for embedded applications based on ultra-low power heterogeneous multicore DSP platforms inspired a solution that will be presen ted by author in this paper. Author developed a pluginRead MoreThe Consequences Of The European Union1189 Words   |  5 Pagesindustries. Research of trade law and international relations has suggested that the UKs growth aspirations could exacerbate energy and consumption problems following the exit from the union (Wadsworth et al., 2016). There are many issues that are at stake that the two parties contributed to each other. A focus will be given to the impact that it has had on energy and consumption. Following the decision to exit the union, UK has had various challenges in trying to come up with an effective means of self-sustainingRead MoreThe Implications Of The Rebound Effect On Resource Efficiency1459 Words   |  6 PagesSummary The implications of the Rebound Effect on resource efficiency strategies implies that, if rebounds associated with energy savings are significant, then efficiency measures will have far less effect in reducing the rate of resource production, consumption and the increasing environmental impacts. The ongoing debate on rebound between experts in industry, focuses on how much of an impact The Rebound Effect has on efficiency schemes and policies. Analysts such as; Harry Saunders (BreakthroughRead MoreThe Construction Of Green Buildings871 Words   |  4 Pagesbuilding requirements and ways to reduce the use of water-saving appliances and other water; in energy efficiency, green building should be based on local natural conditions, full consideration of natural ventilation and natural lighting, can reduce the use of air conditioning and lighting, instead of that the building can use passive ventilation system, in order to prevent energy and resources waste. Effects on the Society Better indoor quality is to consider how climate and location characteristics